Friday, May 11, 2007

Four For Friday--Mother's Day Edition

All of the answers have a mother. Too difficult? OK, how about all the answers are mothers. (not as in difficult, but as in are a mom)

1. This sometimes brunette A list movie actress gave up her child for adoption twelve years ago while she was still struggling. Now the child wants to meet the mom, but the mom is freaked out by what the public may say.

2. This B list television actress mom who moves from show to show caught her then 17 year old daughter having sex with her then mid 40's husband.

3. This former A list movie actress, now struggling B list television/film actress never gets to see her teenage children. The reason is that she made Mommie Dearest look like a saint.

4. This mom of the century raised a lawyer/blogger who wants her to know how much she means to him and that he appreciates her struggles as a single mom. Yes, he was an ass as a teenager, "borrowed" money until his mid 20's, and maybe doesn't express his love enough, or call enough, but she's never stopped loving him which makes her the greatest mom in the world.


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Aw, Ent.... so sweet!

    But ... you are sending flowers or something ... aren't you?... :-)

  2. Anonymous12:18 PM

    cameron diaz #1

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    #1 my first thought was Cameron, but how about Renee Z?


  4. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Oh my gosh, is no. 1 Cameron Diaz?
    Ent you are so sweet to your mom!


  5. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Can someone please explain WHY cameron diaz? There are no clues.

  6. Anonymous12:23 PM

    12 years ago, when she was nothing. The Mask, her first movie, came out in 1994

  7. Anonymous12:24 PM

    That was the sweetest thing...I never post but I had to tell you that any mother would be proud after reading your post!


  8. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Yr the sweetest thing Ent!

  9. Anonymous12:25 PM

    She's only done movies, and she sometimes dyes her hair brown. And she is definitely A-list (she can open a movie) and she is old enough to have a 12 yr. old - she's 34 or 35?


  10. Anonymous12:25 PM

    My first thought was Cameron Diaz because of the sometimes brunette clue. A list though, not so sure. 12 years ago would mean that it would be 1995 and her film career started in 1995. So she could have possibly given up the baby in 1994.


  11. Anonymous12:25 PM

    anon 12:22 - "This sometimes brunette A list movie actress gave up her child for adoption twelve years ago while she was still struggling."


  12. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Not Cameron, she was a model for a long time before she was in the Mask movie.

  13. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Oh Enty!! How sweet!

    I have no clue abotu the rest of them though.


  14. Anonymous12:34 PM

    didn't cameron just win a lawsuit against a photographer for topless shots? I don't think it would be her.

    ent - so sweet to your mom and way cool she reads your blog!

  15. Anonymous12:34 PM

    cybill shepherd for #2

  16. Anonymous12:36 PM

    #1-Charlize Theron
    #2-Thought Vanessa W, but the ages don't fit.
    #3-Still working


  17. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Number Four is easy - it's Mrs Ent (Ent's mom. Ahhh...)

  18. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Is #4 Perez?



  19. Anonymous12:40 PM

    EL - LOVED #4!!! Happy Mother's Day to your mom. She apparently did a fine job!

  20. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Mama Ent is a lucky lady. :)


  21. Anonymous12:40 PM

    It can't be Cameron - she was a working model before she made the Mask.

    Now, PLEASE STOP GUESSING HER. Even though I know there will be 70 more posts that say "cameron diaz."

    You idiots are ruining this site for me.

  22. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Cameron wasn't struggling 12 years ago - it's more likely Renee Z. or someone we haven't thought of yet.

  23. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Like that you're working the backstory again.

  24. Anonymous12:46 PM

    To: 12:40

    I don't think it is idiotic to guess Cameron Diaz. I don't think it is her, but it isn't a bad guess. She is an A list actress and is sometimes brunette. Her career was just getting started around 1994-1995. She was a model before that, but many models are struggling. She could have easily "disappeared" for a few months during that time and no one would have really known. Maybe under the guise of modeling abroad.

    Again, I don't think it is her, but I think it is not very nice to call someone an idiot for guessing her.

    Some people here do guess poorly sometimes, but they still have the right to guess. Furthermore, for the reasons above, Cameron is not a bad guess.

  25. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Plus, struggling could mean struggling to start her acting career. It doesn't have to mean struggling financially.

  26. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I don't know who #1 is, but Renee is a decent guess because in 1994, the Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre came out. She starred with Matthew the naked drummer boy. If you haven't seen this gem, I totally recommend that you do. It was the role that McConaughey was born to play.

