Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Starter Wife Premiere

A mini-series on television is one step away from cruise ships, but Debra Messing still looks good.
Eric will be the purser.

I was going to say Fran Drescher looks good until.....

she turned around.

Brain and Gigi Grazer look fabulous. (never hurts to kiss a little ass)

Lucy Lawless should have been on top, but I was in a hurry. I apologize in advance to all of her fans.

Where Lucy Lawless shows up Marcia Cross is probably not very far behind. No, they are not together.

This is not the premiere I would have figured Steve Austin for, but I'm certainly not going to say anything snarky about it. I don't run very fast anymore.

Talk about getting ready in five minutes. Sharon Lawrence easily beat that.


Anonymous said...

marcia actually looks pretty good, if underdressed.
and i'm not even a fan!

Anonymous said...

Fran Drescher's outfit! Jesus! Its kind of like a librarian that accidentally drank the spanish fly.

Steve Austin is a wife beater. I don't know who that girl with him is but she better watch out.

Anonymous said...

Brendalove!!! LOL!!! Too funny!!! I def agree with the Fran remark! Why even save the back for last? I'm starting to notice a trend with older actresses like Fran and Sharon.

But to me Debra looks tired. Is this just me?


Anonymous said...

Debra looks good, but does she smell good? I've heard otherwise.

Hez said...

I wouldn't be surprised if Debra was stealing souls with that look. Yeesh!

And who knew all Lucy Lawless had to do to make me LOVE her was ditch the Xena garb and the dykey sidekick (sidedyke?)? She looks better than she has ever looked. A bit late in the game to climb on the LL girlcrush train, but consider my ticket punched! Hellyeah!

Anonymous said...

lol @ hez " sidedyke"!
should be put in webster's alongside "fag hag"!

Anonymous said...

wow, debra looks amazing to me...i'm loving that dress. she's such a diva, look at that facial expression!

"A mini-series on television is one step away from cruise ships..."

haha this may be true but I'm looking forward to this, i already have it set on my TiVo for next Thursday. I think it will fill the void in my heart that's been empty since sex and the city ended. yay for chick TV!

Anonymous said...

I thought Gigi and Brian were headed for divorce court, hence all the unloading of real estate. Did they decide to kiss and make up b/c it would cost Brian too much?


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