Monday, April 30, 2007

Seeking Scripts

As you know I've tried to make this blog different from all of the other celebrity blogs that exist. Whether it be blind items, my friends, my clients or ZX, I'm always trying something new. Sometime in the next six weeks or so, ZX and I will be announcing something which I hope will be special and also allow readers from all over the world to participate in something truly unique. Prior to the announcement, ZX will reveal herself. She mentioned something about doing it while skydiving. I mentioned to her that they must have weight limits for parachutes, but she insists that I will be safe. Uh huh.

Anyway, over the months I have received about thirty e-mails from people who want to know if I will read their script or if I know someone who will, etc. I will be getting back to those people in the next few days, but also wanted to give anyone else who reads this a chance to participate as well.

E-mail me the following:

1. A 2-3 page synopsis of your script.
2. Include an approximate number of setups, scenes, and characters.
3. Preference will be given to those scripts which involve a woman in her 20's as its central character.
4. Preference will be given to scripts which can be shot on a reduced budget.
5. Because of the side letter agreement, ZX and I will be using as part of the WGA Basic Agreement, the script must be finished. This is NOT a development deal. It MAY be possible that one rewrite will be allowed but preference will be given to scripts which are completed.
6. If you have not done so, please register your script with the WGA. (you don't have to be a member)
7. E-mail me at


  1. dammit, makes me wish i would have actually written the screenplay i wanted to back in the day. yeah, i never got much past the opening scene =)

  2. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Hey there everybody!

    ZX you want to write a script together?

  3. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I'm suddenly getting the feeling that this whole blog was created just for ZX and this special event.

    Either that, or I've been reading too many posts from the skeptics :)

    I'll stay tuned either way...

  4. Anonymous1:02 PM

    imcshe I agree, a wee bit heavy handed.

  5. Anonymous3:26 PM


  6. will zx do nude scenes?

  7. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Wait a minute, what's going on? Are we having a screeenwriting contest?

    Ent - can you tell us what the deadline is for entry?


  8. Anonymous9:07 PM

    ... I should just go ahead and send you my life story. Now THAT would make for some interesting viewing. Haven't got it written down tho... ;p

  9. Anonymous4:39 AM

    this seems.... sketchy. oh no, i've always been a believer, but this seems like it's taking advatange of whomever sends in their scripts.... gosh, i don't know what to think, but it's a little disheartening. seriously, it sounds like this/zx was planned from day one. if i'm wrong, then enty just came off like a typical hwood ahole, instead of his usual charming self. i still believe, but i'm shaking my head

  10. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Beyond sketchy and into surreal. Now I know where all the "three card monte" bettors in NYC come from: those of you who still "believe" that this site ISN'T a scam.

  11. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Wow & this is supposed to be a "lawyer"? So ethical & classy it must be real huh? For all of you that would even consider submitting original works, I hope you will take the time and care to check out this site - and then go to the WGA site itself. This post is really total bulls**t!

  12. Anonymous1:40 PM

    For someone who's supposed to be a lawyer, this makes absolutely no sense. In particular, No. 5 is about as "fantasy lawyer" legalese as it gets. This was not written by a lawyer, nor even a first year law student.

    NJ shark

  13. Anonymous9:46 PM

    To follow NJ shark's comment, a week or two ago (on a Friday, I think) Ent "LAWYER" made the STATEMENT "First Lady is living in a hotel because George is drinking again." Really? A laywer with 30+ years of experience (let alone anoyone who graduated law school and passed the bar) would make a declarative statement about the President of the United States without personal knowledge of the facts? This is not a "personal story", like those of the past; it is merely a link. Would it have been any less impactful had Ent "LAWYER" said "According to Ted..."? Yes, I forgot... There is a tiny little disclaimer at the bottom of the page.

    That being said, I enjoy this site and continue to read, even if it is written by a non-attorney. I read it for fun (and will continue to), not for any inside knowledge into hollywood. I am just curious why some of us are so adamantly vitriolic against anyone who dares to doubt the obvious stature of our glorious "ent"?

    -"Ent" ARCH

  14. Anonymous10:39 PM

    while my treatment is so far out of date, i wouldn't consider entering it, but i once DID write one, back in the very late 70s, when rumor had it that a new star trek TV show might be coming out.
    of course, we all know the course star trek has taken over the years, but that's not my point. there are many ways to protect your work. obviously finding an agent is one... the simplest one i read, if you want to enter this "contest", yet protect your rights to said treatment is:
    mail a copy of your treatment, and each subsequent re-write you yourself. upon receipt, DO NOT OPEN IT!
    put those puppies in a safety deposit box as is. the postmark will prove the date and the closed seal and deposit box will keep it safe.
    i don't know if it works, but it sure makes sense.

    would that still work, ent?

