Monday, April 30, 2007

The Air I Breathe Premiere

Speaking of whipped. No, seriously, they look happy and they both look great.
Can a picture be a cliche?
Who doesn't love Brendan Fraser? Check out that pink lining to the jacket also.

Kevin Bacon looks, ummmm, ummmm, fit?


  1. I can't put my finger on it, but FPjr looks WRONG in this pic. Andy Garcia needs a haircut.

  2. Anonymous1:34 PM

    it's all down to SMG - before Buffy ended, Spike vamped her (off-screen) & now she's sucking Freddie's blood every night.
    Or, you know, he's totally whipped...;-)

  3. Anonymous1:36 PM

    WTF is up with Fraser's hair?

  4. I think SMG has had some scary face work done...and not a good job at it...

    Take a look at this:

  5. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Thanks for posting the pic of SMG and FPjr. I saw a few pics from the same event and FPjr had his mouth closed in every one... I thought he rotted his teeth.

  6. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Man, I want Garcia add some some weight, then he and Lovitz can do a Master Thespian movie.

  7. Anonymous5:49 PM

    i Like brendon.

    i wonder, can keven bacon be 6 degrees from himself?
