Monday, May 07, 2007

Ny Daily News Blind Item

Which married country singing star has his managers pick up hustlers from the Nashville airport and drive them to a hotel room rendezvous? They're back on a plane out two hours later.

**What the heck is a hustler? Who uses that word? If they're back on a plane two hours later, our guy doesn't last very long. I mean you have to check in 45 minutes early for your flight. For that amount of time, he almost would be better off spending the $15.95 for spank-o-vision in the hotel room he's renting.**


  1. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Hustlers are male prostitutes.

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I would say it was my boy that married Renee Z., but this says currently married. I don't know much about country music people.

  3. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Hey Ent, I know this is off topic but can you write something on your opinion of the whole Paris fires Elliot situation? Wondering what your insights are.

  4. Anonymous9:13 AM


  5. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I was gonna say Keith Urban too.

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I work in the county music biz and all I'll say is that the rumors of Keith Urban's ways are running rampant right now. So for now, my guess is Urban.

    Definitely not Tim McGraw, Brad Paisley, or Alan Jackson. I know them and their wives personally and they are all incredibly happy.

  7. Anonymous9:41 AM

    I have yet to read or hear any rumor with Keith Urban as being gay. Women yes, but never a gay rumor from any source in the business or not.

  8. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I'm thinking Tim McGraw

  9. Anonymous10:20 AM

    A bit off topic, but I have to say I am dyeing to know who these people are that say that they know this celeb, that celebs wife/husband etc. I bet you they have some good come on spill a little. You are anon on all of your posts anyways :)


  10. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I'm gonna guess Gary LeVox...lead singer of Rascal Flatts. He's always seemed a little light in the loafers.

  11. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Tim McGraw

  12. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Hustler usually means male pros, nes pa?

  13. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I choose to believe that Tim McGraw would never hire a hustler (male or female) or need to.

    Glad to hear he's a happy guy (from an anon source, but still.

  14. Anonymous10:44 AM

    This was out there a few years ago. I remember Garth Brooks being mentioned.

  15. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Once again people,EL is kidding. He knows what a 'hustler' is. He's mocking the use of such a dated word. Yeesh.

  16. Anonymous11:17 AM

    It's NOT my Tim no no.....sob...

    -Faith H.

  17. Anonymous11:22 AM

    It was mentioned in some tell all book preview back in Sept. The "hustler's" name is Big Red. And he mentions Randy Travis and Tom Cruise.

  18. Anonymous11:26 AM

    This sounds a lot like the story about Garth Brooks that came out during the trial for that 'private investigator to the stars'(can't remember his name...starts with a "P", I think). A dude named Big Red described this very same scenario with Mr. Brooks, as well as some interesting tales featurng some more current tabloid fodder.

  19. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Even if you know someone "personally" doesn't mean you have any insight into their marriage or sex lives. So I'm gonna say Tim McGraw just b/c Anon 9:34 says it's definitely not.


  20. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Kenny spoends more time in the tropics than he does in NAshville. He was here for a free show for his birthday (at the Tin Roof) not too long ago but left pretty much as soon as it was over. Isn't Keith on location with Nicole right now? The gossip person at the Tennessean hasn't written about any Keith sightings (and she certainly would) lately. Not too mention I think Nicole is keeping him on a very tight leash.

    Other than idea.

  21. Anonymous1:23 PM

    11:26. I remember that. My first thought was Garth Brooks.


  22. Anonymous1:38 PM

    No way Tim McGraw...well not in my fantasy universal.

    What about George Strait, he always looks a bit too well turned out to me.

  23. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Sorry to disappoint "anonymous 11:33' but the other anonymous is correct about it not being Tim McGraw. I also know Tim and Faith. Not him.

  24. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Again just because you know someone personally as some claim, does not mean that you have any clue what goes on in and out of the bedroom. A close friend was recently knocking boots with someone other than her hubby and I was none the wiser while it was going on. Even the closest of friends do not share everything and I bet it is pretty safe to guess that while you may "know" said celebs, you probably are not best buds with free access to all of their personal info.

  25. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Billy Ray Cyrus.

  26. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Hmm anon 2:33 considering the implication here is 'male hustler' I'm pretty sure if you're 'close friend' was knocking boots with another female you would have picked up signs on this person perhaps swinging both ways.

