Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Today's Blind Items--Jackass

First, ZX will be revealed on 6/4 so stop with that conspiracy crap. The only thing I am saying is that I don't know if ZX will post anything beyond that date.

So this barely A list television actor (definition=someone who has had their own show or been the star of a television show for more than 5 years combined or 3 years on one show.) who is not CURRENTLY on a show has a very recognizable older face. His favorite game is to sign up for Girl Scout cookies or any other approach made to him at his house or at the grocery store. Whether it's food or signing up to contribute for a walk for cancer, our actor is the first to sign up and always makes the largest pledge or order. He loves being the big shot until it comes time to pay. Then he's unavailable or off filming or can't be disturbed. He has been known to order $1000 worth of goods from a kid which makes their day and then is never heard from again which often leaves the parents of the child having to pay. No one has ever forced his hand or taken him to court. The only reason it even came to light is that even though he's never paid a dime for any of these pledges or orders he keeps track of them and tries to deduct them from his taxes each year. Nice huh?


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    james caan


  2. Anonymous12:44 PM

    My first thought was Martin Sheen, but I think his run on the West Wing was longer than 5 years. I'm starting research.


  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    ha, there will be a reveal. stick your head up your asses all you anons and non-anons that were non beleivers.


  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    get over it michele and stop acting like a freakin child. it's people like you who ruin the fun of this site.

  5. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Okay here are some I'm thinking it MIGHT be:
    Ted Danson
    Jerry Seinfeld
    Kelsey Grammar

    I'm not sure if the definition ENT gives is specific for this person or is definition of barely A-list tv actor. Still not happy with these 3...


  6. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I don't think it's any of those guesses. I think it is someone who does not have children, just because he likes to stiff kids with their girl scout cookie orders, etc... I don't think a parent would do that.

  7. Anonymous1:02 PM

    tom selleck
    dick van dyke

  8. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I dont know why John Goodman came to mind.

  9. Anonymous1:03 PM

    LOL! methinks Enty is a bit sick of our A-list, B-list, can open/cannot open debates! Spelled this one out for us.

  10. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Matthew Perry? (Studio 60 has been cancelled, correct?)

  11. Anonymous1:06 PM

    yea, you're right, it's pople like ME who are ruining this site. it's not the neigh sayers or the non believers. i was simply pointing out that there will be a reveal and all the bad mouthing can now stop.


  12. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Hmm...what about John Lithgow? He's looked the same since Footloose—tired and old. He was in Third Rock From The Sun. But John Goodman that's interesting.

    Anon 1:01, it's gonna be rough to narrow down older faced tv actors that don't have kids. Plus, the BI doesn't specify. Older folks would have older kids that are outta the house, leaving them cold and bitter. :)


  13. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Ricardo Montalban

  14. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Michele - easy, girl. Just tone down the rhetoric a tad. No need to be so harsh. It's just not that important.

  15. Anonymous1:11 PM

    My apologies Michele. I guess I misinterpreted your comment of "... stick your heads up your asses". I didn't realize you were trying to say that the badmouthing can now stop.

  16. Anonymous1:16 PM


    Has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?

  17. Anonymous1:21 PM

    What about Tim Allen?

  18. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I don't know why - but George Segal came to mind.


  19. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Tim Allen?! He has kids it not him! Just kidding 1:21. I think all of these are possible because the BI doesn't give enough clues. All I have is:

    a-list tv actor
    not currently on a show
    recognizable older face

    Ent, more clues. Is her married. Does he have children? Was the show a drama or comedy. Did he win an emmy? Something!


  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Anonymous1:33 PM

    it sticks out to me that ent says "his favorite game" is that a clue? other possible clues, approach and big shot?


  22. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Now this should be a reveal. Ripping off little kids.

    If we find out who it is, I'll pay one of you West Coasters to go egg his house.

  23. Anonymous1:38 PM

    don johnson

  24. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Wilford Brimley
    (our House)

  25. Anonymous1:42 PM

    William Shatner popped into my head.

  26. Shatner is on Boston legal.

  27. I can't spell, I meant Dennis Franz from NYPD Blue.

  28. Anonymous1:45 PM

    "His favorite game" = Sports Night?

    Robert Guillaume perhaps? Soap, Benson, Sports Night, and he is older A list.

    the plotterist

  29. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Send me the egss, I'll get him! How crappy can you get to do that to a kid? Some kids need that money for uniforms, supplies, equipment, etc. If I get arrested during the egging, can somebody get a collection going for my bail? Maybe I'd get a chance to say hey to our buddy, Paris.

