ZX's Weekend--No One Gets More Out Of A Weekend Than ZX
Friday, I went to do the interview at Izzy's Deli, yes, for the size 10 cheap shoes/ kmart clothes/provoking pool shoot. Izzy's was totally packed and when we asked the Angelyne-ish hostess if we could move to a quieter booth, she first ignored me like she was far too busy, then Just Said No, and finally upon further inquiry, took five minutes while the place was lining up out the door to lecture both of us on how we could have been seated immediately if we'd waited for the table we wanted in the first place.
Don't mean to be an erudite jackass but she's been hostessing at a deli for 50 years too long and didn't appreciate our gig. Next thing I know, my interviewer is admitting to sending shoot photos to a persnickety actor. When he gave her more trouble, she sent him an email, "How about these? You look beee-eautiful!" And replaced the pictures with photos of her bulldog. So we spent the lunch not working and laughing our asses off and had to reschedule for Saturday.
Went home and tore into some Screen Actor's Guild Envelopes which mean but one thing: Cha-ching! Opened one: "Yes!" Opened the second, "YEEESSSSS!"Opened the third. "Wait. No. Bill." In an identical envelope, the hooligans.
So Saturday, had the real interview. Fell further in love with this girl, but lost my car for two hours and had to pass by a homeless artist who said he loved my feet. I thought he wanted to look at them or draw them but he bent down and caressed my arch. "Aaaaah," he said. "Lower back trouble. And you love organizing things." He was right about the lumbar but I had to pass him two more times in search for said lost vehicle and that pretty much eliminated his second theory.
Stalked my guy and he actually picked up his phone and invited me to an art show, but it was another A-frame disaster and he pretty much hates me now which somehow makes him more mysterious and alluring. 

a view of a side room at the art show through a hole

The dinner with the financiers was awesome. The hostess had a slumber party of little girls who kept peering in from the kitchen clutching my dvd cover,and then disappearing when I looked up. Which was probably why the most outrageously gorgeous Australian meat mogul to ever come up over was paying so much attention to me. He even offered to drag me outside and kiss me, cheeky I know, I would have told him to piss off but he was ADORABLE. When I asked him how old he was, he said, "You were still in your dad's bags when I was in Baghdad." Had a good conversation with the financier about the film we want to make and the director told me as we left, "No shtupping Dad's Bags until we figure out everyone's dynamic." They may have all been swingers, who knows.
Went sheep herding on Sunday which was amazing. I didn't bring my dog, but I'm definitely going back. My best friend crocheted me a hat with sheep ears which I wore, OF COURSE, and one of the dogs thought I was some overgrown human sheep hybrid and couldn't focus. The owner got frustrated so I took off the hat and she looked over and said, "That's scarier."

Went to a Chumash festival with my dad and wanted to buy a bracelet but didn't have time for them to run my credit card over the phone. So I took my friend back the next day in the rain to see a Native American who could hula hoop with 24 hula hoops, and there was my dad coming out of the cloudburst to surprise me with the bracelet!

Later, went shopping at Elyse Walker, which is this chi chi boutique in the Palisades. A woman working there looked down and took in the shoes I wore to Burning man, coffee stained sweater, and back up to the sheep hat and kind of turned away. I bought some adorable Christian Laboutin shoes and wanted to box her ears with them and say "Big mistake, HUGE!" like Pretty Woman, but they were from her store, so I think it would've lacked impact.
Oh. Got a call from a director who said he wrote a vigilante action movie FOR ME, but his financiers wanted some TV girl who fits my identical description for the lead, but would I do this other part? I pouted for a couple days, but it's actually a terrific script with a great cast and the read- through's Monday. All signs point to Hooray.
ReplyDeleteI have two new guesses as to who this could be....but now I'm in serious doubt because I'm positive this gal is British. "Cheeky"....that's a dead giveaway.
But here are my new guesses....
Ali Larter
Lindsay Sloane
What do you think?
What about Ashley Tisdale?
ReplyDeleteGirl, you are hilarious. LOVE IT!
ReplyDelete11:18 is that you ZX :o) ?
ReplyDeleteWow, you had a busy weekend! The meeting with the financier sounded very funny-hope you get the part!
ReplyDeleteFor us non-Hollywood types, do your "paychecks" all come through the screen actors guild or is that residuals?
Just a thought to those dying to figure out who ZX is, she mentioned she went with her dad on Sunday so is it possible she grew up in Cali and is not a brit?
The funniest parts have got to be the "Laboutin shoes" (is that the Vancouver version of knockoffs?) & the "read throughs". FAKE
ReplyDeleteWhat about Minnie Driver - British and seems about the right age/time frame....
ReplyDeleteBTW - Love the blog but I'm exhausted reading what you did in one weekend!!
Moron - aka anon @ 11:31 am - perhaps you should check your 'facts' (hah) before calling someone a fake...
I'm not sure how it works with SAG, but with WGA you get paid for you work the first time by your agent/manager/lawyer (check sent to them, they take out their percentery) then you get residuals after it airs again, and they come in a green envelope. First time I ever got one, I almost threw it out thinking it was just 'spam'!!
ReplyDeleteLindsay Sloane is married and Minnie Driver is on a show, and thus wouldn't be auditioning at a broadcast network. They're out.
ReplyDeletekchal - thanks for the link! I've seen people hobbling around in shoes with red soles, but never knew the brand. I'm woefully ignorant re: designers (and many other things for that matter!)
ReplyDeleteOoh Anon 11:31, you're soooo snarky! I'm sure Ent and ZX are simply cut to ribbons by your rapier wit. How will they ever recover??
ReplyDeleteIf you want to know what I did this weekend, all you have to do is ask.
You obviously were too busy for that scheduled personality transplant. Pity.
I agree that someone who would buy a pair of LOUBOUTINS, NOT "Laboutin", would pronounce & spell it correctly. Just the way it is with real fashionistas, you'd have to be a moron like kchal11267 not to know that.
ReplyDeleteOh I love ZX's posts. I have no idea who she is, but keep it coming!
ReplyDeleteYa'll are joking around about the Laboutin thing, right? That would be a pretty common spelling mistake, I would think.
ReplyDeleteI agree brendalove... not everyone is a great speller. Do you really think ZX cares about if she spelled LOUBOUTIN correctly? She doesn't seem that way to me.
