Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Did Lindsay Lohan Try And Commit Suicide? Twice?

Star thinks so, and you know they never get it wrong.

Lindsay Lohan's shocking car crash and DUI arrest are just the latest disturbing incidents marking the troubled young star’s descent into drugs, drinking and, Star has learned two attempts to commit suicide! A close friend tells Star that during an emotional meltdown in NYC in the weeks before her May 26 bust, Lindsay screamed that she just wanted to end it all – and tried.

“She grabbed a knife and started cutting at her writs,” the insider reveals. “A friend made her stop and went around looking for sharp objects. Lindsay ran into the bathroom with a bottle of Advil.” (yeah that Advil is a killer.)

Crying, “Leave me alone! I just want to die!” Lindsay locked herself in the bathroom and threatened to swallow the entire bottle, says the source. Finally, someone broke down the door and saved the distraught actress from herself!

Just a month away from her 21st birthday, Lindsay has already done a stint in rehab at the Wonderland Center in Los Angeles . But friends say that she was partying right up to the disastrous car crash. (not just friends. I think the entire world knows at this point)
The wild night that proceeded it was a not-so-pretty picture of the star’s out of control life. She was spotted at Les Deux in Hollywood , where she partied with pals until 2:30 am. Then Lindsay headed to a private party reportedly at the Hollywood Hills home of Koi restaurant owner Nick Hawk. She was seen leaving around 4:00 am appearing completely wasted,” an onlooker reports. But Lindsay went to the Mondrian Hotel on the Sunset Strip. She was briefly seen in the hotel’s Skybar club before leaving at 4:45 am and returning to her condo, where, says a source, she proceeded to fight with her lesbian lover, Samantha Ronson, 29.
Friends say that the pair had been battling for two days. “Sam was at Lindsay’s on Thursday night, but they were arguing because Lindsay won’t acknowledge her as her girlfriend,’ says a source. When Lindsay got home, she fought with Samantha again, says the source. “At about 5 am, Samantha stormed out of Lindsay’s apartment complex off Sunset Blvd. “Lindsay came up behind Samantha in her black Mercedes. There was someone else in the passenger seat Lindsay slowed down and exchanged a few heated words with Samantha.
Samantha then got in the car, sitting on the lap of the passenger and they took off. About 10 minutes later, Lindsay crashed her car. She was speeding and lost control. An eyewitness tells Star that after the crash, Lindsay, Samantha and the other friend fled the scene. “Lindsay crawled out of her smashed car from the passenger side and ran over toward the house across the street,” says the onlooker. The security guard at the estate says Lindsay was “hysterical.” She started ringing the doorbell. Then, she and her friends left and Lindsay’s bodyguard arrived and drove the damaged Mercedes away. “Lindsay is on a reckless road right now, declares another friend. We’re all afraid she’s going to end up dead soon. She needs help now.”

In fact, just two days after the DUI, on the morning of May 28, Lindsay was found passed out in a car after coming out of Teddy’s nightclub, being comforted by none other than Samantha. Now, while reps for the actress says she has not attempted suicide, concern for Lindsay is mounting among those who love and care for her and believe that what she’s doing is tantamount to suicide.


Anonymous said...

Someone seriously needs to bitch slap her fucked up mother. I do feel bad for Lilo, but she needs to take responsibility for her own actions.

Best of luck to her.

Anonymous said...

What a mess... I think what she reaaally needs to do is to just pack some clothes in a backpack and take off for a one year trip in africa or something. She would cool down, see normal people that don't know her, and live/learn something usefull for a change.

Anonymous said...

Wow...I'm actually really worried for her...I wish I could be the true friend to these girls that they don't seem to have.

Anonymous said...

Actually a long backpacking trip sounds like a wonderful soul-cleanser. Time to get clean, Lindsay. Give your body and mind a rest.

Anonymous said...

this little girl breaks my heart. but maybe now she'll learn least, that's my hope. i'd hate to see throw it all away.

Anonymous said...

I'm starting not to care anymore. The girl is a train wreck. I hope that she takes this rehab stint seriously, but frankly I'm a doubter.

No more LiLo, Ent. PLEASE. I'm begging.

Anonymous said...

This is really sad. I hope she gets some help in this latest treatment center and she can find some way to get positive attention rather than negative.

Hey Enty, as a lawyer who handles criminal charges and works with celebrities in that area, can you give us some inside scoop about what trouble she is in legally with the courts there?

Anonymous said...

Dina Lohan is a clone of Jade Barrymore. Drew (allegedly) cleaned up; not sure if Lindsay ever will. Hate to say this, but if she's alive in five years from now I'll be surprised.

Anonymous said...

^and how much longer are the bars going to get away with serving underage celebrities? That should also be the focus of this whole mess.

Anonymous said...

Let's keep in mind this is coming from STAR Magazine, and as Ent said, they aren't always the most reliable source. I don't believe it coming from them. I think Lindsay is an addict, but I don't think she has actually tried to slit her wrists or take ADVIL to kill herself. let's be honest here. If the girl wanted to overdose, she'd find something a little bit harder in her stash to do it with.

mooshki said...

