Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Today's Blind Items and A Blind Item Revealed

So, Samantha wasn't happy that I said bad things about Star. I told her I was going to say nice things later. It turns out she does send me the advance stories for the new issue and one of them is the answer to a blind item.

April 3, 2007

This film actress is known more for having a great body rather than a great body of work. She finally got smart last year and it looked as if she was going to be single again. Why not? He was acting single and she wanted to be. But, alas, she got sucked back in again. Now they are one big happy family again despite the fact that he hasn't changed. No doubt we will see this cycle repeat over the next year.

Now, the answer as Star writes it

Have Shannon Elizabeth, 33, and her husband, actor Joe Reitman, 38, put their divorce on hold? Maybe! The couple who have been locked in a bitter two-year battle, “have become close again,” says a source. Shannon is thrilled because “she’s missed Joe,” adds another source. Someone who might not be as happy: Joe’s current girlfriend, pro-poker player Annie Duke, whose rep insists she’s still dating him!

Now, for a new one.

So, this B list movie actor from a Top 20 2006 movie is A list to all of his fans except in one regard. Our actor has the most annoying girlfriend on the face of the earth. Seems this actor and girlfriend are regulars at a juice bar chain on S. Beverly. Well the girlfriend is just kind of obnoxious when she is with our actor, but it's a different story when she comes in alone. When she comes in alone, she's always on her cell phone, name dropping until there are no more names to drop. She talks about this party and that party and shopping she did and is going to do. She also orders drinks that aren't even on the menu but hushes the counter staff with a hand when they try and explain and goes back to her phone call. When she FINALLY gets off the phone and they tell her they don't have that drink, she does the "Don't you know who my boyfriend is?" Yes, they know who your boyfriend is, and they like him. What they don't like is you or the way you back up the line, your obnoxious laugh, your fake hair and breasts and the fact that you have no life.


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