    Side note: Renee & Matt fought hard to try to have this one not released after they both became successful. You'll see why if watch it.


  27. Anonymous12:54 PM

    1-renee z.
    2,3-? juicy!
    4-momma enty

    (omg enty, you just scored major points w/ us boardie regulars! can you BE any sweeter???)

  28. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Since when does being a model equal "instant success"?

    I can't beleive ENT's mom reads the blog. I bet she hates me.

  29. Anonymous1:00 PM

    #1 - Another guess, Drew Barrymore. Yes she was child actress, but in her early 20s she kind of dropped outta of the public eye. It was a seventeen magazine that brought her back. Where she was flower child.


  30. Anonymous1:01 PM

    not so sure about Renee for #. She had a whole lot going on from 1993-1995.

    Still possible though. Maybe we should try to brainstorm and make a list of A list actresses who are sometimes brunette and then work from there.

    Maybe preface your brainstorming with "brainstorm for #1" so mean people won't call us idiots. Sometimes one bad guess might lead to a good one?

  31. Anonymous1:02 PM

    1. Rachael McAdams

    2. Meredith Baxter (birny)


    4. Enty's mommy

  32. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Aw, Ent, you know how to treat your mama!

    And could you people get off guessing number one and try to guess two and three cause I have no clue!


  33. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Barrymore is a good guess. However, not sure if I could see a Barrymore (the noted name--film royalty) giving away a Barrymore child. Not saying it isn't her, just trying to work through it. She does fit the clues, though.

    Another thing, she doesn't seem to really care what the public says. She will be a star no matter what because of her last name.

  34. Anonymous1:12 PM

    On a side note, I once traced acting Barrymores back to the early 1800's and there was a strong suggestion of more of them before that!

    Drew really needs to have a child!

  35. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Could 3 by Cybill Shepherd (sp?). She was an A list actress back in the 70's with Taxi Driver. Now she has bounced around on tv with her show (cancelled) and now is on the L word as a guest star. Not exactly A list tv. I think she might be in a movie soon, too. Nothing big.

    One problem with my guess: I know she has a daughter, but how old is she? Does she have more children?

  36. Anonymous1:13 PM

    ahhhh! LOVE #4!!!

  37. Anonymous1:14 PM

    what about cybill shepherd for #3.

  38. Anonymous1:17 PM

    1. Charlize Theron
    2. Roseanne Barr
    3. Tatum O'Neal


  39. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Cameron Diaz for no. 1. Maybe that is why JT dumped her.


  40. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Tatum O'Neal for number 3 is a great guess!

  41. Anonymous1:21 PM

    aww ent, cute!

  42. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Okay so here are my guesses:

    #1-Drew Barrymore: she's done some questionable things in the past, but I see the point of not giving up a "legacy" baby. BUT maybe a family friend is taking care of the baby. She's has connections to Spielberg and such since he is her godfather, he could've helped her "hide" this in order to get her career back on track.

    #2-Rosanne Barr is an excellent choice, but she hasn't been on TV for awhile. However, Jane Seymour and Shelley Long have made numerous cameos lately. And have older daughters, multiple marriages/divorce. So I think its one of them.

    #3-Tatum O'Neal is a great choice. Jealous I didn't think of her sooner.

    #4-Is obvious. Happy mother's day to all moms representing today!


  43. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Actually, I'm really likeing the Rachel McAdams guess. Her IMDB consists of squat until 2001....I don't know if I would call her A List, but she getting there.

  44. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Isn't Rachel really young? Doubt she's A-list. And if Spielberg was in Drew's life when she was really young and she comes from a dynasty of actors, what would make her "still struggling?" She could have been struggling to stay clean cause I know she was really into the drugs and stuff, but as far as struggling to be an actress? Nah. Drew is a good guess though.

  45. Anonymous1:39 PM

    What about Reese Witherspoon for #1? She was brunette for Walk the Line. IMDB lists nothing for her in 1995, so that mighe be due to dropping out of the spotlight for a pregnancy. She would have been 18-19 years old....

  46. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I think Tatum is a great guess too. For some reason I think remember seeing something on tv once about her and how she lost the right to see her kids.
    And you are a super sweet son Enty - a lawyer and a blogger - your mom must be so proud. ;)

  47. Anonymous1:47 PM

    wow Reece is a good guess! She is someone, unlike Drew, who has an image to uphold!

