Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Morning Links

Angelina's map coordinates for the place of birth of each of her children. By the time she's done she may have to grow extra skin to hold them all. I must admit it's a pretty cool idea though.

Lindsay's world--

The world has gone to hell when someone is willing to pay you $1M to host your birthday party. Oh, and if that's not crazy enough go ahead and have a vodka company sponsor the party so all your fellow AA'ers will be made to feel welcome. Meanwhile, on the homefront, Lindsay's parents are fighting over the kids but it didn't stop Dina from plugging Georgia Rule to any reporter who would listen. If Lindsay needs a break from her birthday party or the visitation fight, one place she won't be checking into is the Soho Grand from which she was recently tossed.

Transcripts from the 911 call involving Scott Stapp. He was wasted. Who would've thunk it? Not too wasted to hide the drugs though.


  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Scott's BI was posted on Friday, January 5th regarding a lingerie store...

  2. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I've never really been a Lindsey fan. Never really thought that freckled face strawberry pumpkin pie look was all that hot. But she has been turning me on lately. I don't know what she is doing but she looks kinda sexy lately, in a party girl I'll rock your world to Pluto kinda way. I know a lot of you won't admit it but you know what I'm talking about. Probably just a phase we are all going through. It'll pass. Hopefully.

  3. Ohhhh.. I remember now! Thanks!

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    poor trainwreck that is linds.
    i remember a couple of years ago she did a photo shoot with ann margaret (sp?) and it was a mutual love-fest. she said ann was her hero and she wanted to be just like her (for those of you too young to know, she was injured badly onstage about 30 years ago IIRC. she came back in spite of it, and is a pretty classy gal).
    recently she said marilyn monroe was her hero and she could see herself dieing in the same way. didn't she also identfy with anna nicole recently, too?
    she's the same age as my DD. i'm almost tired of bashing her. she needs intervention and restraining orders against both mommy and daddy. she's going to self-medicate herself into an early grave.
    here's how much things have changed:
    when i was a little kid, don't remember how old, but tony curtis (jamie lee's dad) got busted for pot possession.
    hollywood blackballed him for years. he couldn't work a dog show.
    isn't progress amazing?

  5. Lawnmower, yr cracking me up today. Keep it up!

  6. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Damn, Brad looks old & worn out!
    It just shows what smoking can do to the skin....

  7. Anonymous2:58 PM

    He's been smoking forever. But maybe its Angelina's snatch. I heard it shoots out smoke too!


  8. Anonymous3:00 PM

    He looks veiny,vascular.
    She looks content.

    I bet they had some bolivian mrchng pwdr.

  9. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Tatt looks tacky. Brad's probably exhausted, it's a tough gig being a lap dog.
