Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Time Magazine 100 Most Influential People Party

Has anyone ever seen America Ferrera not smiling?
"I'll trade you Jessica for Oprah straight up."
One of my favorite couples.
Matt Lauer and his wife have matching haircuts. Hey, at least they don't dress alike. Well in public anyway.
So do I think she looks like a Queen because she is or does she really look like a Queen?
Yes, Tina. You and Alec will keep working together.
Ziyi Zhang is absolutely stunning.
I wonder who she blogs for?


  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Was that a reveal??'re just pumping us up....

  2. Anonymous11:21 AM

    enty don't mess w/ our heads like that.

    bad enty.

  3. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Ziyi is beautiful! I've never seen her look bad. And her skin is flawless...wish I had that. Does she blog for you Ent? Is that what ur insinuating?

    Thats the second time you have asked the question of "have you ever seen America Ferrera not smiling?" What are you trying to tell us? She didn't have the facelift...


  4. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Is Ziyi ZX?????

  5. Anonymous11:58 AM

    what date was the blind about the facelift cause she does look different. i think we know who ZX is now.

  6. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Ziyi's english is no where good enough to be ZX.

  7. Anonymous1:05 PM

    What is that about Matt Lauer? Is he a cross dresser at home?

  8. Anonymous1:30 PM

    America is not the answer to the blind about the young starlet having a face lift. the blind states it's a B list film actress who just promoted a film. America, although has done film, is now more known for TV. I think that blind item refers to Christine Ricci.

  9. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I think the BI refers to Rose McGowan -- for sure she had a face lift or some kind of major plastic surgery.


  10. Man, some of you people really do NOT get Ent's sense of humour.

    If ZX was ZZ, do you think he'd reveal it like that?

  11. Anonymous2:03 PM

    MMMM. I'll have me two helpings of that Johnny please!
    He's so darn cute with his new short hair!

  12. Anonymous4:32 PM

    do any of you think m.j. fox's wife still wants to ban medical research on animals, now that her husband has parkinsons or whatever disease he has.

  13. Anonymous4:43 PM

    People you are a band of amateurs! lol Ent's way of writting is subtle but it's easy to understand. 1)america ferrara : it's just a report = you can see her smile is natural not fake, she's not already a poseur or a diva. 2)john mayer and oprah's bff (hint = "straight") : they're both gays! lol So jessica is a beard and oprah and her bff are more than friends if you see what I mean. 3)matt lauer is a cross dresser at home = perhaps an answer at a BI 4)the girl below with the gray dress. About the word queen = diva or lesbian? I don't know = perhaps an answer at a BI also. 5)tina : she works with a will with whom she had an affair . I don't know her name and if both of them are married. But now it's over and they have to keep working together = an answer at a BI? That's all folks! lol

  14. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Anon 4:43
    The lady in the gray dress is an ACTUAL Queen. She is from Jordan.
    Queen Rania Al-Abdullah

  15. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Anon 5:42 it's me anon 4:43 thank you for this information : I didn't recognize her! She's too thin now! Beurk So ent is joking for this case : she doesn't look like a queen anymore. Before she was way more classy, but in this picture she's like an hollywood wanabee! lol

  16. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Anon 5:47
    haha, I agree with the Hollywood wannabee. She doesn't strike me as being royal in this pic.

  17. Anonymous6:10 PM

    "Yes, Tina. You and Alec will keep working together. " Ent is joking : it's about tina fey and alec baldwin (they're together in the tv show 30 Rock). And everybody knows about alec's recent behaviour toward his daughter. So tina watch out! lol

  18. Anonymous6:55 PM

    seriously, af for *that* BI? no NO NO NO NO! IT. JUST. CAN'T. BE.

    *sticks fingers in ears, closes eyes and starts yelling NAH NAH NAH!*
