Friday, April 13, 2007

Four For Friday

ZX's post reminded me I still have 2 accountant items left. Also, a popbitch one that I wish I had known about but have to confess had not heard it before. It is a good guessing one.

1. This A list actor with a foreign accent has a production company in the US. So he had several deductions for meals and such which are fine, but the restaurants were none the accountant had ever heard of which was really unusual. When he asked the actor about it, the actor said well they aren't really restaurants per se, they are more like social clubs where he could spend time alone with a lady or two or three, some drinks, and a bedroom. To make it easier they put restaurant in their name. There are 365 days in the year. Our actor went 114 times. Nice.

2. This former A list movie actress, now a possible B television queen spent almost $100K on her two dogs last year.

3. This reality show host has always been thought of as straight. Well the last four times he was spotted in public it was always with the same guy who is openly gay.

4. Here is the popbitch one sent in by Amanda because its driving her crazy

This mum's favourite crooner has a reputation as a ladies man, but one male reader got rather friendly with him while cottaging in Sheffield bus station. The young chap asked, "You're taking a bit of a risk, aren't you? The Vegas star's reply? "Who the fuck would believe you if you told them?"


  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    #4 pls not Josh Duhamel. Although it would make sense given the fact that Fergie Ferg looks like a dude.

  2. Anonymous12:51 PM

    #4 - Wayne Newton???

  3. Anonymous12:52 PM

    #4is a crooner(a singer) so can't be Josh Duhamel

  4. Anonymous12:52 PM

    #4 Tom Jones?

  5. Anonymous12:53 PM

    # 4 Wayne Newton or Tom Jones I'm thinking Wayne

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Hugh Jackman for #1. He has a production company - Seed Productions - but I couldn't find its location.

  7. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I think #4 is more likely Tom Jones than Wayne Newton

    For one, the clue is almost screaming that the crooner in question is British (I'll get to that point shortly), plus, since when does Wayne Newton have a ladies man rep, and would anyone REALLY be surprised if he were gay? The only thing is that BI that sounds like Wayne Newton is the Vegas reference.

    On the other hand.....
    "Sheffield" is a town in England and the "young chap" reference I think implies the guy is British ("chap" being a British expression)

    Tom Jones is Welsh (close enough for these purposes), and has a home in England, so being in Sheffield would not "be unusual".

    He's definitely in the category of "mums favourite crooner" (again "mum" is more of a British than American expression). He DEFINITELY has a ladies man rep (middle aged ladies still throw panties at him during his shows) and his career is largely based on his being a masculine/hetero sex symbol, so any suggestion he was gay would not necessarily be believed by his rabid fan base.

    One other thing - he's also quite the Vegas Star - maybe not as big in Vegas as Wayne Newton, but he's big nonetheless.

    Tom Jones sounds like an excellent candidate for #4, but there could be others....

  8. Anonymous1:19 PM

    That, and popbitch is a British newsletter.

  9. Anonymous1:26 PM

    I'd say Ryan Seacrest for #3, but who ever thought of him as straight in the first place?

  10. Anonymous1:27 PM

    #1 can't be Jackman, it says with the 'ladies' and well, he's not about the ladies.

  11. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Oooooh, how about Sean Connery? His production company is called Fountainbridge Films.

  12. I don't think #4 is Wayne Newton b/c doesn't he perform like 50 weeks a year in Vegas? So no time to be in England?

  13. #1 is Hugh Grant all the way. A List, history of paying for nookie.

  14. Anonymous1:32 PM

    #4- rod stewart?

  15. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Trust me, every actor in Hollywood has a production company. Possibilities?

    1. Pierce Brosnan (Irish Dreamtime Productions, or Russell Crowe.

    2. Sally Field (won 2 Oscars and now slumming it on "Brothers & Sisters)

    3. Jeff Probst, host of "Survivor" (ONLY possiblity, b/c every other reality host is perceived as a big ol' homo)

    4. Tom Jones.

  16. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I like the guess, David, but FilmTracker says Simian Films (Hugh and Liz's production company) has 'shuttered' - although it doesn't say when it did so.

  17. Anonymous1:38 PM

    could be anyone for #1
    Hugh Jackman, Hugh Grant, Russel Crowe, Daniel Craig

    #2 guess - Jennifer Aniston
    #3 - Id also say Ryan Seacrest, but does anyone think he's straight?
    #4 - I like the Tom Jones guess


  18. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Seriously guys, Jackman's a twink.

  19. Anonymous1:47 PM

    1. Russell Crowe or Colin Farrell.
    2. Candice Bergen
    3. Jeff Probst
    4. Julio Iglesia

  20. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Man you guys are stupid. #4 is obviously Elton John.

