Friday, April 06, 2007

ZX Has A Nighttime Visitor--Or Not

***Update***If you want each ZX post to say something like. "I was doing lines of coke tonight and then got on the phone and called greasy bear so he could come over and f**k me then you are looking in the wrong place. This is her life. Most people don't do what you read about in the tabs. I think her first two posts have revealed a hell of a lot more then you will ever get from some PR crap in People. I explained to you yesterday that it's a process. I also don't want to edit anything because I want it to be her words so you can feel her and not have me try and make it pleasant and presentable. ZX is a real person with real feelings and emotions. She is not some stereotypical celebutante and won't be. If you want instant gratification then go read something else because this is a life being written about and not porn.

the supernatural. or a real live person, (even scarier) so i'm lying in bed last night reading Invisible Monsters and i've locked up- (but i've had real humans successfully break and enter, friends whom I would have shot if i owned a firearm)- and i hear this eery sliding sound coming from upstairs. so i pop out of bed and lock my bedroom door which is really this out of place oaken front door trimmed to fit by my nutty landlord when i kicked through the last one- the knob is at my breasts which is surely not right- and i hop back into bed. i try to read but there are occasional footsteps on the stairs and the clumsy bump into pieces of furniture i think i recognize the sound of bumping into. someone grips the bedroom door and then retreats. i am still in bed contemplating jumping out the window and i silently dial 911 on my cellphone- but i don't press call because i don't want the cops to think i'm a ninny for reporting a ghost. and none of the sounds are really loud and believe me i'm totally paranoid and my senses are completely out of control. i try to shake my dog but she just spoons me in bliss- dirty bitch. i grab my bat and stand in front of the door daring somebody to come in. but nothing happens. so finally i go to sleep only to wake in a blind panic from a dream of my X-boyfriend coming down the stairs wearing only a pink scarf and one of those paperboy hats from the 50's. he honestly looked like an oversized salmon penis but i was terrified. then i woke up feeling better but when i was cleaning my office, the effing sliding glass door was open. i don't think my dog did it although when she gets mad at me, she writes in sharpie on my bed. now, they installed a stoplight in front of my house because a little girl was run over in the 70's. it's only to slow people down, so if you're ever driving by, it's optional. but i've had crazy things happen before- a grandfather clock that has only been broken since 1952 STARTED TICKING but that's nothing to the fact that an armchair from upstairs mysteriously ended up in the middle of my spare bedroom when it DOESN'T REALLY FIT THROUGH THE DOOR. and i was lying abed pooping my diaper the whole time this was going on. so... ghost or creepy crawler like the manson family?


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