Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Naomi Campbell In W Magazine

You can read her community service diary here.


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I ain't saying nothing. Bitch'll hunt me down and do a drive-by or something.

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    amen to that!

  3. I have to say, this photo spread is completely brilliant. She's a bitch on wheels, but there's a reason she's a SUPER model -- her powers of spin control are so far beyond that of mere mortals. Who else would have the idea (and the clout -- heh heh I like that word associated with her) to turn community service into one of the most talked-about fashion editorials in recent memory?

    Absolute marketing genius. I tip my cell phone to you, Naomi.

  4. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Watch out Hez! She might find some reason to do a drive-by on you!!

  5. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Fugg Fugg Fugg Fugg.

    Why assault my eyes with this fug cow?

  6. Anonymous1:01 PM

    In Canada Naomi would not be allowed to do this...proceeds of crime???

  7. Anonymous2:14 PM

    ...why is she wearing all of those feathers while sitting down for dinner?

    That aside, the only comment I really have to make is that Marilyn Monroe mannequin would give someone nightmares. WTF is wrong with that dolls mouth?

    And if it's not a mannequin that's even more frightening

  8. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Could someone remind her that she is a NI$$ER??!!!!!

  9. Anonymous5:57 PM

    No dixon but can I remind you that you're a dumbass?

  10. Anonymous1:19 AM

    dixon, leave, please leave back to your land of lily white backwards ass, no good trash talking cross burning scum. lets live now not 50 years ago.

  11. Anonymous5:23 AM

    someone delete dixon please - what an absolute scumbag.