Weren't there pictures of her with cuts on her wrist? She doesn't stand a chance with those horrid parents. Every time I read about her, I thank my mom for being normal and not putting up with any of my stupid teenage sh*t.

Anonymous said...

The most surprising thing is we talk about Paris, Nicole and Lindsay like their teenagers, but these are ADULT women who choose to act this way. And although I think White Oprah is a shady mom how much control can she really have on Blohan.

What Blohan needs is to get help and hopefully start acting like a grown woman. It sounds like she has a lot of issues to work out. Therapy, therapy, therapy!


Anonymous said...

Ent - I can read this kind of crap in a tabloid magazine (like, the Star?). I thought your deal was that you are a celebrity attorney in the LA scene, representing famous clients and knowing people who deal with the celebrities and having inside stories to tell. WTF? YOu don't even give us what the run down is with what Lindsay's legal situation based on the laws there. You supposedly met this chick and have a bunch of celebrity clients and friends? I'll believe it when you tell how "my stories lead to crazy days and nights" like you say on the top of your blog. You are always saying you are going out in the middle of the night to bail out some criminal client. Looks to me like you just repost the same gossip from every other site all day long.

Anonymous said...

I also can't understand how these clubs manage to continue serving underaged "stars" and stay in business.

Drugs and partying are so popular among the young stars and the "wannabe" crowd. I think it's going to take more than a few really high profile deaths to put the brakes on these runaway trains.

Anonymous said...

I think this explains LiLo.

Anonymous said...

I may be runniung against the general snark vein here but I do hope this young woman will get the help she needs.

Having these parent issues while having to deal with the entire fame business must be hard, even for someone mature.

I hope it works out for her.

Anonymous said...

Star Mag fact checks every story and has lawyers review every story.

They have a HARD ON for Lindsay and her drug issues b/c they have known about them for a long time but didn't have rock solid proof to publish.

Now that she's in treatment it's unlikely she'll sue (truth is a defence to defamation: thanks ENT!) so they're going to dig up all the stories they've been afraid to publish.

I believe this story: she is definitely a cutter (self-inflicted marks started appearing on her arms about 6 months ago when she got really heavy into opiates).

and you've got to REALLY HATE yourself to throw away everything that she has.

BTW DINA IS GOING TO CHECK HERSELF INTO REHAB - in an attempt to come out on top in her custody battle over the other two cash cows, WHOOPS i mean "children".

if she's smart she'll do it on friday afternoon so the news cycled dies down come monday.


Anonymous said...

* Difficulty learning from consequences
* Immature social behavior
* Inappropriately friendly to strangers
* Lack of control over emotions
* Poor impulse control
* Poor judgment
* Attention deficits
* Memory deficits
* Hyperactivity
* Difficulty with abstract concepts
* Inability to manage money
* Poor problem solving skills
* Small birth weight
* Small head circumference
* Small eye openings
* Smooth, wide philtrum
* Thin upper lip

Anonymous said...

I wish they all would enter into a suicide pact and off themselves all at once.

Anonymous said...

Trust me, most FAS babies look far different from the "penis posse" [since we really don't have any other term for the group other than Shanna Moakler's moniker]

Anonymous said...

Trust me, most FAS babies look far different from the "penis posse" [since we really don't have any other term for the group other than Shanna Moakler's moniker]

Anonymous said...

I have nothing more than utter contempt for someone with the opportunity to do so much more than the rest of us will ever have. How many of you have the time or where with all to party till all hours of the morning? Not me, I have to "work" for a living. I have no health insurance and can't even afford to go to the dr. yet this selfish little bitch spends more in one night than I make in a year. Feel sorry for her-please!!!!

Hez said...

I'm with the posters who are tired of Lindsay and hoping for a moratorium.

And by that I mean I don't care anymore unless she's a) dead or b) getting the Nobel prize.

So yeah, wake me when it's over. Coco Chanel must be spinning in her grave to be associated with such a complete piece of trash.

Poor baby, my eye. When I was drinking underage I thought I was the coolest thing in the world, and I'm sure she does, too. Smug bitch needs to get off the planet if she's so much better than the rest of us.

God, I remember the days when I used to watch her (and Anne Heche!) on Another World... seems like another galaxy now.

Anonymous said...

Hez, I was a huge fan of Another World back in the early days, in fact I saw the first show. I didn't know Lindsay was ever on that show. When and who did she play?

Anonymous said...

Some agency needs to enforce the no drinking under 21 law!!!! How come these under-agers are allowed in the clubs everynight??? Well, it's because money makes the world go around. It's not fair that Joe Schmo can't get into these clubs until he is 21, but Lindsey can. Her parents are losers and she's a loser.