  30. I really don't think it's John Goodman - I seem to remember Ent had a kindness story before Xmas about a chubby actor who volunteered to play Santa for a charity thing, and it was clearly Goodman. He's also been pretty active in post-Katrina charities, so his heart seems to be in the right place.

    I also don't think it's Lithgow. He seems pretty "real" - I've read quite a few good things about him on other gossip sites, especially that he has a sense of humour about himself.

    Ted Danson I could definitely see, except I don't think his wife would let him get away with that crap. Tom Selleck is a definite maybe.

    I think the "had his own show" could be a big clue.

    Sadly, there is no list of Hollywood's biggest welchers!

  31. Anonymous1:50 PM

    enty: don't reveal ZX.
    we really enjoy her entries.

  32. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Mark Cooper of Hangin' with Mr. Cooper fame? With the basketball references and the clue about a recognizable face? Just a shot in the dark, but that's who I thought of.


  33. Anonymous1:54 PM

    This one has got me intrigued. My first thought was Kelsey Grammar, but my second thought on that is no. I don't think it's Ted Danson either. I've heard good things about him. Should we run through the rest of the Cheers cast?

  34. Anonymous1:59 PM

    How about someone like Alex Trebek or John Whatshisname from Seinfeld that did Dancing with the Stars and how hosts Family Feud? I'm just rolling with the "favorite game" line.

  35. Anonymous2:00 PM

    bob barker

  36. Anonymous2:01 PM

    It is Tom Bosley. My daughter was involved in one of his unpaid orders. She was heartbroken as we watch Happy Days all the time and she always wished Howard was her father. Hey, wait a minute. What does that say about me.

  37. Anonymous2:03 PM

    LMAO "stop with that conspiracy crap". I truly love you. Make me laugh and I'm yours.

    I like ZX too by the way.

  38. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Don Johnson

    he's had tons of financial issues

  39. Anonymous2:11 PM

    enty: xxoooo

  40. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Pinky, I wouldn't call John Whatshisname (what IS his name?) the star of a show. Not even a co-star. More like a cameo player.

    Thankfully. I'd hate for it to be him.

  41. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Put me in the Kelsey Grammer camp.

    Ent's use of "not CURRENTLY on a show" makes me think this person either just had one cancelled or is about to start a new one. Kelsey Grammer has a new show starting in the fall. Even though his show ran for 9 years or so, I would say he "barely" qualifies as A-list, using the definition provided.

    Does he have an "older face"? It's certainly recognizable, though "older" is probably in the eyes of the beholder (KG is 52). I guess it could work. And blame it on Frasier, but I could see him playing the big shot.

  42. Anonymous2:16 PM

    i thought becuase he is an older a-list tv guy but then i looked up his wikpedia bio "On April 28, 2000, he received an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University. He was chosen because of his outstanding character and ethic. He is a board member of the non-profit Michael Josephson Institute of Ethics and co-founder of the Character Counts Coalition" if selleck was as big a jerk as this guy is he would probably have been revealed as a poser already, it's one thing to go to a charity event and make promises that you don't keep it's another thing to sit on the board of a charitable organization and not be revealed.

  43. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Anonymous said...
    i thought becuase he is an older a-list tv guy but then i looked up his wikpedia bio "On April 28, 2000, he received an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University. He was chosen because of his outstanding character and ethic. He is a board member of the non-profit Michael Josephson Institute of Ethics and co-founder of the Character Counts Coalition" if selleck was as big a jerk as this guy is he would probably have been revealed as a poser already, it's one thing to go to a charity event and make promises that you don't keep it's another thing to sit on the board of a charitable organization and not be revealed.

    2:16 PM

    this post is about tom selleck, yeah i know it generally helps if you include the name.

  44. Anonymous2:21 PM

    First name I thought of was Tony Danza.
    I'd be bummed if it's Tom Bosley.

  45. Anonymous2:24 PM

    SB - I humbly disagree with Kelsey Grammer being barely A-list. Frasier was one of the top-rated shows on NBC. As far as A-List TV goes, he's an A.

    And Sister - do you prefer Twisted, or Sister, cause I'm too lazy to type both ;) although, I just did - Whatshisname (O'Hurley!!!!) is the star of Family Feud now.

