Friday, May 04, 2007

Morning Links

The publicists are out in force in the TomKat marriage. Not a good sign is it?

Prosecutors want to send Paris Hilton to jail. It won't happen. As much as we want her to be able to have even more in common with Joe Francis, it's just really unlikely. She'll probably get verbally reamed by the judge as opposed to the reaming she would take in prison. She may in fact get sentenced to a jail term but have it suspended as long as she completes the terms of her probation. She may also just have an increased amount of time on probation. Asking for a jail sentence is great publicity for the prosecutor's office, (remember the DA is elected) but in reality, she's not going to do time.

Liv Tyler joining the cast of The Hulk.

Alec Baldwin is going to skip court today. I wish I could. Honestly, I don't know why he's not going to be there. Yes, the lawyers will do the talking, but the first thing we say would be EL for Alec Baldwin who's not present today and so and so for Kim Basinger who is present. Who's making the greater effort?


Anonymous said...

Alec Baldwin - because he's ashamed, that's why. Because he's so out of control and over the top, his lawyer KNOWS he will make an ass of himself.

Anonymous said...

I missed the whole Alec Baldwin story -- could someone please sum it up for me? Thank you!

Anonymous said...

TomKat - yeah yeah yeah. We already know what the Beckhams, Will Smith and JP, and Leah Remini or whatever is going to say.
Why don't they interview the Prez of Paramount? I'm sure he's been to Tom's house before. Let's get the scoop from someone like HIM.

And I seriously doubt Tom is feeding the baby. Not saying he NEVER has, but that's not a daily or even weekly routine.

Anonymous said...

run, katie, run!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon - if you check back in about 4 hours or so I will send you a link to Alec Baldwin's phone message to his daughter. It's despicable.

Anonymous said...

Not send a link, but post a link.

Is that considered a Laboutin?

Anonymous said...

alec baldwin was wrong to address his daughter the way he did, but that kim basinger released the recording doesn't put her in a kind light either. no one is acting in best interest for their daughter.

Anonymous said...

We don't know if she released it though....the message COULD have been hacked. Oh what am I saying? That bitch released it.

Anyway, here's a link to the audio:

Anonymous said...

Alec Baldwin was wrong and is properly ashamed for berating his daughter. But find me a parent who hasn't lost their temper with their child. Would you want your mistakes broadcast to the world?

Anonymous said...

Nooo! I NEED for Paris to go to jail. I hope you're nor correct this time, Ent!


Anonymous said...

Anon, there's a big difference between losing your temper and actually belittling your child. He went straight for the self-esteem with the "pig" thing.

No wonder she avoids his calls!

Anonymous said...

To Anon 10:51

Sorry...but I have NEVER lost my temper with my son who is now 17 years old. I have been upset at him a few times but NEVER lost my temper and NEVER called him a pig.

Anonymous said...

Neither of my parents have EVER said anything even remotely close to the vile things Alec spewed to his daughter. (that anyone with children defend him is horrible)

Good for Kim for protecting her and also for showing his TRUE colors.

Anonymous said...

To the anons who have never lost their temper with their kids or had their parents do likewise with them, you are in the minority.

Both my parents are good people and they both lost it many times with my siblings. We were a handful, but not awful. Still, they called us ungrateful and selfish a few times and I was called an a*shole a couple times when I was a teenager doing selfish teenager things. We can debate whether they should have held their tongue, but they are only human.

Anonymous said...

in no way were my kids perfect, nor was i a perfect parent. and i certainly said my share of "dammit!"s.
but i did not say damn YOU, and certainly drew the line at name calling. i went out of my way often to say "you did a really bad thing, but you are a good kid".
kim and alec have been back and forth in court, and been quite vicious with each other. i would have taken that tape straight to the judge, too. how it hit the airwaves is anybody's guess.
either way, he's still a major ass.

Anonymous said...

I have to wonder & risk asking, how many of you folks actually believe the writer(s) of this blog is actually a lawyer? I've read a few posts over the months and/or responses to queries from the "writer" that leave me convinced beyond a doubt that there is no lawyer or person with any legal background qualified AND LICENSED to practice in CA or the US for that matter.

noel said...

Legal eagle

I am not sure myself however I enjoy visiting this website and have been coming since November last year. I am not from the US so I am not too aware of your laws but if you look back towards the end of last year you will see somethings (such as advice on perez's lawsuit and the actor who crashed his car which resulted in the death of a young man) that make me think that there is SOME validity to this site.

However I am looking forward to ZX being revealed?!? as well as seeing how this blog develops over the year... AND FINALLY I WANT MORE REVEALS GOD DAMMIT!! (hint hint ENT!!)

By the way, I still don't think that Paris will be in the slammer on June 5th, but I hope she is shitting herself!!

see you all around

Anonymous said...

Apparently there is a God in Heaven, because according to this article on MSN, Paris got 45 days to serve at a women's jail in Lynwood - in addition, she didn't get an option of paying her way into the jail of her choice.

Here's the link:>1=7703&

Anonymous said...

Wrong guess Ent! Paris is going to jail. Couldn't happen to a better rule-breaking heiress. With all her money you would have thought she would have used a driver if she wanted to party then drive but why consider consequences when you are Paris, right?

I hope she uses her time for some careful contemplation of her life.

Amber said...

Woah, she IS going to jail. I'm kind of excited, is that horrible?

Anonymous said...

noel I actually believe that the "legal" opinions written by "EL' on this site are in fact the best indicators that this is not written by a licensed, practicing and "top hollywood entertainment lawyer". The advent of the internet, Court TV talking heads & easy research material has created alot of "experts" that simply relay the information they've gathered. An actual attorney would know the specific laws, pertinent facts and how they impact each situation. A true lawyer is quite literal and the factual errors and omissions are telling, particularly the "Perez" and now the Hilton opinions. There is also no familiarity with the court itself, such as the lawyers, prosecutors and especially the judges. These are essential components any competent attorney would be familiar with, use and factor into any opinion and defenses. That being said, I have no wish to ruin any innocent pleasure others may have with a stated fictional blog. I do find it quite interesting however that the "writer" has chosen to respond on a Saturday with another "legal" mea culpa.


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