  48. #1 Charlize Theron
    #2 Cybil Shepherd
    #3 dunno yet
    #4 Hi EL's mom! Have a great Mother's Day and make him get rid of that gas-guzzling SUV!

  49. Anonymous1:55 PM

    there is NO way a southern girl like Reese would give baby up for adoption..not anything wrong with it but I just cant see her doing it now that ive seen her with kids.

    Why the guess about Charlize? curious...

  50. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I guessed Charlize because there aren't that many A list actresses to choose from and she wasn't well known 12 years ago unlike Nicole Kidman, Drew Barrymore etc.


  51. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I know a lot of southern girls that give up their babies. I don't think you can rule her out just because of that reason.

    I do lean toward Charlize or someone else that may have lived in another country.

  52. Anonymous2:07 PM

    i dont believe its drew i mean seriously that wouldnt hurt her image plus she would probably welcome her child and tatum did loss her child in a custody battle

  53. Anonymous2:08 PM

    how about sandra bullock

  54. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Ok I think the real question for #1 isn't who wouldn't give their child up for adoption, but who wouldn't have an abortion if they found themselves pregnant as they were working to build a career... Reese still might be a good guess.


  55. Anonymous2:09 PM

    The Mask is what MADE Cameron Diaz. Even though she was a model before, she was not famous, and therefore, "struggling." Def. think it's her.

  56. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Aw - very cute EL. :)

  57. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Ent that was sweet and cute!!!
    and the blinds are juicy as hell today!!!!
    love it too much!!!
    i think Charlise wuldnt think twice about aborting... she seems aloof distant and chilly
    reece seems like she would have a heart and a conscience and give the baby to a good home rather than abort...
    Jury still out on Cam...
    Def not Drew because she would be looking for the kid herself and would think it would be TOTALLY kool to have her child in her life now!!!

  58. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I like the Rachel McAdams guess, but I do think she's a little too young. The actress would have to be in her very late 20s or early 30s for this to work. Or perhaps part of what the "public may say" is regarding how OLD she was when she gave the child up. I'd be a lot more judgmental if someone was 25 than if they were 17.


    It's definitely not Drew Barrymore...she had some tough times, personally, but I don't think she can ever be described as "struggling"--she's the Sarah Bernhardt of our generation.


  59. Anonymous2:40 PM

    to the person that guess cybill for number 2 she does have a child by her first husband that was a teenager when she married her 2nd husband and they were only together for about 3 years so it could totally be her

  60. Anonymous2:44 PM

    For some reason #1 could be Jennifer Aniston

  61. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Charlize Theron was born in 1975 and she will be 32 this August.

    According to Wiki, when Charlize was 18 she lived in NYC after a one year modeling contract expired. She was training to be a dancer but she quit training after a knee injury. Then she moved to L.A. "After eight months in the city, she was cast in her first film part, a non-speaking role in the direct-to-video film Children of the Corn III."

    I wonder if she really quit because of a knee injury.

    So how would this child know who her biological mother is anyway? That information is rarely released to adoptees.

  62. EL your a good man

    love them all and I would agree with TK 2:09 PM

  63. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Rachel McAdams is in her late 20's. She was born in 1978.

  64. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Heather Locklear as a possibility for #2?

  65. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I thought Reese had ava when she was young anyway....I couldn't see her giving up one child to just have another shortly after.

  66. Anonymous3:19 PM

    From IMDB on Cameron D.:
    "Cameron left home at 16 and for the next 5 years lived in such varied locales as Japan, Australia, Mexico, Morocco, and Paris. Returning to California at the age of 21, she was working as a model when she auditioned for a big part in The Mask (1994) To her amazement and despite having no previous acting experience, she was cast as the female lead in the film opposite Jim Carrey."
    Sounds like she could have very well gotten pregnant and given the baby for adoption during this time.

  67. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I thought of Reese right away. As for her giving up one then having another shortly after...different dads different circumstances. Heather Locklear doesn't have a 17 year old daughter, 302.

  68. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Reese's life and career has been well documented for the past 12 years. She was acting as a teen. It is NOT Reese.

    Jennifer Aniston? Hello - she was on Friends 12 years ago. Do your math!!

