Friday, April 06, 2007

Morning Links and ZX Post Later Today

Naomi Watts and Liev Schreiber are going to get married before their baby is born. They say they can't have a big wedding because four months isn't enough time to plan something. Huh? If you've got the money someone else has the time to do it. Why did I just think of Fatherhood right now?

I know. I know. Anyway, LC says there isn't a sex tape. Looks like that Cuban queen messed up big.

"Hi. I'm Paris Hilton. I've slept with every guy in Hollywood and use Valtrex daily. The whole world has seen me naked and watched me get f**ked. I've told the world how much it costs for me to take it up the butt. So, when I meet a fan who actually likes me, I love to call them a whore. It's even nicer when caught on video."

Jennifer Lopez could never be a size zero. No, but her husband is so we wouldn't want to skeletons.


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