Anonymous said...

you have some very good insights on a lot of this.
do you have a background in the psychiatric/psyhcologic field?
and i'm not being sarcastic. i'm just curious.

i feel sorry for the little girl that was lindsay. i pity the adult. i think her problems go way beyond "borderline". i do agree with narc, that she fits the profile of FAS. she also shows signs of bipolarism, thus the self-medication. a 30 day treatment is NOT going to help her. she needs a long-term live-in facility somewhere out of the public eye, as she feeds on publicity. i also wonder about schizoaffective disorder or outright schizophrenia.
ANY psychotic disorder would more than likely result in the mess she's in.
and is it my imagination, or has she actually gotten WORSE since her father got out of jail?

Anonymous said...

Lindsey was Amanda's daughter. I think her name may have been Ally. Maybe around 7 or 8 yrs old on the show.

Anonymous said...

Hez, Did you realize the statement Seems like another galaxy now and Anne Heche were mentioned in the same sentence? HAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

bionic bunny: psych background but more importantly have worked with drug addicts and children of addicts.

which is why the fascination with her story amazes me: almost ALL drug using children of addicts act this way.

they have no boundaries, no selfesteem, they use, destroy themselves, hit bottom, clean up, relapse, and do it all again SEVERAL TIMES.

some get clean, most don't. most end up in jail or dead: we're talking 85 - 90%.

even the best rehab program out there can't boast more than a 10% sober rate after a year.

there is nothing special about this girl: she is one of a LEGION of addicts and broken people who need help.

Anonymous said...

with you on that, narc.
what ever happened to the old minimum 90 day rehabs? 30 days is nowhere near realistic.

i enjoy your posts, i knew you had to have had some first-hand knowledge.

Anonymous said...

I don't care. As long as we get more photos of her snoring it's all good. Those are fucking funny.

Anonymous said...

You all are pondering various clinical disorders but allow me to put this theory forth:
(and I will preface this by saying that I am a psychology major)

She does coke. Period.
There may be some depression or Bipolar tendencies mixed in there, but it's really the coke's fault.

As someone who adores Lindsay Lohan AND cocaine, I can tell you that it fucks with your head. I've been doing it nearly every day for nearly six months now, and I am extremely suicidal. I'm smart enough to put it all in perspective, but I am far more irrational than I've ever been known to be.
Generally outgoing but respectful, I now find myself yelling/swearing/making faces at people and sobbing numerous times per day.

If i had as much coke and as much pressure and as many friends and fun opportunities to do my coke as Lindsay, I'd be a fucking mess, too. (and obviously already am, without all of those things)
With or without genetic predispositions.

Anonymous said...

4:08 i suggest you quit wasting your time on a computer and get some help for addiction...that is no way to start a life in Pyschology.

Anonymous said...

thanx 4:08 for sharing...

If you look at the pics of her 5 years ago she was vibrant, joyful, seemed to have abundant vitality, and and be of at least above average teenage exuberant health (not anorexic, insecure etc)(look at freaky friday)... absolutely no signs of the crazy she has become...
its as if she was able to balance her emotions without the added booze and drugs, but now cannot balance.
I myself dont even really think the coke was the final straw... i have no proof at all, but IMHO i really think it is meth that did her in... samantha is said to be a meth user and lilo's face had all sorts of sores on it in the last days photos...
and furthermore, i really think words are things... they are so empowering... and her a-hole mother kept going public saying she'd be the next Lady Di... what an idiot; just tempting fate... you think her daughter didn't buy into that theory??? come on... apple doesnt fall too far from the weeping willow...

Anonymous said...

i feel awful for you, honestly. i also have a psych background, but no degree. surely you have a faculty advisor that can help you. you deserve better.
take care.

Anonymous said...

I agree that she has a personality disorder, fueled by being a meal ticket for many. Child actors, unless anchored by a solid home life, will explode without the narcissism being reigned. That being said, I do believe this girl has "issues" unrelated to child acting, whether it's nature or nuture. I do not have sympathy for her, and I also do not understand the "she's so talented" laments, which I truely believe are posted by paid-for contributors. Color me unimpressed by her "talent." I cannot believe this wreck has "fans." No self respecting parent would allow their child to be a "fan:, and no adult could be a "fan", she is nothing more than a cute child actor almost grown, with implants and horrific behavior. I don't wish her well, I wish her punishment. And by the way, Caifornia must have the most lenient DUI laws I have ever heardof. I live in Arizoma, and underage DUI is rougher than adult DUI. I am applled that there is no mandatory jail time for DUI, in any state, particularly CA. And, I would be shaking if I were a bar owner knowingly serving an underage patron. The rules don't apply, and they won't ever, until some hapless victim of these celebutards kill some innocent person. And that will be in a wrongful death civil suit, as the actual law inforcement doesn't seem to think these people are subject to law.

Anonymous said...

Ya know... There are people in this world who goes to sleep hungry at night. Who don't have the money to afford a decent pair of shoes. Who gets passed around from house to house, with no one to really call family or care for them. There are people who get beaten and hurt. People without a home. And they struggle to survive, wanting to live... And then you have Lindsay Lohan. I don't feel sorry for her at all.

Anonymous said...

piece o' crap. suicide would be a blessing to this earth.


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