Thursday, May 17, 2007

Random Photos

I'm not sure Adam Sandler should be parking in a fire zone, but he doesn't seem to mind.
Smile Gwen. Some guys are just programmed a little differently that's all.

1. The way I would like to see Paris everyday.
2. Practicing escape and evasion for her prison time.
3. Trying to get attention.
Reese dresses much differently than Britney huh?

Does anyone recognize this woman? Check out the clip below for the answer.


  1. OMG! Toni Basil looks like a doll I once left out on the lawn for most of the summer.

    Not so fine.

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Oh Micky ~~ you're so fine ~~
    its sad in Hollywood you aren't allow to age ( Melanie Grifith and her knees ) and Toni , come on she 's old-er now why would'nt she look the way she looks. You are all going to get old one of these days. I just hope I do it with out forgetting and not makeing a bowel movement the highlight of my day.

  3. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Very well said, Kiki! Seeing that video makes me feel old...and you know what? I don't care!

  4. Anonymous12:20 PM

    She's hot for being like 75.

  5. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Why did I think the picture of Toni was Calista F. in bad drag make up. LMAO!

  6. Anonymous12:46 PM

    ENT's comment about Gwen ... is that an answer to some looming BI's? Is Ross playing for the other team?

  7. Anonymous1:43 PM

    OK, really dumb hair, but Toni's 63 (64 this year) according to imdb - not so bad, I think!

  8. Anonymous2:41 PM

    She def went to Mexico for that eye lift.

  9. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Adam Sandler is so cute!!!!!

  10. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Gwen's husband likes to fuck trannies. That's what EL refers to.

  11. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Wow, she's REALLY afraid of eye sag! Or maybe she wanted to perpetually make fun of Asians without using her fingers to pull her eyelids out, like kids do when they're 5.


  12. Anonymous8:50 PM

    ENT are 100% sure that Mr. Rossdale is bisexual? Or did you just hear from someone. What makes you so sure?

  13. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I honestly thought the Toni Basil picture was Judy Tenuta until I scrolled down to see the video. I miss Judy Tenuta and her accordian bliss.

  14. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Gwen was 'revealed' as the singer who has to keep the same hair do and make up because otherwise her hubby goes looking for transexual company.

  15. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Toni looks GREAT! I wonder if she still dances. Great seeing Mickey again, too. Love it, love it, love it!

  16. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Agreed, Mark. She does look great. She probably still takes class but no longer performs.
