Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Even More Links

Amy Winehouse's mom thinks Amy is too skinny. Hey lady. That is the least of Amy's problems.

Only two more Shrek movies to go. I think it's two too many but I'm an ass so what do I know.

Cameron Diaz won't have plastic surgery just to have it. There has to be a reason. I can give you about a million reasons. Does that count?

Maybe I will just write when Pete Doherty actually shows up for something.

Victoria Beckham showed up at a pub. Obviously either lost, wanting to show off her bra less chest to drunks at a bar thinking maybe they would care, or maybe she was filming her reality show.

Olympic swimmer Amanda Beard is headed to Playboy. No, not to work there.


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Cameron Diaz won't have plastic surgery because, as she says, beauty comes from within, there's no amount of surgery that could solve her problem.

  2. Anonymous1:01 PM

    It will be interesting to see if Amanda Beard loses any sponsors over her Playboy pictorial; Speedo is a very family-friendly company. She has posed in very provocative layouts before and always seems to need to make sexual comments in her interviews. Haley Cope, another Olympian, had a Playboy shoot, but Amanda is much higher profile. I wonder if she's given up on trying to make the 2008 team for Beijing?

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Puh-lease Cameron. She's one of the vainest bitches out there. Okay so she doesn't bathe and she throws (burns) clothes after she wears them days at a time. BUT she has admitted that she's neurotic about her skin. And for her sit up there and act like she hasn't had anything done is laughable!

    It's women like her that make girls question why they're not put together perfectly. Ent, if you make my eyes roll any farther into my head I will die.


  4. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Cameron Diaz... . I can give you about a million reasons.

    That sounds mighty bitchy of you Ent. Good for Cameron resisting the plastic surgery. Nice to hear some people are scared by the facelifts and such of the Hollywerid vain. She has a great face which is only going to get more interesting now.

  5. Anonymous12:05 AM

    "Amy Winehouse's mom thinks Amy is too skinny. Hey lady. That is the least of Amy's problems."

    Hmm, good old Mom, eh?

    Yeah, apparently she hasn't realized that...oops. Yeah well. No, I'm sure she can tell.

    Also interesting is the quick wedding in light of (?) the affair with a female memeber of the press recently - rumors?

    See Holy Moly - uk.

  6. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Cameron = Dopey Dwarf.