    But since we have an actual person who can testify I'll go with Tom Bosley. How long did Happy Days run, and how about Father Dowling Mysteries? I wonder if they're 5 years and 3 years respectively...

    And lisap515 - I'm with you on the 'stop with the conspiracy crap.' Enty's SPUNKY today!

  46. Anonymous2:24 PM

    omg, the 1st person to pop into my head reading this was john stamos.


  47. Anonymous2:29 PM

    yikes mookie - makes me feel old if you think john stamos has an older face. :) eek indeed. haha

  48. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Mookie - I went with the Everybody Loves Raymond guy...not the dead one, the little brother Raymond. I hate that show, hence why I can't remember his last name and I personally refuse to look it up. He's such a whiner, I wouldnt be suprised.


  49. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Wow - Happy Days ran 10 years, and Father Dowling ran 4. HAHAHAHAHAHAH another one of his credits:

    The Stingiest Man in Town (1978) (TV) (performer: "A Christmas Carol/Overture", "An Old Fashioned Christmas", "The Stingiest Man in Town", "Birthday Party of The King")

  50. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Tom Bosley?! Say it ain't so. But I can see why he pushed Hefty trash bags in the early 80s, he must belong in one for ripping off children and folks with the cancer.


  51. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I vote for Don Johnson--he seems such a poseur.

  52. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Tim Daly? Steven Webber? Any of the Wings guys?

  53. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I'd say that if it were Grammar, he would've said recognizable voice rather than face since grammar has been doing way more voice work lately than face work.

  54. Anonymous3:08 PM

    I agree w/ Pinky...Kelsey Grammar is definitely considered A-list, still. However, the guy who played his father...John Mahoney...might be a possibility. Also like the John O'Hurley idea.

    I think Tom Bosley is too old now to be considered on any list!!

    I think we have to consider some other things Enty said--this happens at home (door to door GG cookies) or at the grocery store...so he's not big enough (now/anymore)to have someone do his shopping for him. Get the impression that he likes to be the big fish in the small pond, so maybe a smaller community (does Tim Allen still live in Detroit??). Also, if it would "make a kid's day" to have him pledge, that kid would likely be in a position to see said actor on tv...Kelsey Grammar is def. out cuz no GG watches Fraiser!!! lol So there's another tick for Tim Allen.

    Leaning toward Tim, here. Maybe just cuz he's a former con busted for dealing coke--dealers do crap like that.

    Not that I'm in a position to know. ;-P

  55. Anonymous3:20 PM

    As for Tom Selleck -

    Michael Josephson Institute of Ethics and co-founder of the Character Counts Coalition

    Well, those are right wing orgs that love to hand out accolades to whoever will give them the time of day.

    Reading a bit about them, they sound like the Boy Scouts on steroids, except Character Counts really doesn't do very much for anyone - just congratulates people for having the same set of "values".

    I don't think this BI is Selleck. But getting a plaque from an empty organization, and working that into an honorary doctorate, doesn't make him a good guy.

    If I start a club called The Coolest Chicks Ever!, are you going to automatically take me at my word and think I'm swell?

    the plotterist

  56. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I am Anon 12:37 or whatever it was the other day - My first name is Barb and I would like to say that I am SORRY for the opinion I gave the other day where I said ZX's posts seem immature and where I expressed doubt about her authenticity. It was my opinion, only, and I didn't think I expressed any "hate" or insecurity about my life or whatever other evil things people have said I and others have done (or have in our hearts! Oh, brother!). I am a lawyer turned stay-at-home Mom who has gotten into a bad habit of reading this and other blogs too much, but I assure you that I have a full, busy life and I am not obsessing or "lurking around" trying to bring down this blog or wound ZX with my negativity or something (all this on a blog where the purpose is to gossip and say sarcastic and mean things about other people - the irony!).

    I enjoy the blog or I wouldn't read it, obviously. I even enjoy ZX's posts, but I am not interested or invested enough to work up hatred or a vendetta against her. It's so absurd I can't even believe I am writing this now.

    I am not alone in expressing some doubts, as I read many before mine. So there is not "one bad apple" amongst you, continuously posting negative things to ruin it for everyone, whether about ZX or ENT himself (talk about conspiracy theories!). I can't get over how silly this is, and I regret posting my observations, and in retrospect, I should have kept it to myself, especially seeing the environment in this comments section. I am new at this blogger commenting stuff. But I wish people would stop this ridiculous "haters" thing, which now is compounded by the latest news that ZX is so hurt by negative judgments about her that she can't even bring herself to post again. Frankly, I am a little astounded at my power (or role in it with others) to impact what an up and coming starlet thinks and does. Her sudden sensitivity doesn't fit her "devil may care" posts. But ZX, my sincerest apology. These people apparently need you, and I am looking forward to finding out who you are on June 4th.


