Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Morning Links

In one or two short paragraphs Lindsay Lohan said she's more popular than Madonna and that if the paps would leave her alone she would win an Academy Award. Damn. Do they have rehab for ego?

Wilmer "Scott Baio" Valderamma has signed a production deal with the producers of American Idol.

Heidi Klum eats McDonalds. She eats food there that I never knew they served. Yogurt, fresh fruit, salad. If you want that, then why go to McDonalds? It does look like there is a Quarter Pounder on there too, but $10 says it's not for her.

Stalk Orlando Bloom and get a hug. Of course it could have turned into more than a hug but he just said it stopped at a hug.

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