Monday, May 07, 2007

Not Getting Any Younger And Running Out Of Rich Guys, Brittany Murphy Gets Married

I think the headline says it all. This one actually seems to enjoy spending money on her and can handle her spoiled brattiness far more effectively than her 25 other ex-fiancees. Pre-nuptial? I don't think so. I just don't see her marrying anyone if she had to sign a pre-nup. I'm sure the marriage will last forever, or until she sees a new dog in the window. Brittany has gone from this funny, comedic sweetheart who was always fairly nice to everyone to a spoiled brat who only thinks about what's in it for her. The transformation hasn't been good for her.


Anonymous said...

I hope he has plenty of money to make up for his lack of hotness.

Anonymous said...

I shouldn't say stuff like that, I'm really kidding. I'm sure he's a nice guy.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ent, I know this is off topic but can you write something on your opinion of the whole Paris fires Elliot situation? Wondering what your insights are.

Anonymous said...

LOL - feel pretty strongly about her don't you ENT!! Hmmm... wonder which BIs she was in...

Anonymous said...

Who is he? Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

Never mind. I just found his name.

Anonymous said...

He wrote Factory there goes his money.

Anonymous said...

thats another BI solved.

Anonymous said...

I think that's the BI too. Can anyone find it? I can't remember the details. I guess Anne Hathaway was not correct.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain the above posts I feel like i've missed something?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Elliot Mintz is doing this to make it look like it really was his fault and make her look good and will be back with Paris as soon as appeal is done?

Anonymous said...

The BI is about this actress who doesn't work because she finds a rich guy. People thought it was anne hathaway. But with this hint we know now her name : an new BI resolved! lol

Anonymous said...

I trust Lainey more than I trust you Ent, so if i'm going to choose someone's impression of B-Murph to believe, i'm going with hers.

That said, would you care to tell us outright what gives you this opinion of her?

Anonymous said...

--Do you remember this blind item from a few months ago?
One of my favorite actresses is finding that the road to seriousness
is tough when you are not serious yourself. This actress who has been
in A-List movies and has had an A list career without the payoff has
begun to try her hand at producing. The only problem is that during
her latest film she spent more time in the bathroom doing lines of
coke than remembering the lines in her part. In the last few months
she had assured everyone that she was clean and sober and an angel all
over again. Two years ago her career almost came crashing to a halt
because no one would hire her. She cleaned up and has been working and
had more in the works. But just like her last few relationships, the
projects are disappearing fast. She has always been gorgeous and
talented, but because of the drugs and booze always one step away from
becoming an acting footnote. ***Update***She has basically sold
herself out to the highest bidder now. Found a rich guy and let him be
the financial backer for her producing and all of her living expenses
and in return she will be his actress girlfriend that can still make
the pap follow her sometimes.


Anonymous said...

I still think that BI goes with Anne Hathaway. Brittany Murphy-A-list movies-A-list career? I don't think so. Anne on the other hand--Brokeback, Devil/Prada, Possibly. I thought I saw something about her on another site.

Anonymous said...

^... Zzzzz..zzzzz...zzzzz...

Anonymous said...

Monjack is a thief, con artist and a sociopath. He has been pretending to be "very important in the film industry" for years...and lost all his money on the horrific film "Two Days Nine Lives"..he even stalked Alexandra Kerry at the Cannes Film Festival a few years ago. She denied knowing him. He has stolen money from many people (especially women), and has left a path of destruction and confusion with many unsuspecting well-intentioned people that tried to help him out of his depression and financial distress. He used them all...B. Murphy needs to consult with a top-notch attorney and do a serious background check on her husband...the truth will NOT be pretty. Let's hope she has a solid pre-nup as he is dirt poor and his family is tired of bailing him. He had to file bankruptcy in the UK years ago...he owes tons of people money!

BTY, he is WAY over 40 years old and is even lying about his age.


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