Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Britney Spears On W Magazine--Real Or Photoshop?

Doesn't it kind of look like Natalie Portman when she shaved her hair for a movie??


Anonymous said...

thats totally natalie portman with brit's eyes. this is a fake.

Anonymous said...

I didn't recognize her without a strange and ugly hat on!

Stacy said...

Major photoshopping, but LOVE LOVE LOVE the short hair on her.

Anonymous said...

That is not Britney's nose or lips-we are not THAT dumb thank you

Anonymous said...

its a FAKE people Britney is no where as classy as Natalie and beside's it is'nt a Britney pic if she does'nt have her mouth opened WIDE to catch flies. or gve a bj

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Britney wishes she looked like that

Anonymous said...

That's Natalie or some hybrid, photo-chopped mess. No way it's Britney.

Anonymous said...

Well, she's just lovely, whoever she is!

Anonymous said...

Um, yeah, not Britney--not even close.

Anonymous said...

total fake. Brit is not that exotic looking.

Anonymous said...

That is not Britney - doesn't have Britney's pig nose.

Unknown said...

where did her chins go?

Anonymous said...

I would never have guessed that was supposed to be Brit. Does not even look like her the least little bit. I wonder if Natalie Portman will have a fit over this picture??

Anonymous said...

Natalie Portman, shot by Alex Cayley for In Style (November 2005), plus some poor retouching.

Anonymous said...

No wad of gum..no stain on clothing...no stupid hat...it ain't Britney.

Anonymous said...

Ugh - photoshop - totally. Cover the hair with your hand and it still doesn't look like her. BUT... wouldn't it be awesome for those kids and her if she got herself together enough to look like that? feh... Love ya ENT.and ZX cracks me up too~Irishstayc

classy_stoner said...

they were just using this picture for an example fo what it might look like with brit. the pictures and article haven't even been done yet.

Anonymous said...

nope. no way is that her. NOTHING on that faces matches anything on hers.

hot looking chick, tho.

Anonymous said...

ugh. not brit's nose, or any of her other facial features. much prettier than ugly britney. although, i don't like natalie portman, either (for starters, her moles are sooo gross)

tigereye said...

why the hell did they even try this? odd.


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