    My mind immediately went to Cameron Diaz. There's almost no photographic evidence or info on her prior to The Mask other than some random high school photos and stories of alleged modeling. She was nothing until The Mask. The math makes sense.

  69. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Reese comes from a wealthy, Catholic family - I don't think she would have given up her kid for adoption. She would have kept it. Which is what she did when she got pregnant with Ava, she got married and kept the baby. Which is exactly what any good Catholic girl would do.

  70. Anonymous3:33 PM

    rachel mcadams was attending york university before her move to LA and thousands of people would have been able to corroborate her whereabouts (and growing waistline. so no cigar on that one)

  71. Anonymous3:51 PM

    whoooo, boy!!
    lucky, my friend, i'm not going to take sides on this thing, but as i recall, even from stories from MY mom (remember, i'm old, y'all) "good catholic girls" OFTEN
    gave up their kids for adoption, secretly and away from home. pre-marital sex is a big no-no, abortion even more so (oh, look, i rhymed!).

    and enty, i'm glad you appreciate your mom. moms love a little appreciation. flowers or booze is good, too.
    -mommy buns

  72. Anonymous3:57 PM

    #3 tatum o'neil

    per imdb, ex john mcenroe has custory of their three children whose ages are 20, 19, and 15.

    she did win an oscar, though she was only 10. even still, at one time, she was considered a-list. tatum's had very public battles with drugs and alcohol which probably made her a less than stellar mom. and again per imdb all her recent work has been sporadic tv episodes.

  73. Anonymous4:12 PM

    We're all cracking up here at the crazy guesses for old news.
    These BIs were all published at one time a few years ago & still
    floating around if you research. #1 Was Kelly Preston w/ a child from her 1st hubby that disappeared prior to her marriage to Travolta. It's weird how all the articles on it seem to be disappearing but there was a site that did pose the question again last year.
    #2 Mia Farrow/Woody Allen. No secret there.
    #3 Tatum O'Neal. No seceret there but she DOES have frequent visitation but didn't two years ago when the articles/hearings were raging.

    It seems the writers here updated the bios but fudged the kids' ages.

    #4 Backstory, nuff said.

  74. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Lucky 3:31 Reese W is Episcopalian and BTW I know many good Catholic girls who've had abortions.


  75. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Kelly Preston is A list???

  76. Anonymous4:26 PM

    #2 is not woody/soon-yi

    i believe but am not 100% that woody was actually in his 60s when he in soon-yi got together. she is 35 years younger than him putting her between 5-15 years old when woody was in his 40s.

  77. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Journogirl--I don't think Mia Farrow would be considered a B-list television actress?
    Kelly Preston for #1 doesn't make sense to me either. If you're married and you have a child, you don't give the kid up for adoption when you get divorced, like some people do with pets.

  78. Anonymous5:49 PM

    i HATE that the blinds keep me up at night!
    i thought i finally had one, then i came back to look and it said "a" actrress (#1).
    i was gonna say tatum o'neal.

  79. Anonymous5:55 PM

    1. Im thinking Ms. Diaz cause shes been promoting shrek lately and shes been in the public eye a lot lately, so maybe seeing her all over ent giving this one .... Its not Charlize Theron, cause my friend dated the guitarist to third Eye blind back when she was dating Steven the lead singer. Charlize was really really freaky about eating and never putting bad food in her body, but the kicker was her and steven were the biggest cokeheads too!! GO figure...So if she got preggers, u know she wouldnt for one moment hestiate to go to a dr.

    2. Vanessa Williams

    3. Tatum Oneil

    4. Ent can i borrow your mom??? She sounds nice.

  80. Kelly Preston has been married to JT for 16 years.

  81. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Math works for Woody Sun-Yi, just off by a couple of years

    Mia Farrow was Faith's mother on Third Watch (B-list tv show)couple of years ago.

    The answer to every blind item is not 1)Cameron Diaz 2)Paris Hilton 3)Lindsey Lohan

    there are other folks out there too, you know?

    And BrendaLove I doubt Ent's mother even thinks of you at all if she reads the comments. Though you should win an attention whore of the year award for trying to make everything about you.

  82. Anonymous6:26 PM

    er...I don't think ent would be posting old blinds...the woody/mia/soonlee thing was eon upon eons ago and started because mia found pictures I think...
    I'd go with Cybil for #2 gross as it may be. There aren't that many alist actresses that change hair colour frequently that are in their mid 20s to early 30s...