ReplyDeletezx is obviously a quirky cutsy girl with style to match (the hat says it all, and it sounds adorable -- i wish i had a knitting bff!), my point is that it's forgivable for her to misspell a tricky french name because she's obviously not a hard-core fashionista who would know that sort of thing. i hate being pooh-poohed in stores, and i also love the pretty woman's revenge, although sometimes i spend too much just to spite them/show the it's possible. sorry about the second a-frame disaster, is it possible he's shy?
Bad troll, back under your bridge!!
ReplyDeleteNo it's not a common mistake. These shoes are "it", very expensive and pronounced LOO-boo-teen". I've yet to hear a salesperson ever make that mistake, let alone someone shelling out the big bucks to wear them.
ReplyDeleteTo anon at 11:44, Britney wears Louboutins and you know there is no way in hell she can spell or pronounce the name correctly so no, I don't think everyone who wears Louboutins knows how to spell the name. And while you might own a ton of Louboutins, you still come across as a very ugly person.
ReplyDelete11:56am - get over it. Who really cares if she misspelled it or not. I would bet there are many celebrities, etc. who misspell designer names, particularly when their stylists are buying all their clothes, etc. Sometimes I misspell my name if I'm emailing someone real quick.
ReplyDeletebmini - Well said!!
ReplyDeletewell i own three pairs and didnt realize till now ive been misspelling the name. some people really just dont give a rat's ass about how to spell designer brand names. get over it! either enjoy it or eff off, im sick of your shite.
ReplyDeleteWell Anon at 11:31, 11:45 & 11;56 (I'm assuming you are one in the same) you MUST be right and you have put me in my place - gosh, how bad I feel thinking this actress who is blogging wouldn't take the time to check out the spelling on the designer shoes - gosh - thanks for expertise and insight into her personality though - what would we do w/out anon's like you who come to the blogs and bitch about how fake it is and yet are unable to identify themselves... a real contributer you are...
ReplyDeletePS they are not pronounced Loo-boo-teen, they are pronounced loo-boo-tan with a silent n. It is a FRENCH name.
ReplyDeleteOk, I'm going to go out on a limb here, but could ZX possibly be Zooey Deschanel? I read somewhere that she's into photography, which would explain some of the pictures. Plus, she has been in few movies, like Elf and Bridge to Tarabithia, that a slumber party crowd would enjoy....The only thing I'm not sure about is that imdb says she's pretty busy this year.
ReplyDeleteWell, I am sure ZX IS the kind of person that WOULDN'T point out another's spelling mistakes just to be mean...
ReplyDeleteBack back evil troll...back under the bridge with you!!
PPS-It's actually Low-Boo-tan, with the soft a sound...
ReplyDeleteThose aren't sheep. They're goats.
ReplyDeleteI think whoever's writing this has read Advetures of the Screen Trade & is using that as the guide for this character's "stories". I agree there are too many details every time that just aren't real life but a ficitional writer trying hard to research & missing the mark. If you believe it great, I've got a read-through for you.
ReplyDeleteThat "logic" is precious. She spelled it wrong, therefore it/she doesn't exist?
ReplyDeleteWheee! Look ma, no grativy!
What is your beef with 'read-through?' That's what they're called - that and table read. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, dude, take your nasty breath back under your assigned bridge and shove a pair of size 10 Louboutins up your hairy ass while you're at it.
ZX - apologies.
Wow Hez, you seem more hungover than usual, I didn't think that was possible.
ReplyDeleteThis Bud's for you, Morgan.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder they call you folks brains of brick at the sites where people guess real blind items. Generally, people who don't get the details like: goat vs. sheep, actually buying $1000.00 shoes vs. pretending you did and director phone call to read through in two days are the people who will buy this story.
ReplyDeletethis is like lord of the flies over here! my goodness!
ReplyDeletecan't we all just get along?
zx--your dad rocks! what a guy!
Would it be too much of a stretch to guess Jessica Alba for ZX?
ReplyDeleteOh man, I'm hurt. Truly, truly hurt.
ReplyDeleteNah - just kidding. I like the short bus.
As someone who grew up on and around farms, there are many different breeds of sheep. Some which do look like goats, especially when they've been shorn. The black one looks a lot like an Afghan Arabi, and the one in the middle is most definitely a sheep.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I'm just here for fun, but to many of you take this way to seriously. If it's real or not, I don't care, but it's fun to play along.
Oh nooo! Anonymous internet people think we're stupid and gullible! My heart is absolutely broken.
ReplyDeleteAt least they're charitable enough to come over here and tell how stupid and pathetic we are. Thank God... otherwise how would we ever know?
Just thinking of all the coincidences or mistakes listed today & before makes me lean towards two writers, one w/ a Brit influenced background ( does not live in LA for sure)who tries sooo hard but fails to be funny & the other a wannabe? Both I think have no money, obviously not done the high life and are lonely if the romance posts are any clue. indication.
ReplyDeleteZX has to be someone a little on the 'hippy' side if she has been to Burning Man.
ReplyDeletesorry, the burning man post above was from me.
Amber Tamblyn...
ReplyDeleteOMG! There's a picture of me in the dictionary next to the entry for gullible!!
ReplyDeleteI'd love if all the Louboutin wearers here would use pictures of their clad feet as avatars rather than all the dumb Webster photos.
ReplyDeleteAnyone else think that this will all be used for material on the subject: How To Write Ficitional Hollywood Insider's Stories For the Internet and Learn From Our Mistakes? Does the Guild have a caucus for this trail blazing new market?
ReplyDeleteanonymous 1:31--actually, you're pretty close to what i'm thinking. i'm wondering if this is some sort of thesis project for blind items and their effects on the subjects, readers and the media. if it's not, it should be.
ReplyDeleteamy, Actually I think it's one of two possibilities put forth by others before: a blogger with no credibility trying to be linked with bigger gossip sites & real celebrities because this is a growing, lucrative field (like Perez came from nowhere but he has real sources)OR an alternate reality game, especially with all the "named" personalities so viciously defending every mistake. I like the thesis theory, though I just don't find the writing at graduate school level. Gabbywill
ReplyDeletezx keep them coming! i love your stories. Disregard the non believers.