  21. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Cottaging is a gay slang term for having casual sex in a public lavatory (a cottage) or for cruising for sex or picking up sexual partners in public lavatories with the intention of having sex elsewhere. Cottaging in the United Kingdom has been noted as early as 1729.[citation needed] The term may have its roots in the English cant language of polari, or in the fact that many self-contained English toilet blocks have in the past resembled small cottages in their appearance.

    The term 'cottage' used in this sense is predominantly British (a cottage in the general sense being a small, cosy, countryside home), though the term is occasionally used with the same meaning in other parts of the world. In America lavatories used for this purpose are sometimes called tea rooms; in Australia lavatories and other public areas used for this purpose are called beats.

    Cottaging is more common among gay and bisexual men than among lesbians or heterosexuals, but the term can apply to the actions of people of both sexes, and all sexual orientations.

    The term cottaging is rarely used outside gay communities, and usage and awareness of the term may be in decline, as attitudes to homosexuality become more tolerant and fewer individuals

  22. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Elton John doesn't have a rep as a ladies man. He has a rep as a faggot.

  23. Anonymous1:53 PM

    okay isiah

  24. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I think everyone's got em...

    1.) Sean Connery...the old coot!
    2.) Sally Field
    3.) Jeff Probst or the guy from the Bachelor
    4.) Tom Jones is the ultimate ladies man!

  25. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Sheffield is my home town and i doubt anyone there would recognise Wayne Newton. Can't be Elton, what with him being openly gay for about the last 100 years.

    I have heard the odd rumour about Tom Jones, so I think you got it. He was married to the same woman for decades, so he could be cottaging behind her back, or maybe she knows and stayed for the money.

  26. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Elton John doesn't have a rep as a ladies man. He has a rep as a faggot.

    1:51 PM

    Hello progressive love thy neighbour America!

  27. Anonymous2:12 PM

    #1 - Antonio Banderas?

  28. Anonymous2:18 PM

    so antonio for #1. almost makes me like him again.

  29. Anonymous2:20 PM

    boring... dont really care....

  30. Anonymous2:21 PM

    3. Probst

    4. Jones

    Don't care about the second item, but am curious...might there be a clue in the last bit? " There are 365 days in the year. Our actor went 114 times. Nice."

    Also: is everyone having wild orgies but me? These gossip blogs make me feel like a real loser.

  31. Anonymous2:34 PM

    i think #4 is josh groban

  32. Anonymous3:01 PM

    #4=Tom Jones? Who the f cares? That's why I think it's not him.

  33. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Rod Stewart for #4 perhaps.


  34. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Jesus some of you posters either cant friggin read or are just stupid as hell...either way its way annoying to those of us with a damn clue!

    HTF is a blind item about a gay singer gonna be Elton Fuckin John?
    My nana knows hes a pouf.

    HTF does Josh Groban have an accent?

  35. Anonymous3:25 PM

    3:17 Obviously Nana didn't teach you manners or spelling. Tween rudeness should be banned here. I think we're stuck with the stupidity though as HTF has no brilliant guesses.

  36. Anonymous3:27 PM

    I don't think Josh groban is a "vegas star"

  37. Anonymous3:29 PM


    wah wah people said bad words Mommy..grow up one cares.

  38. Anonymous3:30 PM

    #3 - Joe Rogan

  39. Anonymous3:34 PM

    # 3...could be Phil from Amazing Race...although I don't want to really believe that. Ryan Seacrest is another good one.

    #4 Englebert Humperdinck? (I have no idea..I just like to throw wild suggestions out there that no one else does.)

  40. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I hope #3 is not suppossed to be Ryan Seacrest because If you picked up an In Touch a week or so back, you saw a big article called "Is Ryan Gay" with pictures of him hanging out with this guy once or twice (same guy). So, surely ent. is not getting his BI's from In Touch now. If he is, Ted C already all but outed Seacrest back when he was pissed at him for joining E! Too Late.
    To the person who said Jennifer Aniston for two, She was an A list tv actress now she is a b-list movie actress. you had it backwards.

  41. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Agree with Sally Field for #2, although I was also thinking Minnie Driver ('The Riches'). She seems dopey enough to spend 100 grand on dogs. Also, could totally see Sean Connery thinking whoring around is completely reasonable-#1-

  42. Anonymous3:51 PM

    1. Antonio Banderas.

    2. Renee Zellweger

    3. Donald Trump.

    4. Englebert Humperdink.

  43. Anonymous3:58 PM

    1. Enrique Iglesias
    2. Angelina Jolie
    3. Joe Rogan
    4. Celine Dion

  44. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Popbitch is a British newsletter, that's why British slang is used. It doesn't necessarily mean the person in question is British.

