Thursday, May 03, 2007

Kate Winslet In Raymond Meier Photoshoot


Anonymous said...

I think she is absolutely gorgeous. And when Joan Rivers called her fat the year of the Titanic Oscars, I think she she should have went back and punched her right in the nose. Then she'd have an excuse for a facelift.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous perfection.
The total package.

Anonymous said...

I realise that you borrow from other sites, but these NY Times photos are from two years ago at least.

Anonymous said...

she's stunning! And unlike a lot of other actresses, her face actually moves!

Anonymous said...

She's gorgeous!
I'd switch.....

Anonymous said...

She looks a lot like ScarJo in these pics.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Stevie Nicks - especially in the hat. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

why is there a unmade mattress in the first pic..seems out of place.

god shes hot

Anonymous said...

re: unmade mattress, could be promo for Little Children and the hot and sweaty attic scene.

Anonymous said...

what joan said was funny and in the moment (if y'all don't remember, joan rivers said about the ending of the titanic, "if kate had lost five pounds, there would have been room enough for leo on that piece of wood"). but joan's a trainwreck, and always has been, and she told a funny, insensitive joke, and that's that. she need not make any apology, and regardless, my god kate's gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Winslet is lovely in ways that Paris and the rest of the anorexics can't even begin to understand.

Joan Rivers has ceased to be amusing except as a trainwreck. Poor old pathetic biddy.

Anonymous said...

while i normally think kate winslet is a total knockout stunner, these photos do not do her justice AT ALL. she looks haggard, especially in the last one.

Anonymous said...

i think kate is ugly. but heck, i think scar jo is ugly too (cute bod, but needs a tan asap, ugly face though).

Anonymous said...

the bod comment was in reference to scarlet j, not kate w, duh

Anonymous said...



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