Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Lindsay Lohan's Daily Intake

From tomorrow's National Enquirer.

Lindsay Lohan's drug and alcohol use is escalating out of control. The troubled actress is snorting massive amounts of cocaine mixed with Ecstasy, taking downers to sleep and boozing daily, insiders say. As The Enquirer already reported Lindsay already suffered a secret drug overdose on November 12th. "Lindsay's drugging and drinking is out of control! She learned nothing in rehab," a Lohan friend reveals. Lindsay's substance abuse kicked into high gear when she hit the Coachella music festival in Indio, California in late April. Her friend says, "Lindsay bought six tablets of Ecstasy “ three with an imprint of a blue Smurf and three with a pink diamond. She also bought an eight-ball of cocaine (about 3½ grams). Lindsay did line after line of coke all weekend. She was always the last one to leave all-night parties because she was still flying high." Lohan's friend says Lindsay also drank heavily. "One morning she ordered a $400 breakfast; two bottles of Ketel One vodka, one bottle of Belvedere vodka and a bottle of Patron tequila. Since that weekend, Lindsay has been drifting a near-24/7 haze. Lindsay crushed Ecstasy into the coke and snorted it to get a hardcore rush. Her favorite alcohol is vodka. She pours it into a 16-oz. water bottle and drinks it straight or mixed with some soda. But she also drinks tequila and champagne."


  1. I just love it when the tabloids helpfully "explain" that an eight ball is "about 3 1/2 grams". From what I know (hearsay, of course) an eight is always exactly 3 1/2 grams.

    Although, I suppose it depends on how friendly you are with your guy. ;)

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    the real question is what did linds do to piss this 'friend' off?

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    hez why is an 8 ball 3.5 gms?
    is it because of metric versus grams or something?
    like where did it get the name '8 ball'?
    I have heard of speed ball... whats the significance of the 'ball'?

  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Great Caesar's Ghost! This girl is one sniff away from a heart attack. And in this picture she looks past 30 and she just turned 21? I love goss rags, but seriously someone get this girl an intervention now...maybe A&E could use their show and get her some help.

    Juicy nonetheless. Dammit, I'm pathetic. Maybe I need to go to rehab for my gossiping!


  5. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Well she's seriously starting to resemble a great many of the intervention very sad...

  6. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Okay, I have no issue with believing the drug information. My thing do you order a $400.00 breakfast? How many damn eggs and slices of bacon can someone eat?
    Go to IHOP, girlfriend. Its hard to screw up cooking an egg and its much cheaper.

  7. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Hez...its nice and sunny in Langley, how about you?

  8. Anonymous11:57 AM

    google is your friend:

  9. Anonymous12:13 PM

    She's not a child anymore, and should be held responsible for her actions, BUT seriously, Dina Lohan should be jailed!!!!!!!!
    I have a 13 y/o daughter, and i can see 4 or 5 of her friends who will probably end up in BIG trouble very soon b/c their parents are in such deep denial, but at least they're not pimping them out!!!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous12:14 PM

    You would hope at least Social Services is taking a look at DIna's younger children. Maybe there is still hope for them.

  11. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Quick, give her a typewriter. She's getting into Hunter S. Thompson territory.

  12. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Wow, I cant say s*nicker which is what I want to say about the comment above, which made me laugh BTW, but apparently is offensive on this board.


  13. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I bet her breath be kickin'!

  14. Thanks, Anon 11:57. I'll let Google and the Urban Dictionary paint themselves as coke whores instead of me. Heh.

    Blue skies and warm here in Gastown... Our planet has a sun! Whodathunkit?!?

  15. PS: SisterMary, don't pull any punches on my account. Offend away!!

  16. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Brenda, I *think* the person is saying that for breakfast instead of ordering a bunch of food, she ordered a bunch of booze (all the bottles). Because seriously, a $400 breakfast is not that crazy in the land of LaLa...

  17. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Hunter S. Thompson territory? She's passed that, she's on to John Belushi land!

    If this girl is still alive in five years it will be a miracle, and she will look like roadkill.

  18. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Yeah Brenda she drank her breakfast.

    You know when it comes to her, if people (ie these rag magazines) were really 'concerned about her', they would stop taking her picture and writing about her. Starve the beast. That's the only thing the will get her attention from what I have seen.
    Kind of like the photographers at some awards show last year who all refused to take Perez Hilton's picture, since he was being accused of stealing photos for his site.