  57. Anonymous3:40 PM

    See? I am so new at this that I stupidly put this under the wrong post - this goes with the ZX thing below, but I don't have the energy to retype it and I need to get my kids in and ready for bed.

    Santa Cop, uh, I mean Barb.

  58. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Pinky, you can call me Twisted or Sister or TSis or Sis or mofo. I've been called everything...lol.

    I used to work for Tom's brother, Dick, who was the CFO of the company - and you know how tight fisted THOSE guys are. Maybe it runs in the fam.

  59. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Hey - Barb, nice post and bully for you for stepping up to the plate. Goes to show all of us that no matter what our role on this planet, we're all human and have feelings...although the jury's still out on Tom Sizemore. I kid! Jury's pretty much convicted him.

  60. Anonymous3:55 PM

    T-Sistah - hows about placing a call? "Say Dick..is your brother a dick too?"

    Actually my father's name was Dick. Never could understand why he chose that over Rich or Richie like he was called when he was younger. He got into a verbal altercation with this woman and she stopped him mid-conversation and said, "Excuse me, I don't know your name." and he said, "It's Dick." She said, "Suits you." LOVE THAT STORY!!!

  61. Anonymous4:05 PM

    ROFLMAO!!! What a great story!

    I can't call Dick because he was old when I worked for him 30 years ago and I think he must be retired by now. Or worse.

    I have a Dick story, too, but it's with the last name. I worked for an insurance company and one of the bigshots at A.B. Dick company got married and their human resources person called to add her to his insurance policy. Her name was Anita. NO LIE!! Anita Dick. We laughed about that one for a LOOOOOOOONNNNG time.

  62. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Kelsey Grammar or Dennis Franz

  63. Anonymous4:09 PM

    OMG - that poor girl. Makes me feel sad, cause Anita Dick too...

  64. Anonymous4:16 PM

    i don't see any of the people listed as being that mean. most have children, work with children or children's charites.
    i honestly can't imagine who would be such a prick (sorry).

    and barb, i have to hand it to you. i agree w/ pinky, it was really big of you to take a deep breath and type that. we're not as mean over here as at some of the places i hang out, except to the mean anons. thank you for for being a stand-up gal!

  65. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I am not obsessing or "lurking around" trying to bring down this blog or wound ZX with my negativity or something. Barb thanks for putting so succinctly what many of the posters who don't tow the party line feel. It's not ever personal for me as well but in fact "regulars", anon or not, here are nasty w/ those they don't agree with. Sad but true. No conspiracy theories here, just honest questions and proud of it.

  66. Hey, Barb, we all have our nasty days. There are bad spots on my apple, too. We regulars do get pissy but, no that doesn't make it right. Nowadays I'm trying to save my ire for the truly deserving candidates, like the Jackasses in Ent's posts. Nobody's perfect, but as you can see from the positive response to your comment, a little self-effacement goes a long way here.

    Hey TSis, could you clarify which Tom was brother to your Dick (sorry, couldn't resist). Selleck or Bosley?

  67. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Wow. Well, I enjoy the ZX posts and am hopeful there is a reveal. I'm wondering if anybody has guessed Xtina Ricci yet????? Have a good evening ladies.

  68. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Pinky, and others - I concede - probably not Kelsey Grammer - face not old enough, maybe not "barely A-list" enough - I buy your comments. I was caught up in the moment, no doubt. Man, I wish this item had a tad more detail to it that would eliminate the big net casting we all have to do here.

    Hey Ent - could you do us a favor (like you did with the TV A-list definition) and do a reconfirm that there are still clues in the writing that should help us narrow these suckers down?

    And Barb - you know, you said what you felt reading the ZX posts. I saw that comment and I do get why you wrote what you wrote. I don't usually comment on ZX's posts. I read some of them; some I skim. It's not really my thing. Maybe I am getting old!

    I don't think anyone really means to be mean to ZX as a person, but many do react to a post. The challenge in blogging is separating the two. My two cents.

