Friday, April 13, 2007

Links And ZX Later Today

Britney is everywhere today.

1. US Weekly says Britney should get rid of her boots. They do have a point at least as it relates to the NBA jersey with the boots.
2. Cityrag asks if Britney is bipolar.
3. has some photos they took from flynet of Britney going into a dance studio drinking a Red Bull. Must be a slow news day.
4.popsugar has photos of Britney shopping and what she was wearing prior to shopping and what she was wearing after shopping. They also commented on how she wasn't wearing the boots which probably makes the US Weekly article irrelevant, but will no doubt sell issues.
5.IDLYITW has a two minute video of Britney giggling and they compare her to a teenager.

Mel B gets some DNA from her daughter. I need Maury on this.

Rhianna is getting raunchier. This is according to her and not just an opinion of what I would like to see her do.

Jimmy Kimmel says no one would ever advertise on a blog. Turns out Jimmy advertises on a blog. I'm guessing the blog readers are your only viewers Jimmy so be nice.


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