Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Spider-Man 3 US Premiere---ZX Coachella Report Later

So I've been trying to avoid showing many Spider-Man 3 photos as the cast moves from one country to the next. I showed you Japan which was the first stop, and figured that was enough Kirsten Dunst for anyone. Actually, at many of the stops only one or two of the cast were there. For the US premiere, I broke down and so here you go.

I don't really care at all about Adriana Lima. I know she's attractive, but so are lots of other people. So, then you may ask, "Well, Ent, if you hate her, why is she at the top?" Good question. It's because of the woman who is off behind her who is just cracking me up.

She's just walking along minding her own business, when someone probably yelled at her to get out of the way. (Photo 2) To me, she is a much more interesting pic than Adriana Lima.
Have I been posting enough Ginnifer Goodwin photos lately?

I know Kirsten Dunst is a freak, but do any of the parts of the outfit match? Didn't Lindsay Lohan do some kind of silver lame' thing last week? I hope people don't think it's attractive because it's not. It just makes you look like some cheap extra from a late 70's movie who will do the entire crew for some coke. Come to think of it, that would be right up Kirsten's alley. Not the coke of course, because Kirsten doesn't use drugs.

When supermodels slouch they look very average.
So is this the son that got the lap dance? I'm guessing it isn't because there is no way he would want to go to Spider-Man3 instead of to a strip club with Daddy Diddy.
I've decided that Susan Sarandon dresses like this on purpose. There is no way I would have posted a photo of Susan Sarandon, but because she grabbed her drapes on the way out the door, I said I just have to show everyone. I think she just tries to find the craziest thing in the world to wear knowing it will give her some publicity.
After seeing hundreds and hundreds of photos from these Spider-Man premieres around the world, Topher Grace has always been the best dressed. Every city and every country he really has looked good. Always incredibly dressed and smiling, and just happy to be there.

Tobey Maguire and Jennifer Meyer Senior High Prom 2007.
Wasn't Theresa Russell in a movie called Black Widow? Full circle.


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