Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Denise Richards Needs To Dig For New Gold--aka Denise And Richie Are Over

Now maybe I can start liking Bon Jovi again and Denise Richards can find some other guy to mooch from. I mean if she was really all that, why would a guy as old and raggedy as Richie throw away Denise. She is many, many things of which most are awful, but she is still attractive and probably knows a few tricks from her glory days to make a guy squirm. So, if she has all that going for her then she must really be everything we expect her to be and Richie can now breathe the air of a free man. Now get on your old, tired knees and see if Heather will take you back.


  1. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Duh, he's extremely wealthy. Age old story - they seek him out, just as Heather did when she first hooked up with him.

  2. Anonymous11:32 AM

    i guess he decided that if he was going to be paying for it he might as well rent a younger whore.

  3. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Why are you so busy knocking her rep when he's a bad as bad boy rok & rollers come (just check Metal Sludge!!)

  4. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I think it was a mutual decision, as he turned into a steamed lobster.

  5. Anonymous12:55 PM

    He's an old bore

  6. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Ent, you crack me up. I love it!

  7. Anonymous1:46 PM

    *remember when richie s. had big hair and was cute*

  8. Anonymous3:16 PM

    mmmm. lobster!

  9. Anonymous3:52 PM

    He probably didn't like her previous profession constantly being mentioned on the blogs.

  10. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I bet it had a lot to do with them doing Cocaine on a Hawaiian beach.

  11. Anonymous4:17 PM

    no shit who lays in the friggin sun to do blow?

    ..well except Lindsay lohan.