    And I can't see a British newsletter referring to Tom Jones as a "Vegas star" - he's just a megastar to them - so I don't think it's him.

    BTW Anonymous 1:07, Welsh isn't "close enough" to British - Welsh IS British.

  45. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Rogan has made some serious threats to people for threatening his heterosexuality, and there would have been some fear or mencia hint in there if it were him.

    Probst has had gay rumors about him since Survivor started. I believe he's married/engaged now, but was always suspected.

    I'm guessing it's going to be Phil from Amazing Race or some cable net thing.

  46. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Wow, I really thought that the Ryan Seacrest guess for #3 was just the best, until I saw...4. Celine Dion ftw!

    It's Friday, and I think people are just being silly now.

  47. bwahahaha! that englebert humperdink guess is priceless!

  48. Anonymous6:08 PM

    3:48 you had the same guess as me. I think #2 could be Minnie driver. She is on that show on FX called The Riches. I always hear her talking about her dog too.

    Hugh Grant sounds good for #1.

    #3 Gay guys are allowed to hang out with straight guys. It doesn't mean they are going to catch the gay. lol

  49. Anonymous6:31 PM

    #3 IS TRUMP

  50. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Maybe #1 is Sacha Baron Cohen? Foreign accent, is he A-list? The "Nice" part screams Borat.

  51. Anonymous11:29 PM

    #1- ralph fiennes
    #2- Geena Davis? commander in chief has finished and it says "possible B".. doomed for bad sitcoms?
    #3- gotta go Jeff Probst, I'm a kiwi like TAR host and he's very well known back here for being a "straight up" family guy.
    #4-siding with tom jones.

  52. Anonymous11:45 PM

    #1 can't be Russell Crowe, he doesn't have a production company. My guess is Ewan McGregor or Hugh Jackman

  53. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I agree that #4 doesn't have to be British - the language could just be a result of being found in a Popbitch.

    Having said that, Barry Mannilow? He was over here not too long ago.

  54. Anonymous1:23 AM

    #4 - Hands up for Manilow?

    Though Tom Jones wouldn't be beyond the point of reason either.

  55. #4 just screams Tom Jones.

    I have no idea on the others, though there seem to be several other good guesses from other commenters.

  56. Anonymous6:29 AM

    1. sean connery is not in good health. it is well known that he had to have stand-ins for his last film, because of his health problem. so i don't think it is him. the best guess would be ralph fiennes since he has been in the news a lot lately for his sexual activities.

    2. minnie driver or sally field.

    3. who cares?

    4. tom jones

  57. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Not Tom Jones, he's not just Vegas, he's international.

    I thought ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK also, so I googled it and low and behold he was in Sheffield in January picking up an Honorary Degree at the University and doing some other work. He's actually described as a romantic crooner in on one site. Sounds like Engelbert might like a bit of Humperdincking with the same team (sorry couldn't resist).

  58. Anonymous10:44 AM

    i would rather it be englebert than tom, allyuk.

  59. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Now *that's* good sleuthing, allyuk!

    I think we have a winner.

  60. Anonymous1:14 PM

    #4 is barry manilow i think

  61. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I saw on another website that #4 is Tony Christie. He has a song called "Ladies Man" and another song called "Las Vegas." He grew up in Sheffield.

    The big question is . . .

    Who the heck is Tony Chrisie?

  62. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I completely agree with Pert+ on Sacha Baron Cohen for #1! You just know that this guy has some twisted, filthy impulses he needs an outlet for.
    #4 is obviously Tom Jones.


  63. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Plus, like someone else mentioned earlier, popbitch is British.

    I googled this Tony Christie guy and he is a big star in England. It has to be him. This BBC article refers to him as a "crooner."

  64. Anonymous7:05 AM

    number 2: Salma Hayek

  65. Regis Philbin is the reality show host who everyone thinks is straight but he is probably a secret flamer

  66. Anonymous12:03 AM

    I believe that Tony Christie has had a few spells in Vegas, too.

    Although don't know about the reputation as a ladies man ....

    Don't want to start that debate again, but Aniston or Minnie Driver "A" list movies???

  67. Anonymous4:29 AM

    #1. Arnie?

    Sounds suitably mysoginistic to be him. Have all you Americans stopped noticing his foreign accent?

  68. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Barry Manilow has been performing shows at the Las Vegas Hilton...

  69. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I don't think Barry Manilow has a reputation as a ladies man, does he?

    I also don't think anyone would be surprised if he were caught with a gent.

    I like the Tony Christie guess.

  70. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Come on, who doesn't know that Manilow is gay?!? That would come as NO surprise to most people...