  69. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Pinky and Twisted...seriously, you guys are cracking me up. Keep it up. :)

    --Anita Dick III

  70. Anonymous5:25 PM

    you guys are my best friends. i love this blog and all of you. can't we all just get along for THE LOVE OF GOSSIP. enty, i'll marry you. xoxo

  71. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Make that Anita Dick.....also...lol.

  72. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Aw, it's like a very special episode of *Big Love*

    And, Ferne, because I love ya, back away from the Ecstacy ;)

  73. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Aw, it's like a very special episode of *Big Love*

    And, Ferne, because I love ya, back away from the Ecstacy ;)

  74. Anonymous5:52 PM

    anon 5:44-
    that was actually pretty funny.

    don't see martin, either. he has grandchildren.

    it would be really cool to get better hints on the "jackass" posts. but if enty is doing this jerk's taxes (or whatever) i can see why we don't have more clarity.
    and this is one that's really sticking in my craw.

  75. Anonymous6:10 PM

    "I said ZX's posts seem immature and where I expressed doubt about her authenticity" quote from Barb. I liked this post alot! Honest, true to her self & opinions.
    I don't know what or when she posted the "dissenting" opinion, but this seems pretty inoffensive, as does the tone of this post. Not nasty, snarky, just matter of fact. Reading this I got that she should have known better but went ahead anyway & of course, got sh** from the regulars. It bothers me that some still are bitchy & say to her that everyone has their nasty days? Left-handed compliment at best, hoping you "regulars" can step up to the plate & leave the bitch fighting behind. Sheath those claws, save it for the real world and real problems.

  76. Anonymous6:10 PM

    "I said ZX's posts seem immature and where I expressed doubt about her authenticity" quote from Barb. I liked this post alot! Honest, true to her self & opinions.
    I don't know what or when she posted the "dissenting" opinion, but this seems pretty inoffensive, as does the tone of this post. Not nasty, snarky, just matter of fact. Reading this I got that she should have known better but went ahead anyway & of course, got sh** from the regulars. It bothers me that some still are bitchy & say to her that everyone has their nasty days? Left-handed compliment at best, hoping you "regulars" can step up to the plate & leave the bitch fighting behind. Sheath those claws, save it for the real world and real problems.

  77. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Maybe Matt LeBlanc. He has gone gray and looks much older lately. He was in Friends and his own show, Joey. He was a cheating jerk to his wife so maybe that spreads to other areas of his life too.

  78. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Peter Falk
    Abe Vigoda
    Dick Van Patten
    Ed McMahon
    Harry Morgan
    Cheech Marin
    John Mahoney
    George Segal
    Ben Stein
    Jerry Stiller

  79. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I immediately thought of Tim Allen also.


  80. Anonymous7:26 PM

    hey peanut
    "& of course, got sh** from the regulars. It bothers me that some still are bitchy & say to her that everyone has their nasty days? Left-handed compliment at best, hoping you "regulars" can step up to the plate"

    Im an irregular poster at best, but from my vantage point, it seems that you yourself could have easily put the gun down rather than shooting hez in the back.

    practice what you preach sister...
    you didnt even read barb's original email (and neither did i) but for some reason you feel compelled to assasinate hez...

    i didnt read her compliment as back handed at all.... i thought she was being humble and human... she mentioned the bad spots on her apple... wow you give new meaning to the words, "step up to the plate"
    lead by example peanut!

  81. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Back off of Hez she's the person most of you will email when this blog goes 404.
    I know I did when I thought it was gone. Thanks again Hez for all.

  82. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Recognizable older face.
    Not CURRENTLY on a show...his just got cancelled.
    barley A list actor...he fits the bill.

    -The Lawnmower-

  83. Anonymous9:05 PM

    goerge lopez and don johnson are the two best guesses imho. but i have to go with george lopez, don johnson is a big enough star or at least used to be that the tabs would have picked up on this kind of bad behavior long ago. george on the other hand isn't as big a star, especially intenationally so he could get away with it for longer without the tabs exposing him. also he's a minority so a lot of the white tabloid reporters won't print this kind of stuff about him becuase they know they will be called a racist.

  84. Anonymous9:32 PM

    My first thought was Matt LeBlanc, along the same lines as anon 6:52. ~ Stacey

  85. Anonymous9:49 PM

    In Colorado Don Johnson tried to stiff the local grocery store for 10K. They had to take him to court.

  86. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Tim Allen was a BI about giving big money to his Church, doesn't seem like he would stiff little kids a few bucks. I do like the Don Johnson guess.

    "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."