  83. Anonymous6:37 PM

    It can't be Cameron Diaz--we see her abs every week and no stretch marks!!! (Joking!) Oh, and Journogirl? Who's "we?" What kind of old ragmags are you reading? Rona Barrett's Hollywood? I'm quite sure that more than one teen has had sex with a 'stepfather' in Hollywood. And probably more than one actress had a 'secret' baby. Take your bullshit elsewhere. You're a great son, Enty and your mom is lucky to have you!

  84. Anonymous6:39 PM

    3. Melanie Griffith

  85. Anonymous6:45 PM

    #1. Renee Zellwegger
    #2. Cybill Shephard
    #3. Tatum O'Neal
    #4. Ent. Lawyer! :)

  86. Anonymous6:53 PM

    #4 made me shed a tear. I lost my mom several years ago and wish she were with me right now. I'd give her a big hug and kiss.

  87. Anonymous7:35 PM


  88. Anonymous8:11 PM

    "And BrendaLove I doubt Ent's mother even thinks of you at all if she reads the comments. Though you should win an attention whore of the year award for trying to make everything about you."


  89. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Hey Ent, in honor of your mama why doncha make nice and give us some answers to some past blind items eh?

  90. Anonymous8:24 PM

    1:37 PM I don't think that one is Drew Barrymore, however,she did go through hard times for a while, she said in an interview that she couldn't get a job for a long time so she ended up being a barista...

  91. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Sorry about that I knew she was religious and I automatically thought Reese was Catholic, but I didn't look it up. As for stretch marks/abs - I just had a baby 1 year ago and have no stretch marks to show for it! I am a size 7, but if I worked out as much as Cameron D does, I would be a size 2 or 4 whatever size she is. Jornogirl, yeah, these might be old BI's , but it sure is fun guessing them, so let us have our fun, that is what the site is for!
    -Lucky :)

  92. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Awww wow, an Anon calls me an attention whore and another Anon LOLs. Can life get any more unbearable?

  93. Anonymous10:39 PM

    I agree completly with 3:26.And #2 is so terrible, I don't even want to try to guess it.
    And you guys leave brenda alone. She is the best attention whore on this site. Don't be a hater, 6:16. Every blind item isn't about Cameron Diaz. But, this one is

  94. Anonymous11:22 PM

    That's MS. Attention Whore!

  95. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Cybil Shephard is an interesting guess. I remember thinking she seemed like such a cold bitch dropping her husband so soon after the birth of her twins. Could be she had a reason to be so cold.

  96. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Brenda: You are funny as heck and cool!

    anon: Don't hate cause she has a funny personality.

    remember you can be anonymous but your IP address is not.

  97. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Ok (ref to last post) so that is something that I have wondered about for a while now. With all of the anons that post on here...are they really anon? Cant ENT tell who they are? My apologies if this is a dumb question as I am not all that computer savvy (it starts and ends with celeb gossip blogs :) ).


  98. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Ent can see who is who from the IP addy. :)

  99. Anonymous9:01 AM

    You wanna see how much Cam D was struggling???????? CHECK OUT THIS SITE!!!!!!

  100. Anonymous9:16 AM

    For #1 you have to wonder who would put a chance at a career before the baby, but would not get an abortion - so you have someone with some old fashioned morals, but still ambitious.

    Drew Barrymore wouldn't hide her mistakes from the public, and she's too nurturing to let go of a baby.

    Cameron Diaz is possible, despite modeling around the early 90's.

    Renee Z is a good guess only because she seems the type to avoid abortion, but also to worry about public opinion of her.

    Kelly Preston couldn't open a cafe on her name, let alone a movie. Not A list.

    Jennifer Aniston is a possibility. Friends first year was 1994 - just barely over twelve years ago. The math is pretty compelling. Midwestern morals, ambitious, and notorious for avoiding motherhood to pursue a film career.

  101. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Rachel McAdams was born in 1976 not 78 making her 31 this year.

    So Morrigan she could fit this mold. BUT she isnt A-list. So doubt its her.

  102. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I don't think Tatum will ever win a "mother of the year" award, but she was a druggie, not a Mommie Dearest. I don't think she was ever A list either, except for maybe when she was 9.

  103. Anonymous9:55 AM

    It's not J Aniston. I know that for a fact.

    I stick w/ orig guess of Rachel McAdams. I believe her parents were dirt poor and had her..

