Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Punk Retrospective

A cool thing for a slow news day.

Billy Idol-September 6, 1979
Henry Rollins-August 31, 1984
Iggy Pop-January 1, 1980

John Lydon-January 1, 1978

Sex Pistols Last Show-January 1, 1978

Sid and Nancy-January 1, 1978

Sid Vicious Dead-February 1, 1979

The Clash-May 14, 1977

The New York Dolls-

The Ramones-January 1, 1977


Anonymous said...

Ah REAL punk. I remember the days. Any band now like Fall Out Boy or Billy Talent who think that they are doing something raw should check these bands out to find out how it was really done.

Anonymous said...

So sad that the first pic is what Johnny Rotten called “the Perry Como of Punk”.

Hez said...

Awesome pics, Ent. Henry Rollins is probably still wearing those same shorts.

And ITA, 11:01, My Chemical Fallout Boy and all his toy friends can go suck a dick. (Oh, I think he beat me to it!)

Anonymous said...

Viva Punk!!! Punk was awesome. I always regretted I was a bit too young back then to truly enjoy it.

Thanks, ENT for posting this--love it.

Anonymous said...

ahhh Hez, I'm a computer loser - what does ITA mean? And if you're Cnd then you must know Teeneage Head. Sigh. The good ole days.

Anonymous said...

the good ole days indeed, when music still had cojones.

Hez said...

ITA = I totally agree.

This might help:

Funny you mention it -- Teenage Head just played here in Vancouver. I won one of their albums at a sock hop back in high school. Heh.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I should know who that girl with Billy Idol is...she seems so familiar.

Anonymous said...

Yeah they just played here in Edmonton. Sadly I couldn't make it to their show.
You won a record at a sock hop? A sock hop? Wow. I thought sock hops only happened on Happy Days. Now I'm really envious.

adore said...

Look at sexy Billy Idol, wow'ers

Anonymous said...

god, I didn't realize Billy was so old. i was 10 in '79. Still hot.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Boy = my other self.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! The New York Dolls played in Auckland recently and I missed it...totally gutted!

Anonymous said...

That's not Siouxsie Sioux with Billy Idol is it?

Anonymous said...

Is Clay Aiken the secret love child of John Lydon? Seriously, they look like twins...


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