Wednesday, May 23, 2007

More Links And ZX Later Today

Sharon Stone is almost 50. I looked worse at 19.

Tom Cruise looks to add another inmate.

I'm sure it's just a hand rolled cigarette.

Ocean's Thirteen opening at Cannes.

Eve plead not guilty to DUI.

Elton John cancels most of his European tour dates.


  1. Anonymous11:05 AM

    sharon reminds me of a (very) old "peanuts" comic.
    linus only polished the front of his shoes because he didn't care what people thought as he was LEAVING the room.
    i should talk. my cellulite has cellulite.

    but she really does clean up nice. i LOVE her dress on the cannes red carpet.

    i guess katie got too "uppity" filming her new film. xenu is NOT amused.

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    hey, guys, looks like i'm not the only one getting server errors.
    i went back to my last post and was able to bring the comment window back up.
    give it a try.
    its lonely out here!

  3. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I bet if the truth was known that Sharon Stone was a little bit OVER 50! She looks damned good for her age.

  4. Anonymous11:33 AM

    "my cellulite has cellulite," baby ain't that the truth for most women?! (HEE!) I love it Bunny! But ya know what for her age it ain't bad. Everytime I see a cellulite shot it makes it easier not to resent the airbrushed mag covers. Let's be realistic people, the majority of women in America has cellulite and Sharon doesn't give a fuck if we see it.



  5. Anonymous12:12 PM

    that is true, brenda. perhaps her choice of swimwear was just unfortunate.

  6. Sharon, this is one of those times when a sarong is so right.

    (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

  7. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Get a three-way mirror, Sharon - and use it!