    Enty: bogging today :o)

  104. Anonymous9:56 AM


  105. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Care to share how you know "for a fact" that it isn't Jen Aniston?

    I don't know that it is or isn't but it always amuses me when folks on anonymous gossip boards start tossing around "FACTS."

  106. Anonymous10:31 AM

    I'm still convinced it's Reese. She would have been young enough at the time that a baby would have really put the axe on her career. I've looked and looked and I can't find any pics of her from 1995, it's like she didn't exist then. Just because she got pregnant and married Ryan Phillippe doesn't mean she couldnt have had a baby before. On the contrary, I think that unplanned pregnancy there sort of precludes her being a super religious goody goody.

  107. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I'm going with Vanessa Williams for #2 -- her daughters are teens and her ex would be Rick Fox.....

  108. Anonymous1:47 PM

    #1 is Hilary Swank

  109. Anonymous1:52 PM

    1:47 continued - check IMDB. Hillary Swank worked from 1990 in small parts on TV shows, till 1992. Then does nothing else till 1994. Another 2 year gap till 1996, then works pretty steadily.

  110. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Good research romc - I'll buy tatum o'neil for #3.

  111. Anonymous3:13 PM

    hillary Swank is a fantastic guess! Why didn't anyone think of her before?

  112. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I love how people have decided what a person would or wouldn't do based on their paid roles in films or TV, PR interviews in magazines/TV and the good old "I know for a fact because I just feel it". Take a hypothetical, probably false BI from an anonymous blogger & watch them trash people they don't know. Good work folks, that's the American spirit at work, huh?

  113. 1. When is Hilary Swank even sometimes blond or red? She's always brunette so I don't think it's her. I'd say Cam or Charlize. Young enough that the preganancy doesn't impact the body.

    2. Can't be Vanessa Williams or Cybill coz the ages don't add up between kids and exes. And no, I don't have a guess....I don't watch enough TV with actresses

    3. Melanie Griffith

  114. Anonymous5:02 PM

    #3 can't be Melanie Griffith, she has all of her kids w/ her.

  115. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Reese was at Stanford for a year, that is why there is no movie documentation for that time. I really do not think it is her. Her family has a lot of money, so she was never poor before she got famous. I am more likely to agree with Cameron or Renee Zellweger, as many people in Nashville that don't like Reese I feel like I would have heard about it by now if it was her.

  116. Anonymous9:35 AM

    6:32, why do many in Nashville not like her. Are there rampant bitch stories about her??


  117. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Im going w/ Nicole Kidman for #1 - the timeline works and that's probably got sucked into the Tom Cruise mess/marriage. Dont they (cult members) typically try to hold some sexual situation over you. Would explain a whole lot ...
    just sayin


  118. Anonymous10:31 AM

    No way to NK. She and Tom married in 1990, so they would have been married for at least 4 years when this "happened." If Tom's claiming Katie's little Asian baby as his, why would Nicole have to have given up a baby five years into her marriage?

  119. Anonymous10:38 AM

    so lets say the child is 21 and the "12" was an intentional typo or anagram. That would fit the timeline with her career. In addition it might explain why she would adopt and not naturally have her own (provided Tom can actually produce children - of which Im not convinced).

    I like her as a guess better than the others I've seen

  120. Anonymous10:39 AM

    sorry, some clarification, the adoptions being out of some "respect" to the child she gave up.


  121. Anonymous10:58 AM

    This sounds like an "in family" adoption, since otherwise it would be difficult for a 12 year old to know the birth mother's identity.

    Actress was single, struggling, had family who wanted the child.

    Fine. also great that others don't have unwanted children.

  122. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Could number 3 be Linda Hamilton?

  123. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Reese makes sense for #1. If she went through the heartbreak of giving up a baby 12 years ago, it makes sense she wouldn't want to go through it again which is why she got married when she got pregnant with Ava.

    And, she comes from a family with money. It's likely they know how to hide these things.

    For #3, my initial reaction was Melanie Griffith. She was 'A' list and is now on tv with failing sitcoms. I don't know if she has custody of her kids.

  124. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Just call me Woody. Incall or outcall. I can be emailed at I am a IV neg bottom seeks hung tops for bareback experiences. Your hot pix gets mine and my phone number.

