Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Complete Nicole Richie Story

Star and The Enquirer say Nicole Richie is in rehab and then her rep says, no she isn't. Nicole is sitting at home in Glendale. So then I just got this from Star.

Nicole Richie is GETTING OUTPATIENT TREATMENT, she originally checked in to the treatment facility on May 11, and National Enquirer and Star have a photo of her (bauer griffin agency) going into the facility on May 19. Despite the carefully-worded denial from Nicole Richie's publicist, sources at The National Enquirer and Star magazine insist they stand by their story 100% that the Simple Life star recently sought treatment for anorexia and substance abuse. "We figured Nicole's publicist would try to deny this, but we have excellent sources, though." Additionally, the mag's have damning evidence - photographic proof.
Both The Enquirer and Star have pictures of Nicole entering the Beau Monde Treatment Center in Corona Del Mar, California , on May 19th. Ain't no denying that!

According to the mag's, Richie first checked in to rehab on May 11th. "And yes, she's at home now," says a source at both tabs. "As we wrote in the story, she's now getting outpatient treatment."


Anonymous said...

So, ent, is this a blind item revealed...say from last week??

Anonymous said...

so i guess she wasnt the blind who had all the coke in her purse or else ent. would usually hint at it as a blind item answer.... hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

She's a mess no matter how they spin it.

Anonymous said...

Actually NO you got it word for word from Perez! This was posted @1:55 AM

Despite the carefully-worded denial from Nicole Richie's publicist, sources at The National Enquirer and Star magazine insist they stand by their story 100% that the Simple Life star recently sought treatment for anorexia and substance abuse.

"We figured Nicole's publicist would try to deny this," a source tell "We have excellent sources, though."

Additionally, the mag's have damning evidence - photographic proof.

Both The Enquirer and Star have pictures of Nicole entering the Beau Monde Treatment Center in Corona Del Mar, California, on May 19th.

Ain't no denying that!

According to the mag's, Richie first checked in to rehab on May 11th. "And yes, she's at home now," says a source at both tabs. "As we wrote in the story, she's now getting outpatient treatment."

And there you have it!

Anonymous said...

She had to the BI about the coke purse. She loves it! And I didn't even know that Beau Monde place existed. If you know that area its right in the middle of a boatyard? Nicole Richie is a clown. Now go ride your bicyle over to Quizno's and buy yourself a roast beef sandwich with extra mayo!

Anonymous said...

If you know that area its right in the middle of a boatyard? - what does that mean, im in canada, idk??

Also, your clown comment gave me my daily chuckle and quiznos is the shizz!!!

Anonymous said...

Wait a second - Ent gets info from other websites and posts it here?!?!?! The outrage! (Kidding) Who cares? He's posting entertainment info - of course he's going to have to get it from somewhere. Chill peeps. :)

Anonymous said...

it's perez-posting
biggest cheat of all

Anonymous said...

ENT clearly said "So then I just got this from Star." - hmmm, you think MAYBE just MAYBE that Star sent out an email to gossip bloggers that more than one freaking site posted - hmmm...
READ ANON before you starting throwing around your stupid conspiracy theories...

Anonymous said...

Get well Nicole.

Anonymous said...

wondering, lawnmower, if you know the area so well, how come you didn't point out its in NEWPORT BEACH not CORONA DEL MAR. and in a boat yard?
so? i'm not familiar with the place, but property is at it's premium in newport. they only have 4 residential rooms, apparently, and i doubt the clientele are aware of any boat yard. which yard do you say it occupies?
just curious.
btw, i kind of feel bad for her. poor little rich girl. and i don't know about the BL about the coke purse, but she's supposed to have a vicodin problem, at least according to the other reports. i think the biggest mistake she's made is hanging out with parasite. anyone who weighs that much is in serious, serious trouble. i don't care for her, but i don't hate on her, either.

Anonymous said...

Yea. Boatyard. And I didn't point out it was in Newport because I didn't want to overload people with too much info. Minds are a fragile thing. The ironic thing is there are around 10 bars/restaurants within a 100 yd radius of this place. The reason I know is because I, the lawnmower, have tossed back a few at Villa Nova and Billys on a Sunday afternoon which are right next door. I get around.

Hez said...

ROFL @ "I get around." Lawnmower, you sound like a fun person to spend a Sunday with!!

See if you can bean some 'habbers with a beer bottle next time you're there! That would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

the boat yard over there sorta behind the crab cooker?

Anonymous said...

Lawnmower, ur fuckin hilarious! Where have you been? Are you new? I dunno, but ur fuckin funny dude!

If its behind a crab cooker does that mean Nicole has crabs now too? Wow for a rich girl she sure does have a lot of problems. But nothing that a big bag of coke couldn't fix.


Hez said...

Tracee, some days there's nothing a big bag of coke wouldn't fix!

But it's gotta be BIIIIIIG.


Anonymous said...

"See if you can bean some 'habbers with a beer bottle next time you're there! That would be awesome. "

- grow up're not all.

Anonymous said...

"funny" is in the eye of the beholder.

lawnmower: didn't mean to sound so nasty, it didn't come out well, did it?
am still curious. i grew up down that way, before the building boom. and for some reason i was thinking the bldg. near the lido yard.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who sees the word "ghost" when I put my mouse over the photo? Totally gives it away.

Anonymous said...

anon 2:02:
You area genius! I mean I thought this was a reveal but with picture labeled "ghost" it puts the nail on the coffin. Nice. :)

Anonymous said...

Kchal "ENT clearly said "So then I just got this from Star." - hmmm, you think MAYBE just MAYBE that Star sent out an email to gossip bloggers that more than one freaking site posted - hmmm...
READ ANON before you starting throwing around your stupid conspiracy theories... "

A lot of sites pick up a story & source/credit/link it. They don't reprint another writer's article word for word. I have no problem w/ posting a story from another site or reprinting an email if credited. This obviously wasn't an email "from the Star" as NO other site has posted the SAME article w/o credit. SHABBY and I don't see how it would be a "conspiracy" to point that out. It is, however, a paranoid delusion to believe that pointing out an error (honest or not) is a conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

So maybe Ent's actually Perez outta drag?

Anonymous said...

And before that comment starts yet another flame war, IT WAS A JOKE, PEOPLE!! ONLY A JOKE!!

Hez said...

Anon 5:47/48, it actually was kinda funny.

But don't trust my sense of humour... according to Susie Sensitive at 12:09, I need to grow up and stop throwing metaphorical things at cokeheads and boozebags.

Anonymous said...

lol someone beat me to the "ghost" observation on the right-click.

Anonymous said...

Hez - How are you able to use bold print and italics? Mine won't do that, does anyone else's?


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