Monday, April 02, 2007

Kids' Choice Awards

Hilary gets the Damn! Damn! Damn! award. I love her legs. I didn't even know she had them. Of course the commotion behind her with the assistant/publicist/drag queen and the PA kind of ruins it.

Wow. So even though I'm bald I still have a chance with Jessica Alba. Of course I would have to lose 50 pounds, go to the gym, and probably take care of this raging case of herpes. BUT still, a man can dream.

I'm guessing she ain't pregnant.

I think if you right click, it says it all.

I know everyone thinks she's got a big forehead, but I just find something sexy about Rhianna.

Nothing to say. I just like the Run family. Not necessarily the in laws mind you, but this part of the family, I like very much.

Thank you for going back to the straight hair Nia. I love the cleavage but wonder how many kids went bug eyed.

Unless I want a good ass kicking from Ali, I never say anything bad about Hayden.

Wow, a Spears child looking young, fresh, and innocent. Take a picture. Oh good someone did.

You know she can always change clothes before going on stage. I really think Ms. Irwin only owns the one outfit.

I think it's sweet when grandpa and the grand kids dress the same. It makes them easier to find for their medication. "What, that's his wife?" She's just counting the days people. Do you think he even has a clue who Ed Hardy is? He's clutching at her side like Michael Jackson and a Japanese fan's hair. You know if he falls, she ain't going to help him get up. Do you think she eats dinner at 4pm with him every day?

I'm not even going to look to see if there are more Fanning children hiding somewhere. It's kind of like when you saw Caulkin kids everywhere. It really kind of freaks me out.

Emma Roberts. Thank your lucky stars everyday that you don't look like your dad. I just got a vision of Star 80 in my head.


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