Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Random Photos

Since Amber Tamblyn was in New York and ZX was at a Dodgers game, that would seem to eliminate Amber. ECA.
Beth Ostrosky looks incredible. Of course anyone is going to look incredible if they are alongside...

Ja Rule doesn't quite have the Vulcan thing down but he's getting there.

Katharine McPhee starting slowly in the Johnny Depp "How to Add Flair School."

Rehab anyone?

Naomi Watts looks gorgeous.

Not exactly a reenactment of the last scene of The Warriors, but Owen Wilson did make it out to Coney Island safely.

"Later I'm going to blame all of this on my chihuahua."
1. "You just pulled me over to hit on me didn't you?"
2. "It says right here that I don't have to wear a bra."
3. "Sign this release right here for my tv show."
4. Look. This is a restraining order so keep Tom away from me."


  1. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Nice Warriors reference Ent! Love that friggin' movie! CAN YOU DIG IT?!?!?!?!

  2. Anonymous12:12 PM

    What?! Ja Rule is ALIVE?! I don't believe it! When's the last time he had a hit?

    And Ent, I can't help saying this, but Howard osn't that bad. He does have a zexy voice and he's tall, for a radio dj he's not bad. Now let's talk about Rush...


  3. You think Lindsay read some of those comments about how her neck looks 20 years older than the rest of her?

    News flash: the rest is catching up like a friggin scene from Breaking Away.

  4. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Awww ENT you are so sweet saying a pregnant woman looks gorgeous. Just when (most)women feel their very worst...what a sweet compliment.

  5. Anonymous12:34 PM

    what kind of sadist puts people on a beach with dress shoes?
    i'm sure its great on the calf muscles, but OWWW!

  6. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Has anyone considered Paula might be covering up MS or another neurological problem? Terri Garr said she preferred to have people think she was drunk rather than let them know she had MS because she wouldn't be able to find work.

  7. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I loved Amber's dad in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. LOVE LOVE LOVE that musical. dorky but LOVE IT.

  8. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Never seen 7 brides for 7 brothers. But I did see West Side Story and I Love the shit outta it. The Jets are gonna have their way toNIGHT!!!


  9. Anonymous1:35 PM

    anon 1:08
    i actually did consider that, myself. but she's no teri garr. but i also see paula as an attention whore that would relish in the attention.
    i thought one of the tabs or entertainment shows hinted at that last year.
    she's not dancing or recording anything as far as i know, so it does make sense.

    i dunno.

  10. As great as West Side Story was, Russ Tamblyn is now and forever Dr. Lawrence Jacoby. Remember the two-tone glasses he wore?

  11. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Hez - LOVED TWIN PEAKS!!! I can never see Laura Palmer's dad (forget his name - I'm terrible) without being freaked the f out by him. I was the same way with the guy from Silence of The Lambs. It took me a while to warm up to him on Monk. :)

  12. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Hez, thanks for reminding me! But he was a young'un in West Side Story, and full of hope!


  13. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I just thought looking at Paula again, doesn't that lady seem to be saying:

    "Bitch this is the last time I'm gonna carry your ass. I don't get paid enough to put alcohol in your iv AND lead you around."

    Hee! Okay I'm reeeeallllly bored @ work!


  14. Anonymous3:17 PM

    lohan's head looks ENORMOUS.

  15. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Naomi Watts is gorgeous but that dress is totally wrong for a pregnant woman.

    She looks like a sausage with a piece of string tied around it!

  16. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Lohan looks horrific.

  17. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Tom R. Camp

  18. Anonymous8:41 AM

    1:08 - I have been wondering the same thing as well. There is just something there that points to more than "dysfunctional, drunk and drugged out f*** up". Can't explain it, but I really do think that she is suffering from something neurologically.

  19. Anonymous11:15 AM

    The cop is retired and now works the acting scene. It's for her show.
