Thursday, May 31, 2007

Today's Blind Item

People seem to like music BIs as well as TV ones, so here's one that combines both:

This show has been a hotbed of drama since it began, and not just because of the juicy scripts, which usually involve plotlines about people who are not heterosexual (to tell you which gender would make it too easy). Because of its popularity, the show has attracted numerous guest stars who are either "out" or merely comfortable with a degree of sexual ambiguity. In casting circles, it has been something of a hot ticket. But of course, behind the scenes, the petty jealousies and rampant insecurities of some of the cast members have had the crew alternately walking on eggshells and rolling their eyes. So if you've ever wondered why a certain gay music icon has never had a guest starring role (and never will), it is not for lack of willingness on their part. It just so happens one of the more demanding series leads had a long term relationship with said icon that ended badly, and not only is the well-liked singer not welcome, the crew are under strict orders to immediately shut off the radio any time the singer's music comes on the air.


  1. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Melissa Etheridge - The L Word
    never saw it so I don't know the star

  2. Anonymous12:30 PM

    L word -- also have never seen it. How about KD lang?

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I think kd lang, the l word, and the actress that plays shane.

  4. Anonymous12:34 PM

    It is K.D. Lang and the L Word. She dated Leisha Hailey.

  5. Anonymous12:34 PM

    katherine moening

  6. Anonymous12:35 PM

    It's DEFINITELY The L-Word, the unwelcome singer is KD Lang, who had a long term relationship with Leisha Hailey, who plays Alice.

  7. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Tripoli - you've got it!

  8. Anonymous12:41 PM

    yup, Lword, KD, Leisha

  9. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The "L" word..... totally, totally, totally the singer is Lindsey Lohan!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Niiice folks. It took only 4 commenters! I don't watch the show, but ya'll seem to have the inside scoop. I applaud you! (Golf clap)


  11. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Check this out: "Hailey went on to play lesbian punk rocker grrrl Lucy in the teen movie All Over Me (1997), and dated kd lang for several years in the late 1990s. (Which just goes to show that the lesbian dating pool really is as interconnected as it's portrayed in The L Word: Leisha Hailey dated kd lang, who had an affair with Julie Cypher, who was in a long-term relationship with Melissa Etheridge, who is now married to Tammy Lynn Michaels, who will also be appearing on The L Word this season.)"

  12. Anonymous12:48 PM

    yeah, i just went to look up my guess and found the leisha stuff. changing my answer.

  13. Anonymous12:52 PM

    this wasn't a blind item. this was ridiculous.

  14. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I hope Leisha has not been demanding. She's from Nebraska for god's sake. She'd better get her head on straight.

  15. Anonymous1:26 PM

    LMAO This is freaking hilarious - katherine dawn is my second cousin.

  16. There really isn't anything BLIND about this item. IDT the L Word gets a lot of press, even though it is one of the best shows on TV. But it's pretty much common knowledge, the tension on the set, the huge egos... it makes Gray's Anatomy look like an ice cream social. Kristanna Loken has been very vocal about the details and is not returning next season. Many others have been pretty vocal, as well

  17. Anonymous1:57 PM

    "It makes Gray's Anatomy look like an ice cream social." ROFL!

    Are they cattier than the Desperate Housewives crew? God, I need to start watching this show, sounds like the kinda drama I can get into. But this blind item doesn't seem so blind. Ho hum...


  18. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Am I the only one who hasn't a clue about this show? I've never heard of it...

  19. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Lemme throw a guy out there: Rufus Wainwright. Not sure what show though. Women seem too obvious.

  20. Tracee - makes DH look like elementary school talent show -- DRAMA - on screen and off! The acting and script are top-notch. You should really check it out! The only person in my family who will watch it with me is my 21 y/o son, and he's kinda' funky like me. Not for the average bear.
    Anyway, Tracee and Hez, you guys go check out the pix Perez posted of herself and share some snark with me. Grrrlfriend got no biz raggin on the threads of ANYONE. That shit is not even IRONIC, just str8 up FUG. Paging Rachel Zoe STAT for slimification and style!!!!!!!!!
    - kellygrrrl

  21. p.s. a better analogy for DH probably would have been Middle School talent show. That is precisely the picture in my head of the set of DH -- not at all dismissing the levity of middle school. believe me, I know, that shit's rough

  22. Anonymous6:02 PM

    its def the L Word, the actresses are kown for being really petty...
    k.d Lang and Melissa Etheridge are the only really "out" singers I can think of...

  23. Ent, please comment on the PHISHING scheme involving the LA City Treasurer. They apparently used a spyware program to pilpher $500K, or at least attempt. Obviousy, everyone who is reading your blog is someone this could happen to as we use our computers more than we use our cars. It's a great topic for you to share and educate your readers!!!!! Thanks

  24. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I LOVE the L Word!!!!

    Agree this is them

  25. Anonymous7:45 PM

    L Word seems too obvious. I'm gonna keep searching.

  26. Anonymous10:22 PM

    King of Queens!!!!

  27. Anonymous10:30 PM

    if you have some interesting knowledge, spill it, girl!
    even a well designed phish is not too hard to spot if you know where to look. of course DH used to be in charge of computer security in his group at JPL, and
    we only use macs, which have a mucho better firewall than pcs.

    can i ask what the anons want? complaints when the blinds are too hard. complaints AND disdain when the are too easy. somebody pleas call a meeting and make up your minds!

    thank you.

  28. Anonymous11:36 PM

    This was not only easy, it was actually yawn inducing. Who wouldn't want to work with their ex? Especially if the breakup was bad.

    The L Word gossip I want to know aboutis whether or not Karina Lomard had an affair with Laurel Holloman, and whether or not it prompted her to exit the show.

  29. Anonymous5:57 AM

    L-word, for sure. I heard the behind the scenes drama is crazy.

  30. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Where is the ZX reveal????

  31. Kellysirkus, I'd love to, but I've been happily on a self-imposed Perez boycott since March. I don't support that shite even with one tiny mouse click. That said, he is totally grimlorn and I wouldn't want to see pics of him anywhere, let alone his stank-ass site.

    King of Queens is the best guess EVER. That made my morning and I only just got up.

    Enty's late today (compared to yesterday)! Must be plotting some ZX stuff!

  32. The L word is one of my most favorite shows EVER. It's going into its 5th season and I am ecstatic!

  33. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Kd Lang is Leisha Haley's ex. Gotta be her.

    Dyke drama with that cast is supposed to be ridiculous. What's her name (Michelle Rodriguez's ex from Terminator III) did an interview saying that she was grateful to be off the show because of all the diva-ing.

  34. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I see this was guessed a while ago--I'd just like to add that I turn off the radio when kd lang comes on, too--but not because I ever dated her.

  35. It's not k.d. lang.

    If anyone had actually bothered to read the article you would know that. The article states, "So if you've ever wondered why a certain gay music icon has never had a guest starring role (and never will), it is not for lack of willingness on their part." This suggests that the "gay music icon" WANTS a guest role on the show. k.d. lang does not want a guest role on the show. Any true fan of hers would know that. She has no interest in acting. If something is offered to her and she really likes it, then she might go for it. But she's not going to try for a role. In fact, she recently said in an interview, "I don't like to act. I'm not an actor so it's not something I'm out pursuing." And she certainly isn't going to try for a role on a show that Leisha is on. Also, k.d. has never even watched the L Word, why would she want to be on it. The person in the Blind Item is not k.d.
