Friday, May 25, 2007

Juvenile Diabetes Research Gala --aka Is Anyone Under 60 Allowed?

Jesus. For a second I thought Pat Robertson was doing Annette Bening.
Ed Begley Jr is wearing entirely recycled clothes and his wife is made up entirely of recycled blow-up dolls. That is dedication to the environment. Looks like he might be recycling some extra socks too if you know what I mean.

Sidney Poitier looks like he is about 40. I love this actor and the man.

Michael just wishes he had some of this.

When I was about 8 or 9 I washed Sugar Ray Leonard's car and he gave me $20. I don't know why I washed it and don't recall exactly how I came to be washing it. All I know was it was the first time I ever saw a $20 bill in my hand.

"Mr. Burns, you don't mind if I take your wife to a private "prayer" session do you?"


Anonymous said...

Damn Sugar Ray is a nice looking man!

Anonymous said...

Warren Beatty looks like a weather man.

Anonymous said...

how could you wash Sugar Ray's car when you were 8 or 9 years old if, as you claim, you are a 60-year old attorney?

Anonymous said...

Oh Enty im on to you..i was right!!!

Hez said...

Does anyone here actually still believe that disinfo about Ent being 60? It was a joke, y'all. He's on record on the MB as saying he's mid/late 30s. Not bald or toothless either. Doye.

Anonymous said...

The Kirk Douglas picture is sooo wrong? Ent could you find of photo of him that actually looks like he's alive. This pic makes him look like the crypt keeper.

He's got his eyes crossed, drool coming down the side of his mouth and he's being held up by two hookers. It's like a bad weekend at bernie's and I dunno if that's possible.

I give him DAYS.


Anonymous said...

Larry King photo??? Now I gotta go shower in bleach. that man is rePULsive.

So, just how cute ARE you, Ent??


Anonymous said...

some people will always wait for the short bus and there's those of us that won't.

Anonymous said...

ummm...I think it's possible that the blonde is Kirk's granddaughter...which would make her Mike's niece...which would make Enty's comments a little creepy...

Anonymous said...

sugar ray has always been a living doll.
only boxing i ever watched was him in the olympics!

Anonymous said...

I think it is absolutely wonderful that they are all there to support this cause. Now if only certain politicians would get their heads out of their asses and allow proper research to be done.

-spressogrl (mom of type 1 diabetic)


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