Monday, May 21, 2007

NY Daily News Blind Item-Sunday

Which national magazine editor was kicked out of a Chelsea gay bar for instigating an orgy of dance-floor sex acts?


Anonymous said...

Jann Wenner?

Anonymous said...

Ol' Jann's been sowing some wild oats lately hasn't he? Wasn't he one of the BIs about leaving his long-time partner and hitting the town for fresh?

Anonymous said...

Maybe you folks could do a LITTLE bit of research before you post.. You know, like mama says, think before you speak?

Anonymous said...

i read somewhere else it was the guy from the national enquirer...mike something?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think you mean Gayle King. She's the editor at large of Oprah. Probably her.

Or Lewis Lapham.

Anonymous said...

Atoosa Rubenstein?

Anonymous said...

Marc Cetner, west coast editor of national enquirer


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