Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Morning Links

More on Britney and Howie. I would read the article VERY closely.

Mel B is working on a deal with a network to spill everything about Eddie. You better pay that money quick, Eddie.

Pete Doherty didn't show up for a gig on Sunday. Who would ever think that would be possible? He seems like such a responsible fellow. Even all the judges love him. What does it take to actually go to jail in the UK? Perhaps AllyUK could let us know.

Boy George responds to that sex slave/gay escort/kidnapping/torture charge.

Kim Kardashian is worried her grandkids will see her sex tape. "Grandma, were you a porn star?'


Anonymous said...

Howie Day = answer to the blind item about the opening band that treated their fan girls like $hit?

Anonymous said...

good call anon!
what a dick


Anonymous said...

I hope that wasn't intended to be a slam against "AllyUK" because she dared to criticize "ZX"'s post yesterday? If so, Ent is just as weirdly (and creepily) attack dog defensive as so many of the diehard believers of this site. Maybe I just read it wrong, who knows.

Anonymous said...

i get blocked from viewing the Howie Day article... can someone sum it up??

Im pretty sure he was the guess for the blind item, b/c it was the heat of the Britney rumor and someone mentioned how he was arrested for locking a girl in the bathroom of his tour bus

Anonymous said...

^ Basically it says that Brit and Howie had a sleepover while the kids were at Kevin's. Someone (an uncle?) said that Howie was a "good catch," but the article ends with this:

"But Spears may want to tread carefully before jumping into a relationship with Day.

"In 2004, the "Collide" singer was arrested for allegedly locking a female fan in a bathroom after she refused his sexual advances. According to a criminal complaint, he then broke the cell phone of another woman trying to call police. "That was probably wrong of me," Day told police at the time. "But I felt violated.""

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the Howie and Britney article is the answer to that creepy blind item where a band was really horrible with their fans.

Britney is going from a looser to a even bigger creep -- god, it is so disturbing!!!

Anonymous said...

thank you so very much 9:26! :)

Pope-rah said...

I want to re-read the blind item. Does anybody know link/date?

Anonymous said...

april 4's blind item.. if u click on "blind items" on the right, scroll to the very last item

Anonymous said...

kevin federline is strating to look like one of britany's better decisions.

Anonymous said...

9:14AM, you are totally reading too much into it.

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Say it ain't true!! I really really want that blind to be Jared Leto!!

*buries head in keyboard and cries*

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact Howie IS the answer to that BI. Let's just say I know from experience and leave it at that.

-Frequent poster, so posting anon to protect myself

Anonymous said...


Seriously, you guys are a bunch of idiot retards.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand the AllyUK insult, what am I missing?

And Anon at 12;08 - we're rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off us and sticks to you :-) There - I brought myself to a level you can understand, phew, that was hard.

Anonymous said...

Well ANON 12:08, the actual BI WE are talking about was posted here on April 4th ... not the article that is posted all over the web that's about locking the girl in the bathroom. That info only confirms that he is indeed the one in question in the BI because of the nature of what happened... it's very similar to the BI posted here on April 4th. Understanding what is being discussed might be helpful before resorting to name calling.


Anonymous said...

OK here's the scoop 12:08. The BIs are basically either (names redacted) previously published news articles w/ "clues" and/or outright made up BIs. Whenever something juicy actually comes up later in the news w/ any celebrity, the writers here say "isn't this an answer to an old BI?" whether it fits or not. Many posters here go along no matter what idiocy is written & will argue to the death that they're right.

Anonymous said...

"That was probably wrong of me," Day told police at the time. "But I felt violated."...

Are you frigging kidding me? HE felt violated??? Because a girl refused HIS advances, HE felt violated? What a scumbag!

I'm starting to think Brit-Brit is going out of her way to find the worst possible guys out there.

Anonymous said...

If you go back and read the comments on the original post on 4/4 you will see that the information about Howie locking a girl in the bathroom was used as reasoning there as well.

The answer is HOWIE. TRUST ME. It was not a made up BI. It's completely TRUE. Again, you'll have to trust me on this one. All I can say is first-hand experience.

-Frequent poster, so posting anon to protect myself (again, haha)

Anonymous said...

12:08 - I know that came out a little bitchy, sorry, I just don't react well to being called an "idiot retard".

Carry on my fellow CDAN homies!


noel said...

Did anyone else notice the Pimpa Joe connection at the bottom...

Would explain the outfits bit bit is wearing!!

Anonymous said...

here's a helpful hint:
if you think you may embarrass your grandchildren by being in a porn tape...
don't set yourself up by having sex on tape.



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