Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Big ZX Post On Friday

So don't want to give too much away about yesterday's adventures with ZX, but there are tons of pictures and enough excitement to make any other Tuesday look like crap. Also, I must have been on my best behavior because ZX only flipped me off twice. Usually it would be more like ten.

A few things not really relevant to ZX but which I noticed yesterday.

1. For those of you who live in LA you may want to avoid looking up from your car as you head north on Fairfax towards Sunset. I looked up to see David Hasselhoff staring down at me from a huge billboard. I literally shook. Turns out he is in The Producers in Vegas. Whose bright idea was that?

2. We decided to meet at the Coffee Bean. Yes, that one. He was huddled in his corner with 4 layers of clothes on beneath a 20 watt light bulb that would make a crypt seem alive. Outside it was 80 and sunburny as you will see later this week, but in the corner it was depressing.

3. So on the patio was a very hot looking woman who was paired with a Johnny Knoxville look-a-like. The woman had a puppy that looked like a rat. The rat needed to go to the bathroom so Johnny put down a NY Times on the ground. The rat decided to go on the patio instead. One man got up to yell at them because he didn't enjoy dog piss pooling around his feet while he was trying to eat.


  1. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Kinda confused as to what we're supposed to make of this - but #2 is totally talking about Perez! Coffee Bean is his "office"

  2. Anonymous11:35 AM

    you're killing me larry.

  3. Anonymous12:01 PM

    EL--if you care to comment. when you first spoke of contacting ZX, you wanted to do so anonymously and through email, so your identity was not revealed to her. as far as i can tell, you didn't address eschewing that previous idea and having her know who you are.

  4. Anonymous12:20 PM

    He did tell us last week that they were going to spend a day together this week and he would take pictures and get info. Or something like that. Or I could have been drunk..... but, I am pretty sure I read that. He said then that he would post it all next (this) Friday.

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Is this post to convince us that you are actually in LA?

  6. Anonymous12:54 PM

    But Ent, you missed the most important part from item #2... how bad did he SMELL??

    And could the person not have brought the doggie inside to pee on HIS leg instead?

  7. Anonymous1:01 PM

    1. Mel Brooks, and the joke's on us.
    2. No, he really is that fat.
    3. >Rolling the eyes< Too lazy to get up and walk the dog? Ya know, it's not hard - if ya can't take care of a pet, don't have one! Sheesh.

  8. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Guys, help me out here. What's Ent insinuating with Perez?

  9. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Wow Hez tell us how you really feel about Perez. lol I'm getting kind of bored with his site his gossip is like non existent now. Paris and his other informants must have stopped giving him the dish.

  10. Anonymous2:23 PM

    enty: You should be happy. Perezzers will be making a lot of lawyer$$$ happy.

    P used to pick on zx quite a bit,right? She must of been rocking the hoodie.If she smiled in his direction he would of recognzed her and blogged about.

  11. Anonymous2:41 PM

    12:48 Yes it is supposed to convince you. Along with the "shoe box" photo. The shoes & receipt would have actually been a better reality prop though. Didn't you buy the whole lonelygirl15 deal?

  12. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Didn't Amanda Bynes just go to "The Office" on Perez's website in the last few days??

    I think it said Amanda and a friend..

  13. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Jackie said:

    Wow the same old naysayers day after day telling us how foolish we are to beleive this...funny you're still here bitchin an moaning.

    Get a life or just get lost.

  14. Anonymous2:51 PM

    i am convinced that ENT's friend who 'stole' his SUV and ZX is the same person.


  15. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Yeah, and the Coffee Bean is on the corner of Fairfax and Sunset.

    GOD I MISS LA! I was staying on Fairfax and Melrose and I walked up to Sunset every night...I would do anything to see that David Hasselhoff bilboard right now...hahaha. One night I walked back down at 3am and almost died when a guy tried to get me into his van and started chasing me down Fairfax. Gah.

  16. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Yes, 2 is Perez. I saw him with my own two eyes today at the Bean and he is sick as a dog, hence the multiple layers of clothes. He is actually quite nice, ZX.

  17. Anonymous7:50 PM

    ZX and AP are definitely two different people.

  18. Anonymous8:49 PM

    I figured Perez can't be too bad the other day when I saw he'd spent time with Jewel. I suppose he has to be extreme on his site to get people riled. I've stopped going there, he takes things too far, especially when he says disgusting things about children...that crosses the line.

  19. Anonymous11:57 PM

    aww poor Perez...hahah

  20. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Hez can be all nasty about Perez cause its her right, but god forbid anyone say anything negative about this place or ent and she gets all defensive.

  21. Anonymous8:40 AM

    David Hasselhoff in the producers? God, what next with this guy! I haven't seen it on stage yet but hasn't he been in some other musicals? He certainly isn't hurting for work these days but whenever I see him I just want to laugh he's so plastic.


  22. Anonymous8:52 AM

    mograb, tell me about it. i'm a 42 year old woman and i was spanked on the message board for asking questions. and i was sticking up for her too.

    the blind devotion can use some explaining, or is the introspection too much to bear?

  23. Anonymous9:34 AM

    "Doubt & you're out." It's ironic because the controversy sells motto worked for lonelygirl15 & the newly defunct that Hez claimed to read. I believe that this is all a scam/hype/looking for pr deal, whatever you want to call it. But I guess the timing the writers are looking for is not here yet for whatever the end goal is, whether it be pr for a wannabe actor or gossip blogger. I definitely don't see this ever becoming the news that the sites I mentioned became; the fantastical non-scoops along with the culling from other bloggers, authentic writers and the BAD, cutsey "hezlike" style is offensive to those who actually do write/research for a living.

  24. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Perez's "office" is really well known, from Kansas to Katmandu. Lots of celebs & wannabes go in there & the only time he mentions an "it" person is when it's a mutually agreed decision, ie they're not adverse to it, want the mention or something newsworthy. I know there have been plenty of celebs & wannabes who DON'T get a mention for varied reasons. Can you imagine if every Bobby Trendy showed up looking for free PR?
