Tuesday, May 01, 2007

First E-Mail From Afghanistan

***I want to make it clear that I asked the e-mailer what I could publish and what I could not before posting his e-mail.***

If you are real about the comment, yeah, I've been reading your blog since the "MV" post. I am a private security contractor in Kabul Afghanistan. Been here since Nov. 2005. My guess would be the Military all the private laptops would come up as a local IP if they use the Morale computers it would have a DoD IP.

Anyway I enjoy the blog. Not sure what's true or not, but I like the few minutes of escape it provides, which is enough for me.

A little about my job: I am the Deputy Project Manager for a British Company. (I'm American) We provide certain Non-Government Organizations (NGO's) with body guard services. After keeping people with inflated egos alive (sometimes despite their own attempts to help). I surf the web and usually read your site at least once a day. I must admit I have only dealt with a few celebrities. If they in anyway represent the clients you have, I am sorry.

Like the stories, like the effort. Thanks

If you want more information just ask.

TRIGGERPRO (My wife thought it up so I have to use it.) :)


  1. Love your handle triggerpro. I also have a friend who is working private industry in the area. Stay safe guys.

  2. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Thanks for all you do.

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Hey Trig!
    I'd send ya some NY bagels and pizza if possible!

    enty: how was coachella?? ya get swag ;)

  4. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Hey Trig!
    I'd send ya some NY bagels and pizza if possible!

    enty: how was coachella?? ya get swag ;)

  5. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Sending kudos from Kuwait...been a reader for about a year now. Stay Safe Trigger.

  6. Hhhhmmm, that's skirting the lines on OPSEC. Little pieces make big pictures - not that ET wouldn't make for a really interesting big picture. Hope ET doesn't disclose the IP addresses ...

    Stay safe Triggerpro. I know how nasty it can get down there. Keep your head down and well, sometimes we don't WANT you to save the celebrity. ;)

  7. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Stay safe TRIGGERPRO.

  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I guess we'll never get the site where it was "discovered that this blog is the 3rd most popular website in Afghanistan". A new low for this site. Using and manipulating people's feelings regarding our overseas armed forces to try & bring up your numbers is reprehensible.

  9. Anonymous7:45 PM

    hedda... you are the only one mentioning the armed forces. doubtful most people feel overwhelming patriotism towards bodyguards.

    as an aside to triggerpro: this is no negativity toward you; i certainly wish you no ill will. but you were not drafted and chose to go in harms way for a fat paycheck (i have friends doing similar work in iraq). best of luck staying out of trouble.

  10. Anonymous4:46 AM

    please, this guy could go home any time he pleases. and although i don't want him to be blown to bits by a bomb wrapped in a plastic bag on the curb..... um, yeah, i hope he doesn't die a grisely death, but who cares, he can pack up and go home. he doesn't deserve our sympathy or attention, thus i'm going to stop typing.