    I don't know Tim but I am pretty sure Faith is the king of that house and wouldn't let him do anything that may cause embarrassment to her. She's certainly no pristine example of making it big due to talent alone, so she knows what to look for.

    If I had to bet, Tim isn't gay. If anything, he may like the other wimmens too much, which explains why Faith is either with him when he sings or is shooting a movie, or does a tour with him.

  27. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I agree with 2:33. My dad's gay and my own mother was none the wiser for a good 30-odd years.

    I think you'll find most closeted, gay men who are married have "perfect" home lives.

    That being said, I still think it's not Tim or Keith.

  28. Anonymous5:02 PM

    Actually no I wouldnt have picked up on it. Side story..yet another friend for 10+ years had chick flings on several occasions, I just found out about those like 2 years ago. My point is that dont just assume that because you "know" someone and it doesnt matter how well, they can still have secrets. I have many and my guess is so do all of you. Now mine may not be same sex secrets, but damaging to me nonetheless and so I there is no chance in hell I would let anyone know them. Especially if I were a celeb.

    With that, I have to say I think it is Garth Brooks. Ent does not always have current blinds up. He fits this imo.

  29. Anonymous5:11 PM

    It's very obvious that many of the people posting here have 0 idea about the country music industry.
    Here's a hint: Garth is on hiatus until his youngest goes to college, yet he still somewhat remains in the spotlight (attending benefit concerts, going out with Trisha) the country music industry may be laughable to those of you who feel it's beneath your standards, but it is also very lucrative. Garth is easliy *the* name any and everyone thinks of when they think country. He's just that famous.
    What I am saying is that if someone had that on Garth Brooks they could cash in *big* with just about any tabloid or newspaper. Much more I'm sure than they would be paid for a couple of hours (plus airfare) in a hotel.

    Think less famous than Garth and go from there.

  30. Anonymous5:36 PM

    It was Garth Brooks who was serviced by Big Red via

  31. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Which is why it was made public and he was humiliated in the court of the press?

    I'm sorry but a website called just doesn't seem to hold proper street cred.

  32. Anonymous6:18 PM

    All that I am going to say in response to that is thank god I have 0 idea about the country music industry...and by the way porn is lucrative as well. It is also below my standards. Just because something is lucrative, does not necc. mean it is great.

  33. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I soo do not think of Garth when I think of country. Who knew that boy was still around except to flaunt his new wife and act like a good ol family boy (yeah right).
    I was going to say Tim or Keith, but recalling past rumors about him back when I was in high school, makes me believe this could be him.


  34. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Ignorance is bliss I suppose.

    You folks are wrong and since you are so convinced you're right there's nothing else to say. I'm certainly not going to tell you who it is,though I have given you a hint that apparently was wasted.

    Have fun in your gossip solving bubble.

  35. Anonymous7:51 PM

    A little late to the party but my vote is Randy Travis. Lots of talk for many years.

  36. Anonymous7:55 PM

    6:18 - Well that's an ignorant post now isn't it. Just because something is "below" your standards doesn't mean it doesn't have value. Not a huge fan myself (I grew up showing horses, I guess you could say over exposure in the mid 90's) but that doesn't mean it's not a valuable, enjoyable industry. It must suck to go through life and be so negative. And also guessing you don't have too much fun b/c so many things are "below your standards"

    Ignorant Tool.


  37. Anonymous8:35 PM

    The lawyers name was Anthony Pellicano

  38. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Big Kenny -Big and Rich

  39. Anonymous10:38 PM

    i really hate being the old broad all the time, but "hustler" "to hustle" etc., used to mean bamboozled,
    conned, flim-flamed.
    although in this case, guess i'll have to defer to you young whippersnappers!

    now ,where did i put my teeth???

  40. Please let this be Toby Keith. Please?

  41. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Honey I have lots of fun. It just doesnt include country or porn. My standards are different than yours. So what. I cant respond to a snippy comment in a slightly stinging manner?? Whatever. Isnt name calling negative miss/mr double standard?

  42. Anonymous3:17 PM

    to the anonymous poster who gave us the 'wasted' tip in the comments section...

    I'd like to facetiously thank you for making up a stupid commenter alias to ease the rest of us in our non-country-bashing BI hunt.


  43. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Pelicano's a private eye, not a lawyer.
    I know zip about the country music world so just throwing one out there: Clint Black?
