Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tom Ford Opening and ZX Later Today

Diddy, Patricia Clarkson(go rent The Station Agent), Julianne Moore and of course the best dressed man in the world, Mr. Tom Ford. I'm already depressed today and when I look at his clothes and then at mine it just gets worse.
Check out the two in the middle with the Zoolander lips.
"Kate, you know you want enty, not Owen." Liv looks scared and if I had Vinny Gallo anywhere near me I would look scared too.

Just more Kate. It's my blog so it could be Kate all day if I wanted.

The only thing positive I can find to say about Chloe Sevigny is that I think nuns would appreciate this modern touch.


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    ZX has to Scarlett Johanson


  2. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Gallo is sexy!!!

  3. Anonymous10:24 AM

    My comment to the gentlemen with the Zoolander lips....

    "Do you want to touch my monkey???"

  4. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Tom Ford is sharp in that suit.

    PDiddy always wears sunglasses!! How tacky.

    Kate looks great!!!

  5. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I'll take two pictures of Kate over one of Fishsticks any day. Thank you, Ent, for not ruining my day with the self-satisfied smarm of GyPtro.

  6. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I have no clue who Chloe what's her name is, nor have I ever seen a movie, tv show, commercial or music video with her in it. I have seen pics of her on several other blogs and now I gotta ask is she transgendered?

  7. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Chloe is the new Ms. Hathaway!

    imdb on chloe, but the 2 movies I associate her with are Kids and American Psycho.

  8. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Sorry, bow ties only work on Pee-Wee.

    But can they do a Magnum?

  9. Anonymous10:31 AM

    GALLO is extraordinary handsome and incredible sexy ... !!! and Sevigney is a fashion icon. ETL you have very bad taste ;)
