Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ocean's Thirteen Photocall In Cannes

Why am I thinking Brad Pitt slept in that suit and perhaps had an adult beverage or two.

Don Cheadle is one of the very best guys in the world and I'm not just saying that because of the extra chips he threw my way at poker night.
I'm not sure there are any non-artificial parts left on Ellen Barkin.

Matt Damon: "So I'm just supposed to hold Ellen Barkin up and turn her slightly every five minutes."
Scott Caan is a fine actor but he better get down on his knees everyday and thank someone that he got involved in this franchise.


Anonymous said...

Damn. I dread getting "old lady neck".

Anonymous said...

Brad. Brad. Dude! The tapered suit pants look doesn't work. Not now or ever. Dude!
I'm still trying to figure out if I would or wouldn't with Ellen Barkin. All guys think it every time they see a womans picture. Good God. I think I would but I would hate myself when I leave in the morning or that night if I can pull the ol' I gotta go to the bathroom and then run out the front door move. Works every time.
-The Lawnmower-

Anonymous said...

Has EL never had a linen suit? Dude, the "tapered suits pants" are hot, very GQ and look great from what I've seen here in NY on men with great bods.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but Brad needs some STARCHIN'

Anonymous said...

I always thought Scott Caan would end up like Michael Douglas' eldest son. Your right enty he did get lucky.His dad does have pull.

Anonymous said...

7th. No. They are so wrong.
Flat front should be the only kind of suit pants you own. If you own single or double pleat pants, burn em. Horrible. And linen tapered pants? Terrible. The only time you should own tapered pants is when you have an interview in 2 hours, you have no other suit, and Structure (or Express for woman) is right around the corner. Then you get a "get out of jail" pass on the suit but you must throw it in the trash on your way out of the interview.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, Ellen Barkin freaks me out.

But I heart Don Cheadle. He is very attractive.

Anonymous said...

There's linen. And then there's slept in. My vote's with Ent on this one.

Anonymous said...

Interesting take on fashion there lawnmower. I'm sure Tom Ford, Armani & Slimane are changing things up & cancelling the bespoke orders now.

Anonymous said...

I've always thought in summer that the lightly starched designer linen suit like Brad is rockin'is hot! Casual, elegant and sexy. definitely not what the average guy wears. Chic and sophisticated on confident men.

Anonymous said...

Man, Ellen is really barkin' these days. Anyone else thinks she may have used the same surgeon as Jocelyn Wildenstein?

Anonymous said...

I'm w/the lawnmower - tapered pants dont work on ANYONE... really, the 'designers' sometimes try to make these strange trends come into fashion (high-waist pants anyone) and they don't work.. just because they design it doesn't mean they will come (or should) to buy it ...

Anonymous said...

7th what were you thinking? This is definitely not the site to praise anything as radical as the latest fashions. Think Kmart, not Barneys for posters here.

Anonymous said...

Just becasue a 'designer' puts in their collection doesnt mean it is stylish at ALL.

Tapered pants/ pleated high waisted pants for women etc. IS FUCKIN UGLY! I dont care if it is $1200 for a pair of shitty 80s reject pants by Jean Paul Gaultier or what have you..its FUG!

And if you're old enough to remember it the first time, youre too damn old to be rockin the retro look again.

Anonymous said...

11:33am - why so nasty? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand 11:34's rant about huh???? Is Brad Pitt now wearing $1200.00 women's Jean Paul Gaultier high-waisted tapered pants? This is too funny.

Anonymous said...

I actually used quotation marks around "tapered pants" in response to lawnmower, as it was his phrase. I think they're not, just slim cut. Whatever. Certainly never meant to rile people up while saying I thought Brad looked good.

Anonymous said...

Guess the comments are too mild today and we are all looking for some drama - :)
Although I don't like tapered pants, I TOTALLY agree w/7th that Brad looks good -

Anonymous said...

I think 11:34 might be was the answer pinky was looking for from 11:33.

Hez said...

Hmmm... Lawnmower likes knocking back a few on Sundays, wants to burn pleated front pants and is probably not going leave a girl for Ellen Barkin...

Heh. You can sit next to me if you want, sugar...

Anonymous said...

Brad's pants? Love considering them & I vote they're not tapered. Lawnmower dude may a few too many beers before looking this pic.

Anonymous said...

Brad Pitt has a reputation for not being the cleanest guy around. He's got a rep for body odor.

Ellen Barkin looks great for a 60 year old.

Anonymous said...

LMAO "Stinky" is not wearing the dreaded retro look. here's a link

Anonymous said...

Who made Barkin's suit? I love it!

Anonymous said...

This shitty Oceans franchise needs to fuckin die already


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