Friday, May 18, 2007

Four For Friday

I know I promised a ZX reveal in May, but the actual date will probably be June 4th. We are trying to do something kind of unique and fun and not just a simple post. Unfortunately, we can't do what we want to do until that weekend before the 4th. Hope you will be patient.

OK, it's been awhile since I had a fill in the blank Four For Friday, but this one lends itself to the format perfectly.

The night before this recent awards show #1__________________(female pop star although also one horrible movie) went to dinner with #2__________________(aging, but classy country star), her husband #3_________________(non celebrity, but give it a shot), and #4___________________(extremely popular male country singer) from the band #5_____________________.(think two letters from an extreme adult activity) At dinner they had about 5 bottles of wine and #1 was well on her way to being plastered. They decided to hit the casino for a little gambling after dinner and things got much worse from there. #4 only drinks tequila so he and #1 were taking shot after shot after shot. Needless to say, #1 was a MESS within about an hour, but she didn't stop. She stayed out until 2AM and more or less had to be carried up to her room by the end of the night. She was late for the dress rehearsal the next day and was so hungover by the time showtime came around she could barely make it through her performance with #2. Everyone wondered why she was so hard to hear during the performance and it was because she was insanely hungover from the night before and "didn't feel up to performing" at all.


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Could this be referring to the Jessica Simpson/Dolly Parton screw up?

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Kelly Clarkson, Reba etc...


  3. 1. Kelly Clarkson
    2. Reba McEntire
    3. Narvel Blackstock
    4. ?? not sure, I am sure someone else will get it

  4. Anonymous12:21 PM

    I'm thinking kelly clarkson because of that awful movie "from justin to kelly" or whatever it was...Jessica Simpson has been in NUMEROUS bad movies.

  5. Anonymous12:26 PM

    my first thought was Jessica Simpson but as far as I know she wasn't a the recent Country Awards Show...however, Kelly Clarkson was but I can't find whether she performed or not.

  6. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Don't think it is Simpson/Parton because I believe their event was in DC and EL mentions gambling.

  7. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Def Kelly and Reba - if you watch the performance, it is really hard to hear Clarkston

  8. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Celebrities get hangovers after drinking too much tequila - wow, EL.

    It's been a slow week for gossip, huh.

  9. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Prolly #4 is one of the guys from Brooks and Dunn (the extreme activity being BDSM). yah, and I totally don't care which one. wouldn't know them if they sat on my lap

  10. ROFL @ 12:31, ITA! Plop a cowboy hat and some cheezy facial hair on a dude and it's a total ladyboner killer, IMHO. This so-called NuCountry is all about closet cases, strutting peacocks and Hair Club for Men.

  11. Anonymous12:49 PM

    i want my money back, this was just one blind item with 5 people involved.

  12. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Kelly Clarkson just performed on an awards show with country singer Reba McEntire, who is married to Narvel Blackstock. That's all I got.

  13. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Kelly did look like a mess on the awards show. It's def Kelly and Reba.


  14. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I think it's Kelly and Reba too. and i think #4 & #5 is Gary LeVox of Rascal Flats.

  15. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Anon 1:08, for #4 EL states:

    "from the band #5_____________________.(think two letters from an extreme adult activity)"

    So think of a band with the initials, FU or JO or BJ or something. I don't follow Country, so I'm coming up with nothing here.

  16. Anonymous1:13 PM

    correction - - s/b FY......

  17. I'm with the Brooks & Dunn/BDSM guess. That's about as extreme an adult activity as you can get.

  18. Anonymous1:20 PM

    does bdsm stand for bondage and saomasichism or something even wierder?

  19. Anonymous1:25 PM

    B & D makes sense - bondage and discipline. So, it was either Brooks or Dunn, and since I don't know who they are and don't follow country, I'm not really emotionally attached to this one.

  20. Anonymous1:56 PM

    #1. Kelly Clarkson- only female pop star at the country music awards (which were in Las Vegas) she also has 1 horrible movie (that movie her and Justin did, "From Justin to Kelly" or whatever)
    #2. Reba- very classy female country singer. Is friends with Kelly. Kelly has appeared on her show "Reba".
    #3. Reba's husband
    #4 Either Kix Brooks or Ronnie Dunn. Very famous country singers who are known to like their tequila. They even have a song about it.
    #5 Brooks and Dunn. But I think it stands for back door. If you know what I mean ;-)
    You guys did great on this one considering none of you will admit to being country fans :-)

  21. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Melissa, I'm a google and imdb fan, myself. ;-)

  22. Anonymous2:37 PM

    This one was way too easy....just watched their performance on You Tube and it was painful. Poor Kelly...I know exactly what it's're having a fun time and you're with people who can hold their liquor and the next thing you know you're sicker than a dog the next day and can't function. At one point in the performance, the poor thing looks like she's going to hurl. Ouch.

  23. Anonymous2:37 PM's the link to the performance on You Tube...

  24. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I like obvious. Jessica is a hot manly-looking MESS!!!

  25. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Thanks EL for solving this mystery
    for me. I saw the performance and
    thought Kelly looked and sounded
    like shit. I wondered what her
    deal was or if Reba is just THAT
    much better on every level..

    Kelly,Kelly,Kelly..leave getting
    sloppy drunk for the nights
    before The Iowa State Fair,not
    a live,nationally televised show!

  26. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Girl gets drunk. Big Deal!!!

    Weak fucking shit.

  27. I don't think this is Brooks or Dunn, since they're not really a band. I would think it would be more like Rascal Flats...etc.

    Here are the nominee groups:

  28. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I was wondering why Kelly was so low key at tha ACM's. As far as I know she didn't do the red carpet or press afterwards. And her performance wasn't up to her usual standards, Reba pretty much owned it.

    Awww Kel, it's okay. We've all been there!!

    BTW, Melissa above nailed it.

  29. Anonymous9:48 PM

    I would have thought 5 would be DP as in Deep Purple, but Ian Gillen is hardly a country singer!

  30. Anonymous12:14 AM

    You would be hard pressed to find someone describe Reba as classy. Talented? Yes.
    Dolly is certainly the classy star in question, imo.

  31. Anonymous4:45 PM

    wake me when Kelly's eatin Dolly and getting DP'ed by Brooks and Dunn.

  32. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Wow, Dolly Parton, miss fake breasts and fake everything with a theme park named dollywood, is classy? No offense to Dolly, she's great, but calling that classy is rather delusional. No wonder our country is going to shit if idiots think THAT is a classy lady. There is nothing about Reba that isn't classy.


  33. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Classy and Dolly don't mix. Just give credit for being talented and shrewed.

    Now a question for Ent, did a start of a top 10 show give such a bad botox scare management that their adding a spare to the cast next season? Are they planning a replacement?

  34. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I'm a total country fan. Reba is very much considered classy. Dolly Parton is an icon, but even she makes jokes about it taking alot of work to look that cheap. Reba is a very respected artist. I don't watch her show, I don't know if it's even on still- but as far as country music, and country music fans go- she is considered classy. So anon 12:14, I think you're off on that one. Brooks and Dunn is considered a band, and BDSM stands for bondage and discipline and sadism and masochism. And Reba has been in the business for years, as has Brooks & Dunn. I definitely think it could be one of them. This isn't the most shocking BI ever, huh?

  35. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I'm sick of this site and won't be coming back because THERE ARE NEVER ANY ANSWERS TO THE BLINDS!!!


  36. Anonymous8:48 AM

    If the blinds are made up, then revealing just points out that out. The only reveals show that they are made up or so innocuous that no one would even bother denying.

  37. Anonymous8:50 AM

    ^so on your way out...don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya...