ReplyDeleteI'm on the fence here, but seriously like the whole ZX blogging thing. Would my ego be so terribly bruised if I found out it was fake? Hell no! For shit's sakes its only the internet. It does entertain me for fifteen (okay maybe 30) minutes everyday. I think some people are definitely taking these blogs way too seriously coming unglued over spelling mistakes,shoe sizes, and photos... get a life! And if ZX is real then more power to her.
ZX your weekend sounded fun and your Dad sounds like a sweetie. I hate those snobby shop assistants, they remind me of the police - I always feel guilty in their presence.
ReplyDeleteGreat pics, thanks for posting them for us and writing small snapshots of your life.
If you read these comments I bet you'll be tickled by the 'how to pronounce the name of a shoe designer' crisis... international incidents have caused less upset.
Just enjoy the blog folks and if you think it's fake move on.
i am going out on a limb here but maybe zx's primarily focus isn't checking the spelling on this little silly blog. perhaps she is actually living her life and, in that, occasionally misspells words.
ReplyDeleteNot to braaaag, but I (along w/a few other peeps) have already figured out who Miss ZX is. :)
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm NOT going to spoil the fun by giving you her name, but to keep things from bogging down, I WILL name a few of the people she is NOT:
1) Amber Tamblyn
2) Zooie Deschanel (my original fave!)
3) Ali Larter (... although I have a hunch she IS another "special friend")
4) Lindsay Sloane
5) Ashley Tisdale
6) Minnie Driver
7) Jessica Alba
8) Mandy Moore
9) Keira Knightly
10) Nikki Reed
11) Rose McGowan
One last tip: A gal doesn't have to be foreign-born (or raised) to throw out an unusual turn-of-phrase now & then, you know...
youda bess - just soooo don't believe you. Fairly quick damage control but "you're" just another "named character" to keep the blog going & the hopes of the waverers. They've already posted that their egos won't be bruised if it's fake so this just sounds too desperate.
ReplyDeleteI hate the CUNTS at Elyce Walker -- they think their shit doesn't stink and yours does if yopu're not dressed to the nines all the time.
ReplyDeleteLast time I was in there in jeans and an old t-shirt (not a cute "vintage" top, just a regular old tee) and one of the bitches let me know I probably couln't afford to buy any of the shoes there.
I hope that fucking place burns down with those hags in it.
jouda bess also sounds quite like Hez, the original bruised ego defender. The punctuation, style and grammar of 2:59 really confirm that for me.
ReplyDelete3:17 should've worn your "Laboutins", they're all the rage in the Palisades, dontcha know? Plus you get to bypass standard industry practices & go straight to read throughs with those magically real shoes.
ReplyDeleteThe hostess had a slumber party of little girls who kept peering in from the kitchen clutching my dvd cover
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm what do little girls watch?
I'm thinking Anne Hathaway...
Hillary Duff? cmon parents help me out...
Christina Ricci?
ReplyDeleteI sign my name to my posts.
ReplyDeleteAnd I can show you my lunch receipt so you can check the time on it and compare it with the posts you think are mine, Encyclopedia Brown.
Besides, I'm wayyy too busy doing rails and screwing your boyfriend to post here as often as you do.
youda bess how do you know you have guessed correctly and how do you know others have too? Is there a forum? Am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteI was convinced it was Rose McGowan, but glad it isn't else I should imagine she would have felt hurt by comments the other day.
I shall have to start guessing all over again.
I think a writer or contributor to a fake blog that purports to be real is not going to truthfully answer a statement saying they're posting as someone else. This whole site's about that, of course you'll get some crazy,stalker-like nasty response. That is Hez's style for those of us who've read this site since November.
ReplyDeleteHey to all the people who think this site it fake:
ReplyDeleteGo away and don't come back...your claims of Fake! is way annoying and totally not necessary so kindly bite me.
Why do you care? Why are you here?
Do you think we CARE WHAT YOU THINK? Nope...leave already!
Allison Lohman?? any takers?
allyuk - There are boards for the real BIs from Page Six, NYDN, Awful Truth, etc but this site's BIs aren't considered real. There is no forum, the message board has been gone for awhile. That's weird BTW, not just the posters there, but that it's gone. Hez was a "moderator" whatever that means & did remove posts & generally it was her personal message board for whatever that's worth. GAC
ReplyDeleteOh my god, I love it! :) These conspiracy theorists sure are quick on their feet! I'm actually flattered... I've never been the subject of one before!
ReplyDeleteTo "3:13": WOW. After all these years of thinking I was a "REAL girl," I'm devastated to learn I'm nothing more than a "named character" created to keep a blog going! I guess that means I can just leave the office now, huh? ...Fake people don't need jobs, after all! :)
To "3:20": No, I am not "Hez"... I'm a little less snarky, but I definitely take the comparison as a compliment! [FYI: I write for a living & I think Hez does, too. So the mysterious "similarities" you've noted may have more to do with simple writing ability than anything else! ;-)
But back to my original point: Does anybody around here want to figure this ZX thing out? Or would we all prefer to exchange conspiracy theories and throw out the same (incorrect) names every day?? Cuz I've already supplied a couple of BIG FAT hints that could go a looong way toward identifying ZX, if you really wanted to...
P.S. Nope, not Anne Hathaway, Hillary Duff, Christina Ricci or Allison Lohman. (Although Ricci is a great guess!) You've all got the nationality down, though.
Allyuk: To your first question: Once you figure it out, you'll know that you're right. (It can only be one person.) Also - Ent's not screwing around - everything "fits." If any of his key "descriptors" doesn't fit your guess - you got the wrong gal. 2) Nope, you're not missing any forums... Just re-read the comments to recent ZX posts and you'll see that other people have figured it out, too. (Of course, I'm the only one willing to help out my fellow "crazies" with a little "guidance!") 3) I thought it was Rose for a while, too. Let's just be glad it's not! :)
ReplyDeleteAll those preservatives from those easter eggs must be finally coming out!!
Boy oh boy!!
Has anyone heard from Jeezelouise lately?
I think a writer or contributor to a fake blog that purports to be real is not going to truthfully answer a statement saying they're posting as someone else. This whole site's about that, of course you'll get some crazy,stalker-like nasty response. That is Hez's style for those of us who've read this site since November.
ReplyDelete4:00 PM
*Yawn* - you're boring us, Osama.