    Midwest Surfer

  87. Anonymous10:40 PM

    ZX = HG?

  88. Hey Midwest Surfer, glad to see you stuck around! The comments section has good days and bad days -- today seems to have been much more thoughtful and civilised. Golf claps all around.

    @ thepeanutfarmer, I'm right-handed, not left- (nor back-, which is what I think you meant). My message was intended as a compliment to Barb, plain and simple.

    I freely admit I've been a bitch before (I've been posting on this blog since shortly after it started in November) and I'll doubtless be one again, my point was I try to follow my better impulses and save the bitching for the real bastards (the subjects of the photos, gossip and BIs here). Everybody knows I'm an easy target around here and I'm mostly used to it and just try to minimize the effect of these microdramas in my offline life.

    But seriously, whatEVS. It's just the interdork, as someone correctly and rather pithily pointed out yesterday. They were right, and I'm just trying to chillax about it all. I might respond when provoked or defend my bros here (esp. The Man hisself), but I actually hate feeling the yuck, so to start a smackdown on someone (okay, someone not Renise Dichards, heh heh) isn't my preferred way to spend my day.

    I am privileged to be the one some of you contact when the blog goes 404. Thanks for saying that, b:).

  89. Anonymous11:41 PM



    P.S. I think it's Don Johnson.

  90. Anonymous12:18 AM

    My GOD!!!!

    Someone outed Tom Bosley 40+ posts ago cuz her kid got stiffed by him and yet you ignore it and keep guessing.

    Do any of you even READ the responses before posting?


  91. Hey, I was down with the Boz guess 40+ posts ago. Since then I've been kibbitzing, not guessing. People get chatty - it happens (usually when we do indeed read all the posts). Do we all have to go to detention now?

    I know it was just a frustrated sign-off, but I actually think KEE-RYST!! is one of the better screen names I've seen here in a while. F'reals. I hope you keep it.

    But if yr gonna lose yr shit every time someone goes O/T or gets tangential, you'll probably be wanting to call in some pharmaceutical back-up. Not sayin, just sayin'.

    Oh, and ROFL @ theinterdorkcometh.

  92. a few points:

    1) Why does everyone assume this is someone without kids/grandkids? Assholes reproduce.

    ....and don't give me the old 'but someone with kids wouldn't DOOOOO this'...BS. I know lots of parents who are 100% jerks to everyone--their own kids included.

    2) Tom Bosley does those ads for SMC (start your own company selling useless crap from out catalog! make millions!), which always seemed like a pyramid scheme to me. Might be something there.

    3) Aren't there lists out there of 'celebs who give the most'? Aren't those kinds of tax records open to the public? (which is how bloggers and entertainment news outlets find out how much people make and give to charity...)


  93. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Pinky --

    You guessed Alex Trebek many posts back. I believe he had once donated to the United Negro Fund at some point several years ago. Not that that would preclude him from stiffing Girl Scouts, but just giving some background info.

  94. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Didn't I recently see pictures of John Stamos at an event? I think it might be John Stamos, although I don't like the idea of it being him. I thought he was a nice guy! He is so cute!


  95. Anonymous8:07 AM

    My vote is for Ray Romano. He played a sports writer on his show, and one of the clues mentioned *game*.

    Plus, he just looks like a creep.

  96. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Some of you people actaully slay me. I'm not usually a big person on casting judgement, but it is a bit silly to guess someone like John Stamos...an OLDER face and NOT on a series!!!

    Tom Bosley gets my guess.

    P.S. I lived in John Mahoney's neighborhood outside Chicago and worked in the bars. Although I never got the chance to meet him, his reputation as a regular, nice, friendly guy was pretty solid. Everyone who knew him said he was very social in the bars and a good tipper. I think that precludes him from being this guy.

  97. Anonymous8:11 AM

    NOW-for an idea on the ZX front...I too do not think you should publicly reveal ZX to any of the posters here. Perhaps just to those of us who have been nice and actually use a screen name for our replies. If I was ZX I'd tell half the people on this board to stuff it where the sun don't shine!

    It is unfortunate, but no good deed EVER goes unpunished. I was wondering when this was going to get to her. It's unfortunate, but trolls are ALWAYS going to be an issue in the blogging world.

    That said, I do hope ZX continues to post and if she doesn't want to reveal, I think that's fine by me. I'd much rather hear more about her life as a working actress and really appreciate all she's done already.

