Thursday, May 17, 2007

Morning Links

Kate Moss gets back to London, hooks up with Pete, and forgot to wipe it all off for about the millionth time.

Paris gets time off for good behavior and she isn't even in jail yet. I guess when she gets there she can be really good if you know what I mean and get even more time off for good behavior.

Pimpa Joe stopped hitting on 18 year olds long enough to give his blessing to John and Jessica. Pimpa thinks John is a "legend," and thinks he and his daughter are a good match because John plays the guitar and Jessica doesn't. Well sure there are some people who want their kids to be in love, and there are others who definitely go with guitar player/non-guitar player formula.

It would be sick to date your daughter so just go out and find someone almost the same age and pretend.


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    bruce willis is a role model for all middle age bald guys, give it to once for me pal.

  2. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Since Kate is caught with the goods up her nose, does this mean she will get some more million dollar modeling contracts?

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Regarding Paris not doing the full 45 days - I hate to say I told you so.... No, I don't. I TOLD YOU SO!!!!

  4. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Ugh, a close-up of someone's nostril is not what I need. I'm no expert but it looks like someone took a white marker and drew in a perfect white circle. Shouldn't it be more smeared? I'm sure she does the stuff but the photo looks suspect.

    Why is Paris already getting time off for good behavior? What the hell?!! Didn't the judge say in his order that this wasn't allowed? There was a long list of options that he specifically ruled out for Paris and I thought that this was one of them.

  5. Anonymous9:37 AM

    So if Kiki started to walk around all sad-looking and going to church ( hope lighting does not strike her ) and rideing her bike and giving $100 bills to homeless people she could get a reduced sentence?

  6. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I agree, that white stuff in her nose reminds of when Perez draws on his photos. If it was a powder originally, girl must have a snotty nose to make it look like that.
    Speaking of Perez, has anyone looked at his site lately. I used to check it a lot, but now he seriously draws on all of his pics and it is stupid stuff like "whore" and "gay" as well making it look like celebs have spittle coming out of their mouth/nose/etc.
    Why the hell does he get so much press when all of his stories and pics are recycled, lies, or well, you get the idea.


  7. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Perez hates women progay guys just scroll thru the site and read the comments he writes in and is willing to out closet cases . I cannot believe he has the success he had so far. I am just waiting for his fall .

  8. Anonymous12:26 PM

    twisted sister, me, too.
    especially to the a-hole that ragged on ent "you're supposed to be a lawyer and you were WRONG" blah, blah.
    you must live in california, too.

  9. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Poor Jenna Fischer...I hope she knows about this site so she'll have something to do while she's laid up.

  10. Anonymous10:39 PM

    LOL @ guitar / non-guitar player formula.

  11. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Anon 9:36 and Kiki, her sentence was reduced because she showed up for her hearing. That's the celeb version of good behavior. Sheesh!
    I quit Perez months ago - he got nasty to the point of evil. Where's the fun in that?