Wow, conspiracy theorists stalking the writers of this blog? Maybe it's those crazy Scientlogists again, picking on people who "write for a living". Allyuk here's the one forum where you would find this sites BIs posted:
Please check out the "conspiracy items" that this regular poster here includes on her site daily. It's recommended by the "lawyer" & truly illuminating. GAC
The only posts that have ever been removed from the Message Board were my own. That's easily confirmed, so don't lie just to serve your own point.
ReplyDeleteContrary to what you say, the Message Board is also still there and it's nobody's personal board (if I want one of those, I will set it up for myself) and just because you declare it so doesn't make it true. So, that's three outright lies I've caught you telling already. I wonder how many more??
Nobody believes anything you say anyway. Especially when we all know just how many of these back-to-back anonymous posts are yours.
If you're going to cry "fake" every FIFTEEN SECONDS, how about holding yourself to a higher standard of truth?
Youda Bess - When you say Ricci is a good guess, do you mean lookswise or careerwise?
ReplyDeleteMiss ZX, I think you sound adorable and am amused by your stories. But in case you haven't noticed, a mention or picture of shoes seems to send these dear readers into a vicious frenzy. I can't appreciate their passion as I think anything over $50 for a pair is outrageous...but you need to be aware of your power and perhaps bring it into check.
ReplyDeletethat's right. i'm just a "named character". how in the world did you figure it out???
ReplyDeleteis it the other half a dozen sites where i post, using the same name?
or maybe it's the "kindness plug" ent let me post?
i just LOOOVE doing the research and posting links to things that only SOUND heartfelt, because in reality they are all ME! everytime you click a link i get $15!! it's really herbal life, and a nigerian lottery scam!
its so easy to be critical when you're thirteen and post anonymously.
seriously. leave.
oh, yeah, and bugger off.
(oh, dear, did i just imply my character isn't american?)
zx, you're doing great, girlfriend, i love your posts.
i hope you're laughing hysterically at these trolls.
Youda Bess - I'm just not getting it. I need to know if ZX would be known internationally because I haven't heard of half the people on your list...although that could be an age thing.
ReplyDeleteJust wondering how it can be "lies" when it's not possible to link anymore to the message board? Is there a new link? I'm a longtime reader, since last year, and I DO remember all the spats Hez was involved in regarding stalking, whining, removing posts,etc. I stopped reading/posting the message board when it stopped being about blinds.
ReplyDeleteBessie - the link is on the main page to the right under "links." It's the first one called "Crazy Days and Nights Message Board." People didn't seem to want to play over there, so most of the activity ended up in the "off topic" section.
ReplyDeleteThanks Pinky but that doesn't work, getting "bad gateway" & I did try a couple of weeks ago when others asked & got the same error. My point is: if this is about guessing, why does it always end up w/ this incredible hate & vicious insults? It's not a one time thing, it always seems to come down to this here with the same people over and over. You can't just blame it on anons, this is a pattern where there is no other opinions allowed.
ReplyDeleteI was in a chi chi store recently and the sales person was snobby to me. It ticked me off because although I had my workout clothes on and looked like a slob - I have a good paying professional job and although there's nothing wrong with working at a store - it isn't something I would call a great career. At least I get to sit at a desk all day and not walk around straightening hangers.
ReplyDeleteway, way off guess, but is it at all possible zx could be amanda bynes? seems to me she'd be 21 now, and even thought imdb says she lives with her folks that could have changed? she always struck me as being a little more intelligent than most of that nick/disney group. plus, the first season of "what i like..." was recently released on dvd. mother from canada= some of the "britishisms" maybe? plus i can really see her in a sheep hat. although ent made a mildly snarky comment about her look.
ReplyDeleteso tell me just HOW FAR off i am. i really suck at this.
Maybe it's a problem with your server, Bessie, cause I click on it and get right through every single day. Mary Mac, Bionic Bunny!, Cyn, AllyUK, Bethee, bmini, chicky - can you guys get through?
ReplyDeleteIt would be great if the comments remained about the guessing and not bashing on other people. As for my occasional nasty missive to the trolls, I get fed up occasionally because it's rude to visit someone's blog and call them a liar. Would that be something you'd do when invited to a friend's house? And when it gets really personal, like anonymice (yeah that's right, I used it) picking on Hez - that just ain't right.
Now, if Youda Bess would kindly answer a few questions, the rest of us can get our game on.
Would so love for this to be Amanda Bynes (love her!), but do you think Enty would say something snarky about her dress if it were?
ReplyDeleteIf Youda Bess really figured it out, and the Christina Ricci guess is close - what on EARTH does that mean? Any ideas?
Perhaps Kelly Osborne. She was in some of the websites last week in regard to a valet "losing" her car. She wound up walking around for a couple of hours before finding it.
ReplyDeletePerhaps Kelly Osborne. She was in some of the websites last week in regard to a valet "losing" her car. She wound up walking around for a couple of hours before finding it.
ReplyDeletekchal11267, Brendalove, Mel C., reluctantbride (is that you GGA??) can you please weigh in on the message board situation? It's got me all curious and shit.
ReplyDeleteCould ZX be Michelle Trachenburg?
ReplyDeletepinky, i have no problems getting in (ashamed to admit i've never registered because i suck so bad at the guessing).
ReplyDeletebe willing to bet it is a problem w/ bessie's server.
bessie, are you trying to get in from work or home?
kelly osbourne? i dunno. i guess its possible, the father stuff, the kinky knife.
someone that looks just like her on tv... jenny garth? courtney thorne smith? one of those slim blonde cuties? (for either zx or her doppleganger).
what do we know about CHRISTINA applegate?
ReplyDeleteclose to CHRISTINA ricci?
To whoever said Kelly Osbourne, zx used the term "erudite." Kelly Osbourne would never know what that word is let alone how to use it correctly.
ReplyDeleteWhen she used the term "piss off", that's a VERY British term.
Youda Bess, can you confirm her nationality?
Bess, I want to figure it out. I have become rather engrossed in it but, I am losing all hope and getting very dissapointed. I took Ent. saying she has several movies out already to be at least 3 movies out this year before April 5. And he said some more later this year (at least two). That is at least 5 movies in 2007. And she is not working on one right now. I have searched and searched and there is no one that fits that. I have gone through all the movies that have come out this year, the ones coming out later. Checked imdb until I cannot see straight. I am going to spend some time on your clues but after that, I have to give up. I have been thinking Piper Perabo or Christina Ricci or Zooey but, it's none of them :-(.