  19. Anonymous2:42 PM

    as a girl who thinks camping out means "no room service", i can tell you, especially with the premium booze, its VERY easy to run up a $400 tab on a room service meal.
    and even though i think the enquirer is horses**t, i could totally (totally, dewd) believe this.

    anybody else getting error msg. trying to get onto the blog today??

  20. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I did Bionic! What's up with that? Lohan's folks trying to shut the blog down!


  21. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Party like a SNL cast member!! Woman you're a mess gonna die in your sleep.

    Chris Farley And Belushi would be proud.

  22. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Could we get a sex tape out of her before her heart explodes.


  23. An eightball is called thusly because 3.5 grams is one-eighth of an ounce which is about 28 grams.

    IMHO Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie, and Britney Spears should all be held accountable for promoting potential alcoholism and drug addiction by their friends and fans.

    Yes, people do make dumb decisions but unless we tell people that alcohol, cocaine, MDMA, and other substances MAY cause addiction based on HOW EARLY you use. The predominant side effect of substance abuse is psychosis, which includes bizarre behavior as what Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie, and Britney Spears have exhibited in public on many occasions, as documented by paparazzi, especially when they blame the paparazzi and others rather than taking responsibility for their lives.

    Excuse me, Lindsay (and this goes for Paris, Nicole and Britney)! You're a role model to 20something women. Haven't you learned anything from rehab? Just what are they teaching you in AA? To be high and mighty over alcoholics and then return to substance abuse? Maybe it's time for a real intervention in a real drug rehabilitation facility rather than a posh rehabilitation center like your pal Britney Spears?

  24. Anonymous5:56 PM

    She sounds like a great date!

  25. Anonymous6:22 PM

    thanx anon 11:57 for the urban dic tip... i was so caught up in my own sense of amazement that hez was on line... i love her input and wish it was more frequent...
    thanx Steve... that makes total sense that its a measurement thing

  26. Anonymous6:37 PM

    ya know i didnt used to hate on paris hilton for being a vacant party girl du jour because she seemed relatively harmless, but over the last few years she has really revealed to the world what cancer she really is...
    the fact that all women who have hung with her one-on-one seem to hate her, the zeta graf fiasco, her recent blatant entitlement issues, and her flagrant disregard for the rest of the citizens in this country have me convinced she is a black mark on humanity... she gives the x chromosome a bad name

  27. Anonymous6:48 PM

    the other article that came out recently where a "friend" described lilo's drug use claimed that "she never buys her own" drugs...this one claims that she bought it all...which "source" is correct??

  28. Anonymous7:05 PM

    dunno 6:48, but there is no denying that whatever any rag or legit news source may be reporting, LL is out of control and this close to becoming a Jim Belushi.

    Take a look at those bags girl has been trying to cover up under her eyes for weeks now.

    God she is sick, and I mean that in so many different and pathetic ways.


  29. Anonymous7:58 PM

    God this girl needs help. I honestly hope she gets it.

    Otherwise she's going to kill herself with this shit.

  30. Anonymous9:11 PM

    there is also a bunch of cover ups about lilo in the past couple months...
    like why she pulled or was pulled out of the last 2 movies...
    really, why would she (of her own volition) pull out of the last 2 movies (one with Kiera) if she was (as she proclaims) trying so hard to bed oscar before 30?
    somethin stinks...
    i think she is so deluded... like a junkie that believes she just has to make up one more lie, total never caring about repurcussions... except for the ones that her body will feel if she doesnt get the next bump pronto

  31. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Poor kid, I just feel sorry for her. What she needs is a nice big Mummy hug and time to talk and get her well, pity she has the parents she has.

    Mind you, what unreal expectations the media (and us) have, it takes time after rehab to get your act back together and where do the likes of Brit, Lilo etc go for the quiet, seems to be a lot of pressure to get back to work and prove yourself well when your really not.


  32. Anonymous11:40 PM

    I might be convinced to give her a "nice big Mummy hug", but ... I can't guarantee I won't sneak a quick grope - just for science, you understand. Mummy with benefits?

    The Mummy Returns

  33. i do believe that LL's estranged dad has been in-and-out of jail and "rehab", too. at her age, i doing exactly the same things (except 400$ binge "breakfasts"

  34. Anonymous4:56 AM

    She always looks drug-dirty to me.

    You just know this story is going to have a sad and sorry ending.

  35. Anonymous4:01 PM

    oh, i had a big rant halfway posted last night before the battery in my 2 week old computer fried.

    ANYWAY, besides the self-medication that she is involved in, she really is showing signs of bi-polarism.
    the fact that mama keeps encouraging her, is NOT doing her any good.