  125. Anonymous1:17 PM

    How about Angelina Jolie for #1? She'd probably be worried about the public would say, as she adopts children... and maybe she's adopting to compensate for giving her child up? And maybe that's why she's not as affectionate with Shiloh (guilt? maybe)?

  126. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Cybill Sheperd as #2 doesn't work: Her daughter would have been 17 in 1997, and Cybill wasn't married in 1997.

  127. Anonymous5:05 PM

    For everyone who has been guessing Cybill Sheppard for two or three - I sincerely doubt it is her. I have a close third party connection with Clementine and she and her mother are very close. Also, she has twins that are now teenagers (I think born 1986 or 87?), but they go with her everywhere. Clementine was born in 1980 - and that would have made her 10 when her mum and the father of the twins divorced. Not her, gang. Sorry.

  128. Anonymous7:24 PM

    b:) I post here often and you know what..boohoo is Ent going to boot people for thinking a common poster does nothing but try and derail threads for talk about her?
    Obviously Brendalove has delusions of granduer and thinks the rest of us visit a GOSSIP SITE ABOUT CELEBS only to read about her diet or how she stubbed her toe.
    Sheesh, even Paris is more interesting..and press worthy.

    Last time I check that's not a bootable nor bannable offense. I'm not sorry for pointing out the obvious and from the looks of it I'm not alone

    Heya IP addy says "hi"!


  129. Anonymous7:26 PM

    ^at the risk of becoming a brendalove I'll actually contribute

    Tatum was in a couple of episodes of Rescue Me this past season

  130. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Just call me Woody. I can be emailed at I am a HIV neg bottom seeking hung tops for bareback experiences. Your hot pix gets mine and my phone number.

  131. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Gwyneth Paltrow is A-list and sometimes brunette.

  132. Anonymous10:48 PM

    It would be appreciated if the "Just call me Woody" Posts were removed. I would even rather hear about Brendaloves stubbed toe than this lame-o's attempt at dating.

  133. Anonymous6:15 AM

    What about Sally Fields for #3?

  134. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The sweet irony is that you are derailing a thread bitching about me! Dumbass.

  135. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I think #1 has to be someone who was young 12 years ago - maybe 15 or 16, so they would be late 20's now. Adoption makes sense if you have a baby very young and you are against abortion. Maybe Britney Murphy. There aren't many young A list actresses.

  136. Anonymous12:18 PM

    anon 6:37,
    I have had 2 children (15 months apart) and I don't have ANY stretch marks, so that does not prove ANYTHING.


  137. Anonymous12:31 PM

    It can't be Cameron - she was a working model before she made the Mask.

    Now, PLEASE STOP GUESSING HER. Even though I know there will be 70 more posts that say "cameron diaz."

    You idiots are ruining this site for me.

    12:40 PM

    Oh, were so sorry anon! Why don't we just sit back and let your fucking pea brain do all the guessing? Why? Oh, because you don't know for sure either. That's right, we are all guessing like you are. I suppose you can't be struggling as a model. Did she have a paid contract, was she all over magazines modeling? Do you personally know her? NO???? THEN STFU!!!!!!!!!!!

    a guessing idiot, like all the rest,

    (sorry if this double posts)

  138. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Damn, these are juicy!

    EL, you're awfully sweet. Hope you're able to spend sometime with mom.

  139. Anonymous1:55 PM took me 2 weeks to realize that Brendalove WASN'T a mediator here or the author.

    Shit you got a lot of time on your hands.

    -IP address

  140. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Wow, Paltrow for #1 is an intriguing idea. Researching . . .

  141. Anonymous7:45 AM

    #3 sally field

  142. Anonymous1:16 PM

    #1 - Kate Winslett

  143. i sincerely doubt it is cybill sheppard..she and her daughter clementine are extremely close and are photographed together frequently.

  144. Anonymous9:18 AM

    What about the child collector Angelina Jolie?
    Now that would be a Hell of a shock.

  145. I am confused as to why people are saying that 1994 was 12 years ago. Can we not do math? 12 years ago it was 1999. Can't be Cameron for #1. Rachel McAdams is a much better guess.

  146. And for crying out loud, again, DO THE MATH.. Rachel McAdams is 32 or 33 if she was born in '78. PLENTY old enough to have a 12 year old, and old enough to have done it AFTER finishing college.

  147. Amanda: This blind item is dated 5/11/2007. 12 years back would be 1995, which means the pregnancy would have been in 94.
