Monday, April 30, 2007

NY Post Blind Items

#1 WHICH handsome former boyfriend of a boy-bander has a new, secret fling? While the hunk is out, his new man - a famously single actor - is not .

#2 WHICH studio biggie is in danger of losing his job and his wife? His bosses are unhappy with recent flops and his spouse just found out he's been having an affair with a female underling .

#3 WHICH elegant p.r. man has friends worried? After 25 years of being sober, he decided it would be alright to have an occasional flute of champagne .

#4 WHICH young British actress had a bad reaction to her makeup and broke out in pimples while filming a big-budget costume epic? The special-effects geeks had to remove her spots with their computers.


Anonymous said...

1. Reichen
2. No idea
3. No idea
4. Keira Knightley?

Anonymous said...

# 4 would that be keira? POTC movie but that was done a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

#3 Andre' from US Vogue's "Life with Andre?"

Anonymous said...

1-lance's ex...something reichen
2-don't know, but juicy...
3-paris hilton's old dude, elliot somebody (i'd drink too)
4-kate winslet

Anonymous said...

How is #4 even a blind item? Does anyone seriously care if someone had an allergic reaction to their makeup or not????

Don't really know about the other ones except #1 sounds like Reichen. Any clues on who the famously single actor is?

Anonymous said...

1. Reichen is doing a closeted actor. He must be irristable to get people to risk coming out for a tast of him.
2. The untalented wife cheater should lose everything.
3. He should know better so it serves him right.
4. Definitely Kiera Knightly. I already saw a non-blind item saying that producers had to spend tons of money to get the new POTC digitally fixed to improve her bad skin.

Anonymous said...

Agree with Reichen guess. Famously single to me automatically rings Clooney, but I just can't see those two together.

Anonymous said...

Can someone refresh my memory again as to why exactly Reichen is famous?

He's the female Paris Hilton - famous for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Ken Sunshine and Howard Rubenstein are class acts.

ZX: Hi girl! What about adding some beauty buzz with your journaling? e.g. products,procedures and your experiences.

Enty: Where you at Coachella when the cops raided it Fri? I heard they were after a meth ring.

Anonymous said...

Reichen and Clooney? Can't see them together.

Reichen and Keanu Reeves? Also McConaughey is famously single.

Anonymous said...

clooney is gay?
aren't they all
Kiki was recently watching a actor give an interview for his recent movie Kiki could'nt help but notice how efeminate the actor was in his voice and gestures. Funny said actor recently broke up with longtime also actress girlfriend . But they never really looked like a 'couple' now that you look back .

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't #2 be Diddy? He's been sleeping with that girl from the shitty band he glued together.. plus, Biggie Smalls reference!

Also- duh #1 is Reichen, we should be focusing on who the single actor is..

- MR

Anonymous said...

Its sad when a PR man is listed as a blind item in a celeb gossip blog.

Anonymous said...

"Famously single"... Jake?

Amber said...

I think #4 is Snaggletooth/Kirsten Dunst.. she was in Marie Antoinette.

Anonymous said...

#1 - Reichen and ___ (that's the million $ question)

#2 -- Brad Grey

#3 -- Eliot Mintz

#4 -- sounds like Keira

Anonymous said...

#1 Reichen

#2 P Diddy ("biggie")

#3 ?

#4 Kiera Knightly.

Anonymous said...

#2 is not Diddy. Diddy isn't married.

#4 is not Kirsten Dunst. She is not British.

Anonymous said...

Was thinking about the 'famousy single' bit of #1, and for some reason Wentworth Miller springs to mind. He's very much lusted after and surely has his pick of the bunch, but remains single (I think). Really pleased with myself for thinking of someone no-one else has guessed yet......Probably cos I'm wwwwaaaayyyy off!!


fo real said...

I could not help but notice these exact blinds are on another site I read
under just asking

Anonymous said...

Holla back! Section heading is 'NY Post Blind Items,' thus we can safely assume the source is the New York Post, no?
1. Reichen and ?
2. Hasn't Brad Grey lost enough? Sheesh. Don't really know who this is.
3. Elliot M.
4. Well known/documented that Keira has bad skin - not the Mt. Fuji breakouts like Cameron, but little ones all over.

fo real said...

thanks 11:18 AM
duh moment fo sure!

Anonymous said...

2.Tommy Mattola

Anonymous said...

#1...not Wentworth Miller as he's been ITC gay since he came to America.

ITC=in the closet

Now Clooney...that's a damned good "guess".

Good job.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Phillipe is also famously single now...

Anonymous said...

#2: Nicolas Cage?

Unknown said...

For #1, a famously single actor could be Kevin Spacey??


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