Beans, Beans, They're Good For Your Heart. The More You Eat Them The More You
want to throw them at the paps. First of all I think Hugh threw the beans simply because they were not Bush's baked beans. He wanted them to roll that beautiful bean footage and they didn't. Hence, the throwing of the beans, and the subsequent arrest. It appears that Hugh has a normal delivery for throwing beans. In the future, he may want to switch from the Glad plastic container to a true Tupperware container for greater heft and its ability to inflict greater damage on a human. In addition, I think he will find the Tupperware would make for an easier cleanup. Should he just not want to clean-up and instead just inflict as much harm as possible, then I would suggest a corning ware dish or even dare I say it. Glass. Lots of damage to the pap, and because it will no doubt shatter into many pieces many of which would embed themselves in said pap. The remaining material and beans would be left in the street for a public sanitation official to remove. No personal dish washing necessary. He may throw like a man, but he kicks like a wee little girl.