Friday, April 06, 2007

Four For Friday

Well today it's back to the accountant's office.

1. This married B list actor on one of those initial shows has a side business. Nothing unusual in that by itself. However this business only has one employee. A woman who is not his wife. In addition, the "office space" is actually a condo. Well if you are going to have an affair, I guess you might as well try and deduct it from your income.

2. This former A list television actor from the 90's has had lots of problems in the past and has been the guess on this blog lots and lots of times. Turns out he's pretty generous. He gave $350,000 to his church last year, and another $100,000 to other charities.

3. This divorced B list actress but A list celeb has her house mortgaged to the hilt. She doesn't have much money coming in from the ex, and not getting much high paying work. There is no more equity in the house and no more money to borrow anywhere. Look for her to be everywhere in the next few months and to do anything to get some money. It's either that or bankruptcy.

4. This A list movie actor who brings in over $10M a film gave exactly $500 to charity in 2006. Happy Easter Mr. Generous.


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