  98. Anonymous8:13 AM

    enty: can you limit posts to members.plz

  99. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Hearing stories like this jackass and the one b) told us about Don and his Johnson stiffing a grocery stor for 10K just drive me insane. It's like serial killers - when does that turn come about in someone's psyche when they think that kind of behavior is acceptable? And why, why, why do celebrities get comped? They're RICH - they don't need to be comped. What they SHOULD do is pick someone else out of the crowd and say "thank you, that's very kind, but would you mind comping their table instead?" Then Enty would have a bunch of kindesses to write.

  100. Anonymous9:11 AM

    here's a thought... what was the guy's name who did the "miami heat" tv show with don johnson?
    phillip michael thomas? he was a real ass, i remember him spouting off about what a wonderful actor he was, wonderful person, very impressed with himself.
    that was quite a while ago, though.

    one little thing and i'll try to get off the subject. i absolutely disagree with revealing only to the "regulars" or "limiting posts to members".
    there's only so many hours in the day. how do you propose ent do this? as far as i'm concerned, he (and ZX) provides a "service" for us as it is. we come here for entertainment, a way to make the day go by faster. can't we please just appreciate what he's doing here? how is he supposed to determine "members"? am i a member or not, since i use the "other" button? i don't have a blog, and i'm not about to give out my website.
    as far as the idiot anon naysayers, can't we just let it roll off our backs? yeah, i've lashed out too, but you know, if we don't respond to the trolls, they'll go hide under someone else's bridge.
    now, play nice. the bunny has spoken.

  101. Anonymous9:18 AM

    I agree with you bunny. I am by no means a regular poster - but I finally came up with - albeit unoriginal - a "name" but I did read stuff here for a while before I managed to come up with it. And while I don't read all of zx's posts I would like to know who she is as well.
    And once again I have no clue who this jackarse is - except it is sad that people - celebrity or not - feel that the world owes them something and have to act accordingly.
    Can't we all just get along. ;) Or at the very least agree to disagree occasionally.

  102. Anonymous9:19 AM

    pinky, i absolutely agree.

    on the opposite side of the spectrum, and totally off topic, but why do people bitch when a celeb spends 10 million of their own money on a private event like a wedding? there are ALWAYS those that say the money should be spent on charity. WHY?
    i support certain charities to the best of my ability, but i spent more on my son's honeymoon. shouldn't it be an individual's choice.
    sorry guys. caffeine does not improve my character.
    thanks for the use of the soapbox, though.

    but as far as the comping and stuff, i'm with pinky. that's a small kindness to those celebs. and you KNOW all that swag they pick up doesn't get used.
    and those like lohan abuse it anyway.

  103. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Mary Mac,

    I guess by your comment, you imply John Stamos is on tv right now? If he is sorry, I didn't know. I hereby retract my nomination for Jackass!


  104. Anonymous11:20 AM

    he's on ER. doing very well from what i hear (i stopped watching a LONG time ago.

  105. Anonymous11:23 AM

    ^ he is on ER I do believe. We kinda tend to take the smartass approach to telling people stuff. Don't take it personally, it was a good guess except for that. And really, I think he's more of a recurring (?) guest star than actually a star of the show.

  106. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Sorry for my smart ass response about John Stamos. He is on TV on ER right now, but the thing that got me was that he's got an "older looking face." We are ALL in trouble if John Stamos is "older" looking. I haven't seen many men his age aging as gracefully as he has. He's gorgeous!

  107. barely A list television actor (definition=someone who has had their own show or been the star of a television show for more than 5 years combined or 3 years on one show.) who is not CURRENTLY on a show
    Even with this definition, some people start guessing people who are currently on a show [Matthew Perry - Studio 60 is still on even though it has been canceled]. We can also rule out any of the three people who were on Friends because that show was on for 10 years and they clearly were the stars of the show. This isn't "barely A-list" this is clearly A-list. Also Seinfeld and Don Johnson have had their own shows for more than three years, also clearly A-list.

    I think Ent is giving you the exact description of our actor by defining A-list. To me, barely A-list means that he was (according to Ent's definition) either starring in a show for exactly 3 years or he was starring on several shows for 5 years combined.

    I checked some older actors that don't star in a show atm. but have a very recognizable face like Peter Gallagher and Tate Donovan from The O.C. but they seem to have a lot more on their resumé than the above mentioned.

    Another person that came to my mind but I think we can rule out is Victor Garber from Alias and the canceled show Justice.
