Monday, April 30, 2007

Morning Links

So Princess Beatrice can party just as hard as her cousins. I just want to know what the white stuff is on the side of her face. Does she have a wonky eye or just the oddest way of blinking? Notice the gentleman in the rear with the wide eyes. The very wide eyes. The kind of wide eyes that come when he knows his wife is going to see the photo and wonder wtf he was doing at a club when he said he had to work late.

Bart Simpson will be doing the full monty in The Simpson's movie.

A male escort says he was kidnapped and almost raped by Boy George. Uh huh. Take a look at their photos when you click the link and tell me how it happened again.

The Anna Nicole audio tapes. Coming soon will be the ANS post it notes and even crayon drawings from when she was 5. Later this year will be a book about how to get rich quick by saying you have something that belonged to Anna Nicole.


Stacy said...

WTF is wrong with her face, is it Bell's palsy? Or maybe just too much inbreeding from the wall-eyed, web-toed, hemophiliac fucks called the European monarchy.

Anonymous said...

It's obviously a really bad pic. She's the spit of her Dad.

I don't think she parties like her cousins but then what would I know, I'm not a royalist.

Anonymous said...

It actually looks to me like she is in mid-wink...or very well could be she's LOADED!!!

I actually think the stuff on her face is a reflection from the purse...or it could be BLOW!!!

Anonymous said...

it's definitely a reflection from the purse

Anonymous said...

The Boy George story could prove very juicy...if the guy can prove it by showing the damage to the wall from the hook, he really did call right away and sounds actually credible (except for the fact that he is a 400 pound "model." Yah, right...

Or perhaps he's just making it up to get money???

Boy, I just can't make up my mind on ANYTHING today! :)

Anonymous said...

Boy George was just HORNY, that's all.

Amber said...

Well Boy George did get arrested. Do you think the charges will go through?

Anonymous said...

the white stuff on her face is just her glittery purse shining a reflection onto her face

Anonymous said...

The wonkiest of eyes! Makes Paris look good!

Anonymous said...

on princess bea:

"because that's what happens when cousins marry!"
--eddie izzard



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