Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Poiret: King Of Fashion Costume Institute Gala

There are just so many photos from this event and so many celebrities and I don't have room for them all. Therefore I selected primarily from people we tend to think of as glamorous or who we do not see much of on a daily basis. Therefore, no Lohan or Simpson or anything like that. I did include one of the Olsens because I have one joke and one joke only for this post and it involves one of the Olsens. The reason for the no jokes is because I think that everyone looks pretty incredible. There are exceptions, but I don't think snarkiness is necessary in every post.

Scarlett Johansson
Say what you will about Renee Zellweger but she makes evening gowns look like they were made for her.
Maybe change the hair. Definitely change the husband. (OK, two jokes)
Jennifer Hudson looks very lovely, although I thought her purse was a Wii at first.
I'm guessing that it was nice for Jennifer Garner to not be at the park for once.
The good Eva.
I know everyone loves Chloe and her sense of style but I don't always get it. This looks pretty though.
I love the dress Christina Ricci is wearing but I wish she had worn her hair down.
Cameron Diaz actually looks pretty. Is that makeup she's wearing?
You know I'm going to put Amanda in here no matter what.
"So, that's L-o-u-b-o-u-t-i-n? But that's not how ZX spells it. Are you sure you're spelling your name right?"


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Good afternoon all! (I'm on the East Coast.) Let's go down the line (of photos)...

    1. Scarlett. Her hair looks gray in the photo. And it matches the dress, which looks weird.

    2. Renee looks great in that dress, but the face.....she needs to stop eating lemons, is all I've got to say.

    3. Jennifer 1 - love her!
    4. Jennifer 2 - She looks great in that silver gown.
    3. Jennifer 3 - I'm still mad at her for having the affair with Michael Vartan and getting Alias cancelled. And her boobs are too small for that dress.

    4. Eva - She could have worn a nicer dress. It's a bit prom-ish.

    5. Ent - lemme tell you about Chloe. I don't know anyone who thinks she has a sense of style. She is usually seen wearing the horrible outfits that make her look awful. This is actually a GOOD dress for her IMO! I think she's photographed because she looks like a clown most of the time.

    6. I'm glad you told me that was Christina Ricci because I would not have recognized her. Did she have some work done?

    7. Cameron looks fantastic! Not the skeletor-bad hair color-blah I have gotten used to seeing. Remember her in the Mask? She was gorgeous then.

    8. Amanda - cute girl, baaad dress.

    9. Which twin is that? She looks incredible! Maybe it's one of those celeb look alikes.

    OK - I'm done.


  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Strapless gowns demand gorgeous necklaces. What is with all of the bare necks? Surely these women own jewelry or can borrow some. Diaz tried but I'm not won over with her jewelry. Her make-up does look very nice.

  3. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I love Renee Z!!!!

  4. Anonymous10:39 AM

    1. What's with those thunder thighs? Not shapely at all! She needs ice skating. Bad dress for those thighs.

    2. Needs jewelry. Think how fantastic this would look with black japanned anything. Great dress though.

    3. I love this dress!

    4. Is she wearing black underwear????

    5. I agree there should be jewelry here. And the bag color doesn't match the dress.

    6. Very nice!

    7. That fabric just looks bad at the hemline. Good color though.

    8. Another great dress!

    9. Could we at least match the bag and the jewelry????

    10. Amanda looks great - very tasteful outfit!

    11. Why couldn't I be in that picture?!?!?!?!?

    I just expect the celebrities to do better than I do. That's all.

  5. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Louboutin and his Laboutin

  6. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Disagree completely about the jewelry; it’s the fashion gala, the focus isn’t supposed to be on a necklace but on the gown. Plus necklaces hide those protruding collarbones…I live in NYC and there is a definite trend away from jewelry and letting dress, hair, YOU stand out (that’s not applicable to engagement rocks, however ha ha)

    Love Cam’s gown and look, thinking that everything has to be so matchy is dating yourself. Metallics go with everything.
    Amanda's dress is a black satin potato sack with two smaller sacks sewn on for sleeves, and (above anon) how can you say Scarlette’s thighs are thunderous, and Amanda looks great when she’s wearing black stockings and clearly looks chunkier there than anyone?
    10:07 (Cyn) agree with all of your comments. The twin is Ashley by the way. (and if you see this Mr. Louboutin, I LOVE the Pigalles I got for Christmas. Thank you for existing)

    ~ S

  7. Anonymous11:19 AM

    UGH, Renee looks like an old lady. She usually looks fab in dresses but I have no idea who told her to wear that fugly dress!

    Scarlet looks washed out. I'm beginning to think she doesn't care anymore.

    Chloe never looks good. It's a shame too, because she cleans up nice. This dress however is bootiful, if she would've lost those orthopedic sandals and ran a brush or comb through her hair we might've never recognized her!

    Jennifer G looks great! It's good to see her dolled up. Eva looks flawless and cool. Love dresses with pockets!

    Ent, thanks for not showing Jessica. If I see her orange boobs blocking her view one more time I swear I'm gonna start smoking crack and partying with Lohan.

    BTW, loved how you just listed "Scarlett Johansson" without any comments. If you have nothing nice to say...


  8. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I think Cameron looks fantastic. I think she looked gorgeous at the Shrek thing. She's got sexy legs.

  9. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Also, thanks EL for excluding the ones you did.

  10. Anonymous11:31 AM

    My newest fav is Cameron Diaz. She is stunning as a blond or brunette and seems quite down to earth.
    How the heck does she change her color so quick to that gorgeous blond? I have been thinking of doing that w/my dark brown hair. Is is possible if you are not a celeb??


  11. Anonymous11:52 AM

    OK, I've seen that dress Eva was wearing a couple of times today, and while she is indeed lovely, I must say the dress keeps making me think of baked potaotes.

    I guess maybe she could have benefitted from a little time with ZX's pal and a tactful "No, honey . . ."

  12. Anonymous11:53 AM

    oops - potatoes.

  13. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Re: Anon 11:19 -

    "Ent, thanks for not showing Jessica. If I see her orange boobs blocking her view one more time I swear I'm gonna start smoking crack and partying with Lohan"


    Cyn - ditto

  14. Anonymous12:59 PM

    anon 10:39:
    have you ever seen an ice skater's thighs?
    in training you build up some pretty heavy-duty muscles.
    and when you give it up, you're sunk.
    trust me.

  15. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Cameron looks so, so much better as a brunette!

    Let's pray she goes back to it sooner or later.

  16. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Ooh, I used to figure skate and had to give up because of an ankle injury, so I will comfort myself that the fact I have horrible thighs is because I had such big muscles there before. :)

  17. Anonymous10:51 AM

    especially now. since they cut out the compulsory figures (dang it. i HATED figures), its now even more athletic than before. but all my teamates, 'cept for the super skinny ones, all had thunder thighs.

    of course you realize i'm talking 30 years ago!!!