ReplyDeleteAnyways, thanks for taking the time to help some people who ARE actually trying to figure this out, real or not. I am going crazy here :-) Oh, and haters.... suck it
Hi Pinky, Bionic Bunny, Melissa, et al!
ReplyDeleteSorry - I had to do some actual WORK (hate that) & then drive home in %#*$ traffic. I didn't know I'd have so many questions to answer! I'll read through them now and see if I can respond in one shot...
The message bord works just fine for me, I have never had a problem with it. So you know what I think we should do?? Completely ignore this fat bitch-faced troll. If no one ever responds to her/his negative posts, then I think he/she will eventually get bored and go away. I am going to try really hard (and it will be hard) to not respond to troll posts.
ReplyDeleteBmini - GREAT MINDS think alike! Ignore is the secret, conspiratorial word ;)
ReplyDeleteSo, is Ricci blonde now, or back to her roots?
Yes I can get through to the message board. I didn't know it existed until you mentioned it pinky. Not much going on there. I couldn't find a ZX discussion.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Kelly has got the acting career that ZX appears to have. Someone who claims to have guessed the identity on a previous thread mentioned liking the new haircut so I thought Selma Blair. But then I noticed she's supposed to be getting engaged and isn't ZX single? I feel further and further away from getting it.
Message board works fine. Always has.
ReplyDeleteKeep guessing the blinds ... enjoying the posters who aren't afraid to put a name to their posts ... and don't feed the trolls...!
Okaaaay.. where to start?
ReplyDeleteThis is kinda tricky. (I wish there was some way to just e-mail y'all without giving out any addresses to the trolls!) ... The problem is if my hints get TOO specific I'll likely A) get deleted by "The MAN" (Hi Ent!); B) Piss off ZX (Hi ZX!); or C) Ruin the fun for people who aren't sick of guessing yet! ...So I'll just do the best I can.
Q: When you say Ricci is a good guess, do you mean lookswise or careerwise?
A: Ugh. I probably shouldn't have said that! I called it a "great guess" b/c Ricci matches so many of the CLUES we've been given. (I was just giving Pinky 'props' for having done some actual research!) In conclusion, though, I wouldn't say Ricci and ZX are all that similar "looks-wise" OR "careerwise," but if you'd asked me if they were similar (ahem).."age-wise"...I'd have to say yes.
Q: I need to know if ZX would be known internationally because I haven't heard of half the people on your list.
A: Believe me, I'd never heard of some of those actresses, either! I just listed the names of a handful of people who'd already been guessed (incorrectly) by others on the site.
Re: the "international" angle, it's hard for me to know how well U.S. actresses are known overseas (other than BIG names, of course). I've known of "ZX" for years, but primarily for one (major) film role a while back. The truth is you're probably not going to guess her just by rattling through a list of current
"it" actresses. But she has worked steadily and was in a pretty well-known film last year. Also, she seems to be "breaking out" this year, w/bigger (starring) roles in several upcoming films. (I have a hunch her name will come to mind a bit quicker by this time next year..)
Q: Could it be amanda bynes?
A: Nope. She does fit a LOT of the clues, but Amanda hasn't had much of an "indie" film career, and you won't see her pics at most of the events ZX has attended. (You WILL see ZX's pics, though!!)
Sorry...that's all I have time for right now. I promise to write again tomorrow if you have more Q's. (I'll also give a couple nudges in the right direction as to where/what to "research.")
Hope this helps!
How about Julia Stiles? She has a throaty voice, was in a few teen movies like "Save the Last Dance," is going higher profile with directing a short film and the "Bourne" series. She's in her mid-twenties. A number of the clues seem to fit.
ReplyDeleteThere's a ZX discussion thread there now in the Blind Items section.
ReplyDelete@ Youda Bess, you can email individual posters via their message board accounts if you like, and if you register there, we can also email you. Your email address will not be made public.
ReplyDeleteAnd as far as I know, Youda Bess, Ent would never delete someone's comment simply because they guess a blind correctly. ZX does plan to reveal her identity eventually, so I don't think you'd be pissing anyone off. But by all means, take the discussion over to the MB where we can all loosen the top button and relax.
ReplyDeleteAnd you can always email me over at my site. (Thanks for the writerly props, BTW.)
that being said, hez, i think i'll go ahead and register.
ReplyDeletesince there only seems to be a handful of us "regulars" (and thanks for counting me in there!) maybe the board is the safest place to be.
pinky... do i know you by a longer name from elswhere? a buddy of itallion stallion???
Could it be Brittany Murphy? When I heard DVD cover, I thought Little Black Book and that movie with her and Dakota Fanning.
ReplyDeleteYouda Bess, how do you know your guess is correct?
ReplyDeleteent seems to like laura prepon... she's starting a new series, or just ended one.
ReplyDeletei have always confused her with alicia witt, who was in cybill shepard's series (true story... only time i got a backstage pass for anything, i passed her on the steps. she was dressed to the nines, for what is an EXTREMELY casual event. even the backstage stuff.
i just keep going back to our girl having a role written for her, but the execs want the tv girl.
would somebody please just put me out of my misery????
THIS chocolate bunny is starting to melt. been a long day, and i'm missing "the riches".
hasta manana!
-la coneja (lordy, i hope i got that right)
LOL...I'll bet Angelyne-ish does think that she's been working in a deli too long each time some erudite jackass must be told three times that it's too bad...they should have taken the quiet table when they had the chance.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, quite charming. Whoever you are, you sound like a hoot!
ZX I love your blogging. I love to see inside the world of a up and coming actress. Good luck!
ReplyDeletePinky, I don't think I've ever done the message board thing. I mostly just visit the posts when I'm at work and I enjoy trying to see just how much ENT can stand before he bans me. ;)
ReplyDeleteThe Grouchy Anons - I could really care less. Its fun having someone to bitch at.
First, I am not trying to cause controversy here. The last thing I want is to read more nasty comments back and forth between y'all.
