Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Even More Links

Although not entertainment news per se, Jerry Falwell contributed to much of the dialogue of entertainment and was certainly a catalyst in 1st Amendment discussions. Jerry Falwell has died at the age of 73.

Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson are combining to direct and produce a trilogy based on Tintin. I love Tintin. Not in the I want to get with him love him and be the subject of some strange Jerry Springer "I'm in love with a cartoon character love," but have always loved the books.

Richard Gere can return to India. Like he really will ever go back. India pretty much screwed themselves over getting to see that American Gigolo 2 premiere.

Carmen Electra loves text sex. She does suggest you make sure you send the messages to the right person. That is a very helpful suggestion and one that the pastor of a certain LA church should have put to good use.

Madonna is directing her first film. Well she learned a great deal from her acting so I'm sure we can expect wonders when it's released.


  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I can remember back when Jerry Falwell was a somewhat powerful man and it was really scary!

  2. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Jerry Falwell finally kicked it. Amen.

  3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    i think the purple tellitubby had something to do with it.

  4. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I'm sure the Rev. is in a real warm place right now.

  5. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Ding Dong the wicked homophobe is dead!

    Thankfully towards the end of his life sane people realized he was a full on closet case when he accused a teletubbie of being a transvestite. He was a bazarre, creepy man who exemplified what a true christian is NOT.

  6. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Ha. As for sending the text to the right person, once my friend's dad accidentally sent a text to her instead of her mum. They couldn't look at each other for a while after that.

  7. Anonymous7:52 PM

    *SNORT* @ the Madonna comment!

  8. Anonymous7:06 PM

    JF was evil and a scourge to thinking people everywhere. He set the US back 150 years. Good riddens.
    Madonna likes telling people what to do. She might make a decent director. ;-D
