Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Random Photos

Well at least Christy Turlington looks better than Carol Alt did.
Dane Cook finds someone who thinks he's funny.
I got nothing. I just thought I would put the picture up.
Jon Heder at the Halo 3 premiere.

Will you look at the size of Kylie Minogue's heels? Good lord she should send some over to Tom Cruise.

Lindsay Lohan is 40 right? I think Calum got what he wanted and now wants out. In a hurry.

Michelle Rodriguez is wearing a dress. I think she looks really cute and should do it more often.

Not so cute. Actually at this point I would rather be with her mom.

"Ummm. Lady I don't know who you are, but people don't usually hop into stranger's cars just to preen in a mirror."
I just think it's interesting that they are at the WhiteTrash Charms opening.
Ryan. This is what happens when you let Pimpa Joe manage you.


  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    what the hell happened to Ryan Cabrera?

  2. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I absolutely adore my new White Trash Charms necklace! I'm sure glad none of those bitches has the same one.

    And M.Rod better pray that boob tape holds. Those puppies look like they're comin' up for air whether she likes it or not!

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I actually thought Melissa Rivers was Steven Tyler. Are they related because they could look like the same person in this pic...

  4. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Jon Heder looks like he's ready to film a new Jim Morrison bio.

  5. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I think Ashton Kutcher plays bass in Lynyrd Skynyrd now!

  6. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Does anyone else think Ashton bears a striking resemblance to the Geico caveman? And when did Jon Heder actually get kinda hot?

  7. I am disturbed! Why is Jon Heder so attractive all of a sudden, have I gone crazy?

  8. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Anyone see the other pics of Hef with Holly? He has his hand resting on her tummy... like a man would if his girl was pregnant. Hmmmm....

  9. snort at the Penelope caption!

    as for lindsay and callum wearing matching jackets... I have nothing..

    except to say that LL is being highly panned (and that's being polite) by 99% of the aussie media lately for the maxim mag sexy women thing.

  10. Anonymous5:47 PM

    ROTF Anon 12:42! It is Steven Tyler! Christy always looked better than Carol. Demi dresses like an old woman. Ash may not want to be flying anywhere. He looks like Che.

  11. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Demi still looks good for her age but her dress sense is always so off - if she got a decent stylist she could look fabulous rather than just good:)

  12. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Never ever EVER will I understand a woman who knows how to look glam and classy pairing up with a guy who looks like he just raced out the door from his job at Jiffy Lube.

  13. Michelle Rodriguez is so hot, more pics of her please!

  14. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Hmmm, Jon Heder looks pretty hot - for a mouth breather...