ReplyDeleteBut I don't understand why someone who guesses this is a fake writer or two writers or an experiment or whatever is automatically shot down by some of the other posters. Why can't that be a vaild guess for that poster? I think having that point of view is something else to think about regarding ZX.
A few people say they know who it is, why are they taken more seriously than someone who thinks that it's two people or whatever?
Plus I don't understand the ugliness of an anonymous post. I don't post often - I have only posted a couple of times on this site (and not yet on this thread) so I just go with anonymous. I enjoy seeing what other people are thinking about ZX or the blind items but I don't always have something to say.
Does this makes me a troll? I don't know exaclty what that means - but if so then I guess I am an ugly troll - so be it.
But my point of all this is - why can't we all just guess what we want without fear of being shot down or called ugly names? When someone guesses an actress incorrectly you other posters are much more considerate than when someone guesses this as a fake or game or whatever.
I'm just trying to understand the logic of it all and trying to figure out the game of playing along with ZX (whether she be real or fake) and the blind items.
If you feel the need to rip me apart for my questions or my point of view or for being a troll - then enjoy yourself - I'm a big girl I can take it. I'm just trying to figure out how some of you are thinking on this site because I do enjoy coming here and seeing what y'all have to say.
Thanks - Anon
how about Mandy Moore... age fits...
ReplyDeleteHere’s a dissertation on the Why-Hate-Anons questions:
ReplyDelete1) Why are those who guess “Fake!” or “It’s two people!” disliked around here? Many of these guesses are condemned because of belligerence. There is an unspoken BI-answer form from which we all seem to have moved away:
"I think it is So-&-So. Here are my reasons: *list of reasons*"
I feel that most people who say that ZX or Ent is fake would be more highly respected here if they posted as such:
"I think it is fake. Here are my reasons: *list of reason*."
Instead, we get a haughty ninny ninny you guys are gullible lol man what idiots stop guessing guys it's fake! from a lot of our nay-sayers.
2) Why do we keep guessing after all the Anons tell us the blog is fake? It is not that we don't value the contributions of everyone that is willing to put a little thought into it. But, even if ZX or Ent is fake (which I don't happen to believe), this blog is just fun! If our ZX is not the real actress we have guessed her to be, she was at least written with a particular person in mind. It is the same with all the BIs. It is fun to guess who the subject of the BI is to see if you can figure out the clues, even if they are just the product of someone's imagination.
3) Why do others Anonbash? Anons have a bad reputation now. Some are quite helpful. I think it all started when the comments section turned into a personal attack section. When did Hez become such a target for hatred? I left town for a week and, when I came back, the SantaCop debacle was well under way. Hez has quick wits and a sharp tongue. Maybe I’ve just missed it, but I’ve never seen her throw a first punch. I have been quietly around here since November (ZX has brought me out of my shell) and I appreciate the effort she puts into her guesswork.
Individual Anons can also pretend to be several different people in order to amass a little army of detractors – this is one of those worst case scenarios, but it is possible. Those of us who use names have an extra accountability; everything we say here goes back to the same identity. I have a Blogger/Google account, but choose not to use that name here (no one said I had to link my work and private life to this addiction of mine). However, I always use the same name when posting to keep one identity within the EntWorld.
I don’t hate Anons – I hate Anons that don’t offer anything to the discussion. Even if you disagree, tell us why.
Youda Bess:
ReplyDeleteIf you really know it, I'm glad you're not saying because I am still trying to guess...
I have just one question....has ZX been guessed?
6:23 & 7:41 I have to say you're both right & wrong. I have read many non-belligerent comments with reasonsable theories saying why they believed something or someone is fake. Then again I have also read many nasty posts from both sides with very personal nasty attacks. There's no high moral right from having a name & then posting nasty belligerent comments because you disagree.
ReplyDeleteHi - thanks hedda and ladorabelle for both of your posts. I do see where some "fake" posts have not been so angrily targeted. It just seemed so nasty on this thread. By anons and named people alike.
ReplyDeleteBut I have seen a lot of times where people anon bash for no real reason (from my perception) and I guess I understand it a little more more.
It seems crazy that I've been online for over 10 years and I still don't understand all this stuff. But I appreciate the candor and I appreciate you not thinking I'm an idiot. : )
Thanks, Anon 6:23
Hi - okay for someone who never posted that much before I am certainly breaking myself in pretty well. I guess I should think up a name and stop being Anon 6:23. In case anyone is still reading or cares - I AM NOT A TROLL. For some reason I thought a troll was just someone who lurks and reads and doesn't post. I found a definition online and I am proud that I am not a troll.
ReplyDeleteIn case anyone is as clueless as I was here's what I found:
"In the context of the Internet, a troll is a person who makes inflammatory or comments, which by effect or design cause disruptions in discourse, or a post made by such a person. Trolling can be described as a breaching experiment, which, because of the use of an alternate persona, allows for normal social boundaries and rules of etiquette to be tested or otherwise broken, without serious consequences."
Okay - I am done now. Thanks again - this has been fun. : )
Anon 6:23
Amanda Seyfried?
ReplyDeleteLadorabelle - BRAVO! you can't see me right now, but I'm giving you a standing ovation. Thank you, truly well said.
ReplyDeleteBrendalove - wasn't trying to push you to the board, just ascertain IF you could get there. I'm a Libra, my karmic job is PI - this is why I don't have a boyfriend.
Hedda - I think you'll find if you have a dissenting vote and you have a 'name,' none of the 'regulars' will bash you. They're kind people.
Bunny - I have no other monickers. Wish I did, sounds like we'd be having fun.
Youda, thanks for the props, but I'm embarrased to say no research was done on behalf of my Christina Ricci Q. You said there were clues, I thought that was one of them. Whoops ;) And thanks for all the work you put into trying to lead us in the right direction -you've brought a nice flashy spark to the game! So, can we play twenty questions? And can we start with Mary Mac's - "Has ZX been guessed in the comments?"
ohhhhh 20 questions - please - I want to play too - :)
ReplyDeletedammit, i wanna make some decent guesses, but nothing i find fits or they've already been guessed! hmm..Seyfried looks like she's still doing a little 'Big Love' work and is in pre-pro for a movie and does not have several others coming out, so I'm thinking no.
ReplyDeleteI randomly thought Mila Kunis, now i'm lol at myself, cause the only reason was that someone mentioned Laura Prepon-who doesn't seem to fit either- so I looked at 70's show.
