Sunday, May 27, 2007

Some Links

I was wondering why Teri Hatcher seemed to always be stained a nice shade of Merlot. (scroll down)

Kathy Griffin knows everything. Well at least everything about The View debacle.

Katie Holmes keeps bribing her film crew. Next week for sure will be L. Ron Hubbard books.

At least one singer is still actually sexy.

OK Buddhism didn't seem to work. Next idea is to wear a photo of the Virgin Mary on her shirt. Yea couldn't you see Paris having an immaculate conception?

Jack Johnson interview.


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Split screen? I am not getting it
    Rosie is crazy she is probably off her meds.

  2. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Katie Holmes treated the crew to snow cones..snow cones... L- A-M-E and this makes it into People Magazine. Woo hoo what do snow cones go for nowadays . 50 cents?

  3. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Someone just put Paris out of her self imposed misery now.Put her in jail a few weeks early...for our sake!!

  4. hey ENT... Long time no talk to.. how bout those spurs?? .. Are you going to be around for some games?

    Also, could you please answer up some of those legal questions?

  5. Anonymous7:42 AM

    What's with all of the kiddy food? Snow cones... cupcakes... Coke Katie filming with a group of children or has she been brainwashed to forget adulthood? This is the kind of food that Michael Jackson would bring to a movie set. What's next - pin the tail on the donkey?

  6. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Split screen=two debating people each get half the screen. So instead of one camera showing all the View girls, one camera is on Rosie & one is on whats-her-name and they each take up half the screen - arguing their point.

  7. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Jack is OK but G.Love-yummy!! I could sit and listen to him for the rest of my life.
