Monday, May 07, 2007

Nominees For The Most Stylish GQ Cover

April 1964, Marcello Mastroianni
September 1967, Sammy Davis Jr.

November 1971, Johnny Carson
April 1975, Martin Sheen

Macrh 1980, Richard Gere

October 1980, Billy Dee Williams

December 1988, Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman

August 2003, Johnny Depp

September 2003, Johnny Knoxville

September 2006, Clive Owen


Stacy said...

Clive Owen! Oh my gawd, is he the hotness?!

Anonymous said...

mastroianni all the way

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Johnny Depp

Anonymous said...

lol!! *datingmyselfhere!!* i ran out and bought that copy with richard gere after american gigolo! 15 years old, good gawd!:D

Anonymous said...

Johnny Carson! Talk about dating myself! Actually they all look pretty good.

Anonymous said...

Mastroianni fro sure...SDJr a close second.

Anonymous said...


all the Damm that man is Hot like no other !

all the rest look gay and fey

Anonymous said...

Johnny Depp all the way.
2nd place is Johnny Knoxville - he's a dumbass but man is he hot.

Anonymous said...

johnny knoxville

Anonymous said...

Johnny Knoxville!!

Anonymous said...

First and last are the bestestess

Anonymous said...

i do not see a hotness factor in clive owen, he looks old

johnny knoxville is so HOT, dumb as a box of rocks, but hot...

i would pick the cover with johnny depp, if it's solely based on "style"


Hez said...

I'm on the "anyone but Cruise" train.

In the bar car, of course.

Anonymous said...

Depp all the way.

Anonymous said...

Clive Owen, Gere or Johnny Depp

Anonymous said...

Clive looks like he knows how to Rock a woman HARD that right there is sexy hot

noel said...

Hey Ent

I know there is one JACKASS here... just wondering if there is anymore?

See you all around...

Anonymous said...

Clive Owen. Not that I know or suspect anything, but he could publicly state that he is gay, and it wouldn't matter. It wouldn't change my chances with him anyway.
Good god, he is a perfect man.

Anonymous said...

I'm 24, Clive is older man hot (a "dilf" minus the kids if you will), and I would do super naughty things to him. Knoxville also looks super hot here. But Clive, damn. Clive.


Anonymous said...

Clive Owen - Hole-eey CRAP!!

I could stare at that face all day.


Anonymous said...

Re: anon 12:44

Um, Michelle, sweetie, if your're picking Knoxville over Clive I'd seriously suggest an eye exam.

With love, Cyn (ducking behind a chair)

Anonymous said...

mmmm, i still loves me some billy dee!
but, now that he's all grown up, i'd have to say johnny (duh, depp).

loved sammy davis jr. as a kid.

what is that god-awful look on cruise's face? is he smirkling for mivlets, down dustin's pants? (and what are mivlets? why, small mivs, of course!)?

don't ask.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I had the urge to go check IMDB on who was taller, Cruise or Hoffman. I think I know why Tom has that look, he's smirking that he found a guy that's shorter than him (5'7 vs 5'6 3/4")

FrancesDanger said...

I vote for Martin Sheen. He looks suave in a Brokeback kinda way.

Anonymous said...

at lease if we ever meet or hang out, we know we won't be fighting over the same guys :)

i actually did just have my eyes checked, damn doctor gave me glasses for all the computer work i do. i hit the big 30 and everthing is going to hell in a handbasket-(my pets heads are falling off)!


Anonymous said...

yeah, you all see the glasses helped. i meant "at least", not "lease"--ARGH!


tigereye said...

depp, or sadly, even jackass

Anonymous said...

Depp or Mastroianni. That Depp cover is one of my favorites...

Anonymous said...

Dang it is stunning how much Emilo and Charlie look like their father, Martin Sheen.

If I am voting on style... Sammy Davis Jr. Love the plaid and the pointy toe shoes!

If the vote is for pure hotness.
Clive is my man. But without that nasty wanna be van dyke.

Anonymous said...

Michelle - you hit the big 30??? 30??? And your're complaining?

That's it - I'm coming out from behind the chair....

You youngsters....

Cyn - I'm 44 - people think I'm in my thirties and I cling to that with every fiber of my being......

and Depp looks so much better than Knoxville!

Anonymous said...

I'd pick the Gere. When he was young, he was sleepy-eyed sex on legs. That cover stopped me in my mouse-tracks as I scrolled down.
I normally like Clive Owen, but I'm not loving that beard...


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