I thought Stiles lives in NY? It doesn't seem like her to me.
YOUDA question: you said next to Ali Larter that ZX could be a 'special friend'. what does that mean? is it a Heroes reference-as they are 'special'? What about Nora Zehetner? she's pretty off the radar as far as that goes, I don't know that she had a 'break out' movie sort of thing, but she's got a few things in 2007 and prob isn't going to be in Heroes any more, so would be looking for work and doing read throughs etc...
BUT, it sounds as though ZX's pop lives in SoCal, so...gah! I've really got nothing... =)
Oh, and though I don't comment often, I have before if you really wanna look. I'm not some random lurker and don't want to be in the bashing hoopla. I'm just having fun w/ BIs and Ent's comments a la Hollywood.
Howdy Rachel! And welcome to our little cesspool away from work. ;)
ReplyDeleteRachel - please keep coming and guessing - sometimes we all lose focus on what hooked us on this Blog in the first place - the BIs and guesses!!
ReplyDeleteI did the same thing yesterday and looked up a TON of actresses but each one I looked up I ended up crossing off the list and Im no closer to figuring it out!! ;-(
howdy back atcha!
ReplyDeleteFurther comments:Also, the Pretty woman reference excited me, I loved that scene.
I LOVE the 'neato poquito' sensor piece, awesome, bravo to the artist. as if they'll see this! ha
I'm just jealous she was at Burning Man, I'm too much of a youngin', and from the midwest.. they don't do much of that sort of thing here.
and goodgod, i need a cesspool away from work, it's boring as hell here! =)
ladorabelle, you've done us all a service with your comments here.
ReplyDeleteI don't think any of us comes here to bash anonymous people we've never met before -- we come here to bash CELEBRITIES!!
It's hard to "pick a fight" with "Anonymous" when there's fifty of them at any given time and no way of knowing if it's the same one who might have been rude yesterday. I try to give Anons the benefit of the doubt, but there are some who abuse the anonymity and use it like a snow fort from which to hide behind and launch personal attacks.
(And thanks for noticing I don't swing first. The provocateurs like to call people out by name, and as mentioned before, that's just logistically tougher to do with Anons than it is the other way around.)
It's very easy to add a name, an initial or as b:) has done, a symbol at the beginning OR THE END of your post to identify yourself. Sure, it doesn't really matter, but imagine you swan around a cocktail party ignoring everyone and refusing to introduce yourself to anyone. How do you imagine you'll be viewed?
Courtesy is appreciated and it will most certainly be returned.
And when the trolls start with their litany of "this is fake" posts, part of the irritation is the patronizing attitude that seems to suggest we're all stupid morons despite our varied backgrounds. Doubt is part of human nature; degrading another's intelligence because they don't share your doubts bespeaks a lack of maturity.
Hey everybody! Two quick comments/answers, then I'm heading over to see what's happening on the message board.
ReplyDeleteQ: "Has ZX been guessed in the comments?"
A.: My mind is probably playing tricks on me, b/c I could've sworn someone threw her name out about 2 weeks ago (without supplying any reasons for the guess), but now I don't see it... Either way, though, she has definitely NOT been guessed/named in any of the comments this week.
One other thing: In my previous (lengthy) post, I gave a clue that could help you immediately eliminate a TON of potential ZX's...(That is, IF you're willing to get on IMDB/do a little research... If NOT, then pls don't bother asking me anymore Q's!)
For the rest of you, I'm going to make yesterday's clue a bit more emphatic/specific this time:
"Christina Ricci and ZX are not all that similar "looks-wise" OR "career-wise," but if you'd asked if they were similar (ahem)..."age-wise".. I'd have to say YES... VERY similar. As in, they don't share a birthday, but (if they'd attended the same school) they would've tossed their graduation caps up in the air at the same time."
Got it? Good. ;-) ... Now I'm off to the message board/forum area!
From Youda's first post: One last tip: A gal doesn't have to be foreign-born (or raised) to throw out an unusual turn-of-phrase now & then, you know...
ReplyDeleteInteresting, "Now & Then" was a film staring Christina Ricci. Thora Birch was in it, and Gaby Hoffman. But Gaby doesn't have anything oscar-worthy on the horizon, and Thora - well, hasn't she been the subject of a BI or two? Can't recall...old...
Okay - what about Kristen Bell - born same year as Ricci, done different work like TV and Broadway - would be somewhat of a teen idol and has some stuff comin out...
ReplyDeleteI'm really thinking hard about the
ReplyDeletelittle girls clutching the DVD
covers and peeking through the
Do you think she starred as herself
or did a voice over as a sassy
talking robot or something?
ok, well, if she's the same age as Ricci, then she's my age, so apparently I was wrong and am not too young to have been at burning man.also, I did not realize it is yearly and still goes on, in the Black Rock Desert. huh, go figure. I learned something from an entertainment blog site. = )Of course, I'm sure none of this actually helps our quest for knowledge of who ZX is.
ReplyDeleteI've got it...and I guessed it before...
ReplyDeletewell, thats lovely. thanks for rubbing it in! = ) off to look at your posts! any vague tips on search ideas outside of your posts?
ReplyDeleteOK...I'll play 3 clues with you. If you want the answer, post an e-mail address and I'll send it to you...I'd hate to see anyone suffer as I have had to do...
ReplyDelete1.) It's not anyone I've droned on about, i.e. Zooey Deshanel or Tina Marjorino (I actually do think the post is gone though, possibly because I guessed it, but it was in passing.)
2.) When you find her you will get it immediately by looking at her movie list, some photos and just a little bit of background.
3.) I actually think Christina Ricci was an excellent guess!
Oh...and I'm really excited about her being ZX...I've not known a lot about her at all, but I bet we'll get to know more soon. She's gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteSomeone PLEASE send me the answer. I dont have time to search the net and follow up on clues!
Mary Mac, you can email me via the link on my Blogger profile. Please and thank you!
ReplyDeletewell, so much has happened since I posted on this blog yesterday. Would like to thank youbess (sorry if I got that wrong) went back checked the clues and Voila! I now know who she is. EL you picked a good one. She has worked steadily in this business for years doing television and movies big and small. She is well liked by other actors because she is friendly and I always thought her something of a free spirit. All I will say is that ZX likes to play with her hair color but she is a natural brunette. I won't give up her name because it would ruin it for EL and I won't do that to him or ZX. Someone threw out her name awhile back on the blog. If anybody could pull off that fascinating hairstyle it's definitely ZX.
ReplyDeletemary mac, you can totally email me at mzachary24@yahoo.com before I spend the rest of my life on this.
ReplyDeletealright, i'm getting ridiculous! yes, please mary: rann110@aim.com. thanks
ReplyDeleteI found an interview with ZX and amazingly she most certainly does turn a British sounding phrase or two along the way...
ReplyDeleteYou guys will love ZX but when you hear her name, you might say...now who is that? I recognize the name but....then you look up her profile and you say...oh, I know who that is now...cool!
I can't believe I finally got it!
Mary Mac, Like you I have no patience for looking myself so would you please email me the answer dear? A few times I wondered if it was that gal that played in the Breaking up movie with jennifer and vince, but i am sure i am wrong. cox_dena@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteAs I just wrote on the "Crazydays" message board... It looks like I can retire now. :)
Heh. OF COURSE that's who ZX is. It makes so much sense. That clue about the breakout role is the key.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad people aren't posting the answer here... better to take it to the MB so those who want to guess can still keep going.
yeah, even though Mary clued me in. Its not jumping out at me in the clues and I know i never would have come up w/ the answer myself. thank you for saving my sanity mm.
ReplyDeleteand all i can find is pics from early april as most recent, sooo whats the fascinating new hairdo?! the more recent hair thru me for a bit of a loop, 'cause i still pictured the 1998 hair! haha So, i dont' think that gives too much away. 1998 could be anyone!
eenywho...I'm loving it that you're making it on your own out there ZX, as (posted above) we're of the same age and I'm wanting to move to LA in a year or so, gives me an inkling of hope that perhaps i can do it. Though, not to act! for school instead.
alright alright I'm working i swear!!
How come no one emailed me the answer yet? =(
Hez, can you point me to the clue about the breakout role? I've looked (and looked) and have not been able to find it.
ReplyDeleteBreaker, did you get your answer?
ReplyDeleteSB I felt sure it was one of Ent's original clues about her, but you're right, it's not in that first post.
ReplyDeleteBut as Youda Bess has said, I've known of "ZX" for years, but primarily for one (major) film role a while back.
I have to concur - guess the role, you've guessed the girl. One more BIG hint: it's the title character in the film...
Also, her name has not been in any of Ent's posts in the past. Other than as "ZX," she is not listed as one of the labels, so if your guess is anyone whose name is listed there, you haven't got it yet.
ReplyDeleteNot trying to be cruel or cryptic, just trying to give the guessers a chance...
Thanks for all the hints but I'm no closer. Also spending too much time on this when I need to get on with life stuff. So I've given up...boo hoo. I left a odd little message along with e-mail address on boards.
ReplyDeleteThanks again, sleuthing's been fun plus getting to know the regulars. I'll be still be popping in.
Yayyy! Finally i can relax and enjoy the blog!
ReplyDeleteMaggie Lawson? She was a hit with the tween set with "Model Behavior."
ReplyDeleteWow...you guys who guessed are good :) Would someone who knows PLEASE share with me flbaby_2000@yahoo. TIA
ReplyDeleteThanks, Hez - off to research . . .
ReplyDeleteCheck your mailbox, Tia/SoBeach!
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks to everyone for not spoiling the fun and letting the guessers keep guessing.
I got it!!!! It is Dominque Swain......She was born in Malibu which would make it easy for her to see her father plus on other message boards it states that ZX shares the same birthday DAY with Christina Ricci on the same year.....Both were born in 1980 and both were born on the 12th day of Feb & August.....
ReplyDeleteI think I finally figured it out thanks to the clues left by the message board posters (especially Hez's clues), and Youda's original hints.
ReplyDeletephew. Thanks, all. These items that hang out there drive me to distraction. (Like the pap in the tree waiting for the money pic which I think I figured out, but who knows)
Okay, I've answered about as many questions as I'm going to about ZX for this evening.
ReplyDeleteThe Message Board may confirm or deny some of people's guesses. And there's always tomorrow!
Good work, team!
I'm pretty sure I know who it is but I thought EL said ZX was on talk shows and I don't see that listed on IMDB. Can someone who knows her identity confirm that she hasn't been on any? Please.
ReplyDeleteCan someone email me the answer to:
ReplyDeleteflamingjune1977@hotmail.com ???
My brain hurts from guessing, and I need relief!!
Jeez, I try for at least a week to figure this out and it just so happens -- she shares my b-day(not year)!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDorothy, she hasn't been on any. Thats why I skipped her the first time around because that clue didn't fit. But, I am pretty certain (98%) that I have the right person(and others confirmed it to me) and no talk shows are listed on her imdb.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I'm generally not a person who gives in while on a quest, but I'm glad I caved here...I really don't think I'd have gotten this one.
You're right -- it does all "fit" and she IS gorgeous!
i guess i'll never know. i was dumb enough to post my email on another site, (luckily very few noticed at the time) but they were able to find my website... which i subsequentially (sp?) had to close down, due to multiple postings of some of the scariest porn i'd ever seen.
ReplyDeleteand i don't remember my yahoo mail name.
can somebody send it thru the board to me? same name. bless you!
*put smiley face here*
Not Dominique Swain. She's a drinker. Likes to party like a rock star. ZX does not drink. And when I say drink I mean alcohol for all the morons who might take me to task for that.
After "partying like a rock star" in her teens, DS quit drinking 5 years ago, according to one interview.
ReplyDeleteFrom anon 11:00am
ReplyDeleteNot Dominique Swain. She's a drinker. Likes to party like a rock star. ZX does not drink. And when I say drink I mean alcohol for all the morons who might take me to task for that.
You mean you weren't talking about orange juice????
BTW the moron is YOU!
If you look up DS she quit drinking a few years ago.
Anon 1:01 AM
ReplyDeleteYour sarcasm is lost on the internet. I am referring to a blogger's website who was at the Alpha Dog after party in Feb. 07 who witnessed her doing shots with another actress. Do some more research and quit being an ass. The morons I am referring to are the naysayers who believe this is all fake.